Shut it the fuck down

Hey guys your hero Fauci is NOT following his own mask order!:lol: This covid-19 is such a joke! I haven't worn the mask once since the outbreak! In my town no one listening to the little weasel most people understand this is a poltical statement. Because Biden is such a pathetic candiate that you guys know can't win in a fair election, so you have to steal it with mail in ballot haha! Mail in ballots should be highly illegal! I mean lets face it creepy joe can't even finish an inverview because of his Alzheimer mushey brain!

Fuck your Neo Liberal fear mongering thread! Classical Liberals are cool, Neo Liberals are tards!
This is BS he was supposed to be the one guy who you could trust. He has to know all eyes are on him.

I don’t like 98 year old people being added to the covid list. Cmon man.
Hey guys your hero Fauci is NOT following his own mask order!:lol: This covid-19 is such a joke! I haven't worn the mask once since the outbreak! In my town no one listening to the little weasel most people understand this is a poltical statement. Because Biden is such a pathetic candiate that you guys know can't win in a fair election, so you have to steal it with mail in ballot haha! Mail in ballots should be highly illegal! I mean lets face it creepy joe can't even finish an inverview because of his Alzheimer mushey brain!

Fuck your Neo Liberal fear mongering thread! Classical Liberals are cool, Neo Liberals are tards!
I'm a classic and a classy liberal and you are full of fucking shit. You're just a racist who can't stomach Trump any more and are coming to your fucking senses in confusion. Cognitive dissonance is a fucking bitch! Covid bitch slap ya back to reality? Mother nature stomping hard?
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Hey guys your hero Fauci is NOT following his own mask order!:lol: This covid-19 is such a joke! I haven't worn the mask once since the outbreak! In my town no one listening to the little weasel most people understand this is a poltical statement. Because Biden is such a pathetic candiate that you guys know can't win in a fair election, so you have to steal it with mail in ballot haha! Mail in ballots should be highly illegal! I mean lets face it creepy joe can't even finish an inverview because of his Alzheimer mushey brain!

Fuck your Neo Liberal fear mongering thread! Classical Liberals are cool, Neo Liberals are tards!
Ahahahahahaha, this fucking tard!!!!!!!!
"I didn't wear a mask and I didn't get it"
Probably because you live in some hick ass, little redneck honky tonk town sit down and stfu! :)
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Hey guys your hero Fauci is NOT following his own mask order!:lol: This covid-19 is such a joke! I haven't worn the mask once since the outbreak! In my town no one listening to the little weasel most people understand this is a poltical statement. Because Biden is such a pathetic candiate that you guys know can't win in a fair election, so you have to steal it with mail in ballot haha! Mail in ballots should be highly illegal! I mean lets face it creepy joe can't even finish an inverview because of his Alzheimer mushey brain!

Fuck your Neo Liberal fear mongering thread! Classical Liberals are cool, Neo Liberals are tards!
Go vote in your tractor pussy

* This is an open letter to America’s decision makers, on behalf of health professionals across the country. We'll update the list regularly with signatures. If you're a health professional and want to add your name, you can do so here

Dear decision makers,

Hit the reset button.

Of all the nations in the world, we’ve had the most deaths from COVID-19. At the same time, we’re in the midst of “reopening our economy,” exposing more and more people to coronavirus and watching numbers of cases -- and deaths -- skyrocket.

In March, people went home and stayed there for weeks, to keep themselves and their neighbors safe. You didn’t use the time to set us up to defeat the virus. And then you started to reopen anyway, and too quickly.

Right now we are on a path to lose more than 200,000 American lives by November 1st. Yet, in many states people can drink in bars, get a haircut, eat inside a restaurant, get a tattoo, get a massage, and do myriad other normal, pleasant, but non-essential activities.

Get our priorities straight.

More than 117,000 Americans had died of COVID-19 by mid-June. If our response had been as effective as Germany’s, estimates show that we would have had only 36,000 COVID-19 deaths in that period in the United States. If our response had been as effective as South Korea, Australia, or Singapore’s, fewer than 2,000 Americans would have died. We could have prevented 99% of those COVID-19 deaths. But we didn’t.

The best thing for the nation is not to reopen as quickly as possible, it’s to save as many lives as possible. And reopening before suppressing the virus isn’t going to help the economy. Economists have gone on record saying that the only way to “restore the economy is to address the pandemic itself,” pointing out that until we find a way to boost testing and develop and distribute a vaccine, open or not, people will not be in the mood to participate.

Listen to the experts.

Public health professionals have made clear that even after we’ve contained the virus by staying at home, in order to reopen American cities and towns safely, we will need:

-- Enough daily testing capacity to test everyone with flu-like symptoms plus anyone they have been in close contact with over the last 2 weeks (at least 10 additional tests per symptomatic person). We currently have only 35% of the testing capacity we need to meet that threshold. The more people get sick, the more testing is required.

-- A workforce of contact tracers large enough to trace all current cases. That’s 210,000 more contact tracers than we had in April, but the number keeps going up as infections rise. Most states are far short of the number of contact tracers they need.

