Shut it the fuck down

I'm not even a liberal. I grew up in a family of die hard Catholic Republicans on a ranch in the middle of nowhere where we worked our asses off and got nothing for free. I think for myself, based on a mixture of facts and my own life experiences. I don't claim either party because both sides are shitty politicians and overflowing with hypocrites. They're to busy fighting each other to do any damn good for us. I'm a patriot who wants what's best, for everyone!

You're so full of hate you can't even make valid points, and clearly have no common sense. Joe's got my vote. He may have alzheimer's too, but I believe his VP & cabinet can carry the load better than trumps. I wish JoJo jumped in the race sooner, I think she really had a chance vs these 2 bozos. The only thing I know, is trump is certain failure. We will be lucky to survive another term with him, and I'm not talking about covid..

obama is in washington.
get this shit the fuck out of here.
That’s some lightning quick knee-jerk reaction there, LOL. Does this mean I should not be allowed to state the simple fact that I am not a Trump supporter or coronavirus denier?

I actually don’t think it’s a good idea to have any public gatherings, including schools or protests. My only point is that it’s ludicrous to say the protests are OK but schools are not.

Of course, telling me to “get this shit the fuck out of here” is a really well thought-out response, so it’s hard to argue with it. Your point is obviously very incisive, judging from the “likes” it received. I guess I have no choice but to actually get the fuck out of here, since the level of discourse is above my head and I’m clearly outmatched.
Not everything is black and white. Why can’t we stay open and wear masks? If masks were so helpful and mandatory now, why can’t we stay open and wear masks?
I suppose there are degrees of “staying open” and different circumstances where masks are more effective than others.

Screaming at the police while gushing bodily fluids from tear gas doesn’t seem likely to be controlled by a face mask. Likewise, trying to keep a classroom of kindergartners to wear them without interruption is likely an exercise in futility.
Cape Breton, Nova Scotia myself, I'm the resident Canadian troll around here, if Russians can, so can I, fuck em!

How screwed is Donald? I don't think you'll be moving so my pool money is safe! :D

Bodhidharma at your service madam.
Road To 270: A Look At The 2020 General Election Poll Average | MTP Daily | MSNBC

Hahaha, as much as I love me some pool money, I love America more so I hope you're right. I was unsure a few months back, but he's def screwed himself at this point.

PS Don't mind the trolls, any bother you, just holler

:grin: Thank ya, appreciate. I've been a troll slayer since birth but always nice to have backup!
LOL, for what, my opinion?
Anyway, they had an open letter from health professionals basically saying the protests are OK — if that’s what you need a citation for.

Looks to me like political motivations are determining which public gatherings are OK. If you agree with the doctors about defunding the police, then you’re all clear to hold mass gatherings, apparently.

This totally undermines their credibility. Either we should social distance and “stay home, stay safe,” or we should not. Political beliefs should not come into play when advising people on infectious diseases. This type of letter just fuels the fire of people who think it’s a hoax.

By the way, if they do abolish prisons and the police, we’re just going to have people take the law into their own hands. Why wouldn’t they, if there would be no repercussions?
I haven't heard that the masked mass protests outside in the sunlight of june caused much of rise in infections, many were monitoring it and they'd show by now. No masks and indoor airborne spread seems to be the biggest culpert. Too bad the CDC is muzzled, that's what ya paid them for etc.
You do understand a protest by definition is not a government sanctioned event right? They are not a political party (unlike the Tea Party).

How did the kook-aid taste?

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If you’re referring to the “kook-aid” of Trump worship, I have not partaken. It is telling, however, that you assume that I must be a Trump supporter simply because I don’t fully comply with the left-wing group think.

Of course the protests aren’t government sanctioned — except those that are. In my area, they recently canceled the 4th of July celebration while approving a permit for an anti-police protest.

But even those protests that aren’t government permitted or sanctioned have won the tacit approval of the media as well as outright support from health professionals, which someone asked me to support with a citation but then totally ignored.
I haven't heard that the masked mass protests outside in the sunlight of june caused much of rise in infections, many were monitoring it and they'd show by now. No masks and indoor airborne spread seems to be the biggest culpert. Too bad the CDC is muzzled, that's what ya paid them for etc.
Just because I think the CDC should not be muzzled does not mean I am incapable of also having the opinion that left-wing approval of the protests exposes a huge double standard.
Not everything is black and white. Why can’t we stay open and wear masks? If masks were so helpful and mandatory now, why can’t we stay open and wear masks?

Unfortunately....because people suck. Masks have been mandated in my county for a month. I thought yay, maybe I can walk in a store for the first time in 5 months. Nope. Walked in the store, 8 people inside, and 6 are not wearing masks. Look behind the counter - freaking cashier isn't even wearing a mask.

People don't listen. You're right, not everything is black and white. If people would wear masks and social distance, we could stay open. But they won't. Masks aren't perfect but they mitigate risk. They help. Anything that helps even a little should be utilized.

This covid thing is new and even scientists are puzzled. Everything is changing quickly, of course the data will change. The more studies they do, the more accurate things will get.

People suck.
It seems like both sides of this thread just want to hear themselves talk, basically. There is zero room for nuance of any type.

If you don’t like Trump, that means you de facto have to agree with the protest hype.

And if you don’t buy into the protest hype, that means you must also support Trump, have drank the kook-aid and must get the fuck out.

I’m sure this thread will be studied by political scientists for years, since the debate is clearly highly substantive.
Joe is gonna be writing post dated executive orders like checks after nov3, the post of POTUS is vacant and has been for awhile. Joe might as well start early. After nov3 it won't be lame duck Donald, it will be dead duck Donald and nobody will be taking Donald's orders, his minions will have fled and there will be no transition, if there is no transition the new congress should move to remove Trump on Jan 2 by impeachment and stick in pence for 20 days. You can call him Mike 20/20 in for 20 days and serving 20 years after, promise him early release for good behavior as POTUS and if he appoints Joe's guy for AG, also he has to sign an abortion rights and gay rights bill before the inauguration! ;)

The ultimate humiliation for Trump, early termination, yer fired! He needs some humility, I figure an orange jumpsuit and a ball gag in court would also be useful, but I figure a supermax is the ultimate cure, they will take him out in a body bag, like hundreds of thousands of his victims were put in.

Don't ever burry this cocksucker under the stars and stripes, or there will violence until they put the fucker into the ground. Then his tombstone will have to be made into a fucking urinal so the ground doesn't become saturated from the piss, it will float the fucker right out of the grave like an empty gas tank below the water table. There will be a long line for a long time, to piss on Donald's grave, it will make election day turnout lines in Georgia look short.

I have fun dreaming this shit up, I call it Donald S&M porn for patriots.:D
Joe is gonna be writing post dated executive orders like checks after nov3, the post of POTUS is vacant and has been for awhile. Joe might as well start early. After nov3 it won't be lame duck Donald, it will be dead duck Donald and nobody will be taking Donald's orders, his minions will have fled and there will be no transition, if there is no transition the new congress should move to remove Trump on Jan 2 by impeachment and stick in pence for 20 days. You can call him Mike 20/20 in for 20 days and serving 20 years after, promise him early release for good behavior as POTUS and if he appoints Joe's guy for AG, also he has to sign an abortion rights and gay rights bill before the inauguration! ;)

The ultimate humiliation for Trump, early termination, yer fired! He needs some humility, I figure an orange jumpsuit and a ball gag in court would also be useful, but I figure a supermax is the ultimate cure, they will take him out in a body bag, like hundreds of thousands of his victims were put in.

Don't ever burry this cocksucker under the stars and stripes, or there will violence until they put the fucker into the ground. Then his tombstone will have to be made into a fucking urinal so the ground doesn't become saturated from the piss, it will float the fucker right out of the grave like an empty gas tank below the water table. There will be a long line for a long time, to piss on Donald's grave, it will make election day turnout in Georgia look short.

I have fun dreaming this shit up, I call it Donald S&M porn for patriots.:D
I can’t stand Trump but what you’ve written is wishful thinking. As much as I’d want him to lose the election, the current polls are a snapshot of the current moment and may have very little bearing on early November.

I live out in the sticks and the level of support for Trump is through the roof — higher than in 2016. The polls can’t account for the slave-like devotion that Trump arouses. I’ve never seen anything like it, not even close. Trump could personally grab these guys’ wives by the pussies and they’d beam with pride.
It seems like both sides of this thread just want to hear themselves talk, basically. There is zero room for nuance of any type.