In addition, we need more personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep essential workers like health professionals, emergency responders, and grocery store clerks safe.

Shut it down now, and start over.

Non-essential businesses should be closed. Restaurant service should be limited to take-out. People should stay home, going out only to get food and medicine or to exercise and get fresh air. Masks should be mandatory in all situations, indoors and outdoors, where we interact with others.

We need that protocol in place until case numbers recede to a level at which we have the capacity to effectively test and trace. Then, and only then, we can try a little more opening, one small step at a time.

You should bar non-essential interstate travel. When people travel freely between states, the good numbers in one state can go bad quickly.

If you don’t take these actions, the consequences will be measured in widespread suffering and death.

We need you to lead.

Hey guys your hero Fauci is NOT following his own mask order!:lol: This covid-19 is such a joke! I haven't worn the mask once since the outbreak! In my town no one listening to the little weasel most people understand this is a poltical statement. Because Biden is such a pathetic candiate that you guys know can't win in a fair election, so you have to steal it with mail in ballot haha! Mail in ballots should be highly illegal! I mean lets face it creepy joe can't even finish an inverview because of his Alzheimer mushey brain!

Fuck your Neo Liberal fear mongering thread! Classical Liberals are cool, Neo Liberals are tards!
masks are patriotic and the virus is a hoax

* This is an open letter to America’s decision makers, on behalf of health professionals across the country. We'll update the list regularly with signatures. If you're a health professional and want to add your name, you can do so here

Dear decision makers,

Hit the reset button.

Of all the nations in the world, we’ve had the most deaths from COVID-19. At the same time, we’re in the midst of “reopening our economy,” exposing more and more people to coronavirus and watching numbers of cases -- and deaths -- skyrocket.

In March, people went home and stayed there for weeks, to keep themselves and their neighbors safe. You didn’t use the time to set us up to defeat the virus. And then you started to reopen anyway, and too quickly.

Right now we are on a path to lose more than 200,000 American lives by November 1st. Yet, in many states people can drink in bars, get a haircut, eat inside a restaurant, get a tattoo, get a massage, and do myriad other normal, pleasant, but non-essential activities.

Get our priorities straight.

More than 117,000 Americans had died of COVID-19 by mid-June. If our response had been as effective as Germany’s, estimates show that we would have had only 36,000 COVID-19 deaths in that period in the United States. If our response had been as effective as South Korea, Australia, or Singapore’s, fewer than 2,000 Americans would have died. We could have prevented 99% of those COVID-19 deaths. But we didn’t.

The best thing for the nation is not to reopen as quickly as possible, it’s to save as many lives as possible. And reopening before suppressing the virus isn’t going to help the economy. Economists have gone on record saying that the only way to “restore the economy is to address the pandemic itself,” pointing out that until we find a way to boost testing and develop and distribute a vaccine, open or not, people will not be in the mood to participate.

Listen to the experts.

Public health professionals have made clear that even after we’ve contained the virus by staying at home, in order to reopen American cities and towns safely, we will need:

-- Enough daily testing capacity to test everyone with flu-like symptoms plus anyone they have been in close contact with over the last 2 weeks (at least 10 additional tests per symptomatic person). We currently have only 35% of the testing capacity we need to meet that threshold. The more people get sick, the more testing is required.

-- A workforce of contact tracers large enough to trace all current cases. That’s 210,000 more contact tracers than we had in April, but the number keeps going up as infections rise. Most states are far short of the number of contact tracers they need.

In addition, we need more personal protective equipment (PPE) to keep essential workers like health professionals, emergency responders, and grocery store clerks safe.

Shut it down now, and start over.

Non-essential businesses should be closed. Restaurant service should be limited to take-out. People should stay home, going out only to get food and medicine or to exercise and get fresh air. Masks should be mandatory in all situations, indoors and outdoors, where we interact with others.

We need that protocol in place until case numbers recede to a level at which we have the capacity to effectively test and trace. Then, and only then, we can try a little more opening, one small step at a time.

You should bar non-essential interstate travel. When people travel freely between states, the good numbers in one state can go bad quickly.

If you don’t take these actions, the consequences will be measured in widespread suffering and death.

We need you to lead.

Haha yeah trust Fauci who flip flopped on how effective the mask was for covid19!!! Yeah lets bankrupt all Americans and destroy the whole economy over the flu virus! :clap: Lets listen to conflict of interest scientist that getting paid millions of dollars to spread the propaganda. Lets take covid19 vaccines that skipped the animal trials! Lets NOT listen to Independent doctors who are losing their medical licenses for speaking out against the mask. Lets just ignore all the scientist and doctors who have NO conflict of interest.

Why are you even here in America? China supports all of what you want. Go live there bitch! Do you happen to have any affiliations with Antifa or the open world society? How much Georgie boy paying you to spread this filth? How much of tool are you really?