If you don’t like Trump, that means you de facto have to agree with the protest hype.

And if you don’t buy into the protest hype, that means you must also support Trump, have drank the kook-aid and must get the fuck out.

I’m sure this thread will be studied by political scientists for years, since the debate is clearly highly substantive.
You can thank trump for drawing a line right down the middle of the country and forcing people to choose sides. As all great leaders would do :wall:
Just because I think the CDC should not be muzzled does not mean I am incapable of also having the opinion that left-wing approval of the protests exposes a huge double standard.
I follow science myself, too bad republicans don't feel that way and are traitors to the nation along with Trump who is a moron with a professionally assed IQ of 78, and it shows daily I might add. It shows in his son Eric too, the apple doesn't fall far from the fucking tree there!
I can’t stand Trump but what you’ve written is wishful thinking. As much as I’d want him to lose the election, the current polls are a snapshot of the current moment and may have very little bearing on early November.

I live out in the sticks and the level of support for Trump is through the roof — higher than in 2016. The polls can’t account for the slave-like devotion that Trump arouses. I’ve never seen anything like it, not even close. Trump could personally grab these guys’ wives by the pussies and they’d beam with pride.
Just having some fun and giving hope and raising spirits for my American friends and allies. I'm a friendly troll for patriots and Hell for traitors, if the Russians can...
Not everything is black and white. Why can’t we stay open and wear masks? If masks were so helpful and mandatory now, why can’t we stay open and wear masks?
It depends on what is open and the rate of infection in the community, lock down for 4 weeks with isolating cases, or 8 weeks or longer with out. Then when ya crawl out, make fucking sure ya got a mask on and throw shit at those who don't. Give them a can of fucking beans hurled at their forehead, then tell them, when they are on the floor stunned, WEAR A FUCKING MASK ASSHOLE! Now get the fuck out of here until ya get one! Social pressure is also required in serious situations, be a patriot and carry can goods today! :D
LOL, for what, my opinion?
Anyway, they had an open letter from health professionals basically saying the protests are OK — if that’s what you need a citation for.

Looks to me like political motivations are determining which public gatherings are OK. If you agree with the doctors about defunding the police, then you’re all clear to hold mass gatherings, apparently.

This totally undermines their credibility. Either we should social distance and “stay home, stay safe,” or we should not. Political beliefs should not come into play when advising people on infectious diseases. This type of letter just fuels the fire of people who think it’s a hoax.

By the way, if they do abolish prisons and the police, we’re just going to have people take the law into their own hands. Why wouldn’t they, if there would be no repercussions?
no one significant wants to abolish the police and there’s no evidence of protest related spikes in covid

Only took 18 words to debunk your bullshit
So no room for any thoughtful conversation eh? Too bad.
Hey were both liberals, I'm a liberal and you're a liberal, if you are a patriot that is?
The constitution of the USA is the quintessential liberal document, especially the bill of rights, Liberalism is an ongoing process of social and political change that is bottom up driven and top down implemented, the US revolution is a good example of this. The seeds of imperial and colonial destruction were in it's very cradle as liberal ideas spread in the US and europe, as the empires containing the virus of freedom spread with them, constitutions, legislatures courts and laws, this is liberalism, economic ideology is pretty much up for grabs, though we tend to go left, with humanity.

Here is the short definition from wiki

Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, ...

But you signed on for liberty and the ride ain't over yet, multiculturalism is coming too, infact, it's already here, it means toleration is not enough, people must form communities, refusal to do so means ya got issues, not the world. Here is the minister of Defense of Canada, a Sikh, a happy warrior, who is a military combat veteran too. Got any uniforms in America like that? or happy people to fill them? Multiculturalism, it's not like you have any choice at all, forget it, the world has arrived and the genie cannot be stuffed back in the bottle, America will become a bilingual country in 10 years, hispanics are not immigrants, they were absorbed along with spanish territory, they have linguistic, cultural, human and historic rights.

Like I said ya signed up for liberty and that will include everybody, the ride to freedom for all ain't over yet, Liberalism. BTW I'm a card carrying Liberal and a member of the same party as the guy in the pic, he's a liberal too.

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