Haha yeah trust Fauci who flip flopped on how effective the mask was for covid19!!! Yeah lets bankrupt all Americans and destroy the whole economy over the flu virus! :clap: Lets listen to conflict of interest scientist that getting paid millions of dollars to spread the propaganda. Lets take covid19 vaccines that skipped the animal trials! Lets NOT listen to Independent doctors who are losing their medical licenses for speaking out against the mask. Lets just ignore all the scientist and doctors who have NO conflict of interest.

Why are you even here in America? China supports all of what you want. Go live there bitch! Do you happen to have any affiliations with Antifa or the open world society? How much Georgie boy paying you to spread this filth? How much of tool are you really?

bongsmilie that's right..let it out..let it all out.
You might get into Canada as a refugee, I might sponsor James but they might not let him in, looking as he does in his avatar, he'll need some charm schooling too...:D

Lol, I've looked there too! Brings back great memories. I grew up in MT and once 18, made many weekend trips across the border to have a few drinks and hustle the men at pool, ha! Def a possibility.

I'm a sucker for the beach tho... I'm likely getting lost on a deserted island.. or something like that
Lol, I've looked there too! Brings back great memories. I grew up in MT and once 18, made many weekend trips across the border to have a few drinks and hustle the men at pool, ha! Def a possibility.

I'm a sucker for the beach tho... I'm likely getting lost on a deserted island.. or something like that
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia myself, I'm the resident Canadian troll around here, if Russians can, so can I, fuck em!

How screwed is Donald? I don't think you'll be moving so my pool money is safe! :D

Bodhidharma at your service madam.
Road To 270: A Look At The 2020 General Election Poll Average | MTP Daily | MSNBC
Lol, I've looked there too! Brings back great memories. I grew up in MT and once 18, made many weekend trips across the border to have a few drinks and hustle the men at pool, ha! Def a possibility.

I'm a sucker for the beach tho... I'm likely getting lost on a deserted island.. or something like that
PS Don't mind the trolls, any bother you, just holler
Lol, I've looked there too! Brings back great memories. I grew up in MT and once 18, made many weekend trips across the border to have a few drinks and hustle the men at pool, ha! Def a possibility.

I'm a sucker for the beach tho... I'm likely getting lost on a deserted island.. or something like that
PPS: Just quote my username in the text for troll responses, it will be like repeating Beetlejuice three times, only for them. ;)

Haha yeah trust Fauci who flip flopped on how effective the mask was for covid19!!! Yeah lets bankrupt all Americans and destroy the whole economy over the flu virus! :clap: Lets listen to conflict of interest scientist that getting paid millions of dollars to spread the propaganda. Lets take covid19 vaccines that skipped the animal trials! Lets NOT listen to Independent doctors who are losing their medical licenses for speaking out against the mask. Lets just ignore all the scientist and doctors who have NO conflict of interest.

Why are you even here in America? China supports all of what you want. Go live there bitch! Do you happen to have any affiliations with Antifa or the open world society? How much Georgie boy paying you to spread this filth? How much of tool are you really?
youre retarded and we're all still voting for biden while laughing at you even harder.
Hey guys your hero Fauci is NOT following his own mask order!:lol: This covid-19 is such a joke! I haven't worn the mask once since the outbreak! In my town no one listening to the little weasel most people understand this is a poltical statement. Because Biden is such a pathetic candiate that you guys know can't win in a fair election, so you have to steal it with mail in ballot haha! Mail in ballots should be highly illegal! I mean lets face it creepy joe can't even finish an inverview because of his Alzheimer mushey brain!

Fuck your Neo Liberal fear mongering thread! Classical Liberals are cool, Neo Liberals are tards!

I'm not even a liberal. I grew up in a family of die hard Catholic Republicans on a ranch in the middle of nowhere where we worked our asses off and got nothing for free. I think for myself, based on a mixture of facts and my own life experiences. I don't claim either party because both sides are shitty politicians and overflowing with hypocrites. They're to busy fighting each other to do any damn good for us. I'm a patriot who wants what's best, for everyone!

You're so full of hate you can't even make valid points, and clearly have no common sense. Joe's got my vote. He may have alzheimer's too, but I believe his VP & cabinet can carry the load better than trumps. I wish JoJo jumped in the race sooner, I think she really had a chance vs these 2 bozos. The only thing I know, is trump is certain failure. We will be lucky to survive another term with him, and I'm not talking about covid..
citation is necessary.
LOL, for what, my opinion?
Anyway, they had an open letter from health professionals basically saying the protests are OK — if that’s what you need a citation for.

Looks to me like political motivations are determining which public gatherings are OK. If you agree with the doctors about defunding the police, then you’re all clear to hold mass gatherings, apparently.

This totally undermines their credibility. Either we should social distance and “stay home, stay safe,” or we should not. Political beliefs should not come into play when advising people on infectious diseases. This type of letter just fuels the fire of people who think it’s a hoax.

By the way, if they do abolish prisons and the police, we’re just going to have people take the law into their own hands. Why wouldn’t they, if there would be no repercussions?