Skunk seeds just germinated from the mid 1980's - 35 years old!!!

Op never said if the growers who passes the seeds down were indoor or outdoor. I hope to see some budding soon.
I just learned that the seeds were a combination of both indoor and outdoor and came from California. They were all collected from discarded marijuana bags over a period of six years, from 1985 to 1991 and had been stored in a glass mason jar in the freezer ever since. I was hoping for all skunk, but right now only one smells like skunk, and the rest like cat piss.
I just learned that the seeds were a combination of both indoor and outdoor and came from California. They were all collected from discarded marijuana bags over a period of six years, from 1985 to 1991 and had been stored in a glass mason jar in the freezer ever since. I was hoping for all skunk, but right now only one smells like skunk, and the rest like cat piss.
I'll take one of each
A word of advice, the smallest, shittiest one could be your favorite. I'd get clones of each and shelf them until you are absolutely sure which you like. Don't be afraid to take 5-10 clones of each and give them to people. Your growing style might express different terps than others, so that is always good to know when choosing a pheno. I hope you get something great!
Are you suggesting that males will grow seeds and will turn the females into more males? I don’t think that’s how it works, they will pollinate the females and the buds will have seeds in them. Still perfectly good smokable bud, just pick the seeds out like everyone did in the good ol’ days. Have your Mom explain the birds and bees one more time, and rethink giving advise when you have no clue what your talking about please, it confuses people.

Edit: And to the OP keep us posted on the Skunk. We’ve all seen the same post a hundred times so excuse some of the skepticism, if it’s real deal 80’s skunk let them males make seeds however they want, and take a clone or two hundred from the females before those dirty males change them.
Took the words right outta my mouth. Thanks for explaining.
I just learned that the seeds were a combination of both indoor and outdoor and came from California. They were all collected from discarded marijuana bags over a period of six years, from 1985 to 1991 and had been stored in a glass mason jar in the freezer ever since. I was hoping for all skunk, but right now only one smells like skunk, and the rest like cat piss.
I'd just keep any males, regardless, pollenate all the females, regardless.
Then you'll have a bunch of seed to search through.
I'd just seed it all.
And you should still get phenotypes in the pool, similar to the parents, or lineage.
Might get some good plants.
If you can be bothered, separate the seeds from each female, keep them that way.

I'd be tempted myself, to just keep it all in one big pool, keep selecting and seeding, aim for inbred seed.
Call it "Skunk".
But that's just me.

Don't think it's too late yet, to take cuttings, either.
Worth a shot.

Good luck finding it. Will be watching. :weed:
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Here's a few pics showing some with skinny leaves (sativa) and fat leaves (indica) on them right now. I'm hoping someone can maybe identify these who grew skunk back then. Also looking for some direction so I can save these old strains. Thanks.
Anything with an unpleasant odour seems to be labelled Skunk.
I'm not really sure it was ever different. Just a term to describe Cannabis that smelled to high heaven.
That's what I've always been told and choose to believe.
To me there's more than one "Skunky" smell.
From piss, shit, skunk and bad BO, to more pleasant smells like stale beer or hops.

Without knowing what the seeds are, I'd treat them all the same.
Try to hang onto what you have.
Take some cuttings.
Chuck some pollen, make some seed.

If you get some good plants in the resulting seed, hunt for more, aim for inbred seed.
More than anything, just have fun with it, lol.
But seeds would be a good way of trying to preserve what you have, besides cuttings.
Worth the hassle for the potential reward.
Any idea if it is from nevils stock or the usa nl 5 ?

So long story short. I had a cousin who at the time moved back to my area after living in Cali for a few years, He had a friend send him a couple of oz via mail that he called NL5. At the time it was probably some of the best weed I had smoked up until then and was lucky enough to find a couple of bag seeds from what we got. We had always until that point just called the good weed "kind bud". So this was really the first time I had heard the name northern lights. Thats pretty much what spured me to start growing back then. Lucky enough I had males and females on my first grow and pollinated enough to get a good bunch of seeds which I continued to grow for the next 4 or 5 years( having spot pollinated here and there with the same plants). So move forward about 30 years (haha) I start growing again (my seeds were long gone as I had quit even smoking for several years) and I'm talking to one of my best friends from back then and even now and he tells me he has some old seeds from way back in the day that he had held on to since then. So he sents me a picture of two groups of seeds. 25 normal looking green seeds and then 25 more seeds of tiger stiped large seeds which in my mind are unmistakeable. Bear in mind he was never a seed saver so there must have been a reason he saved those particular seeds. After digging into my memory I figured out that I was growing those first plants around 1993 on. So without knowing for sure I am almost positive those tiger striped ones are some of my old NL seeds. I can't imagine any other way he would have hung on to those. I'm even exited to pop some of those green seeds as well because they must have also been some "kind bud" from that era. So really the only thing I can say is that I'm pretty sure theres NL5 in that bunch but would have no idea where they origibally came from. We will find out for my next grow if in fact they match the profile. Those tiger stripes sure do have me excited though.
So long story short. I had a cousin who at the time moved back to my area after living in Cali for a few years, He had a friend send him a couple of oz via mail that he called NL5. At the time it was probably some of the best weed I had smoked up until then and was lucky enough to find a couple of bag seeds from what we got. We had always until that point just called the good weed "kind bud". So this was really the first time I had heard the name northern lights. Thats pretty much what spured me to start growing back then. Lucky enough I had males and females on my first grow and pollinated enough to get a good bunch of seeds which I continued to grow for the next 4 or 5 years( having spot pollinated here and there with the same plants). So move forward about 30 years (haha) I start growing again (my seeds were long gone as I had quit even smoking for several years) and I'm talking to one of my best friends from back then and even now and he tells me he has some old seeds from way back in the day that he had held on to since then. So he sents me a picture of two groups of seeds. 25 normal looking green seeds and then 25 more seeds of tiger stiped large seeds which in my mind are unmistakeable. Bear in mind he was never a seed saver so there must have been a reason he saved those particular seeds. After digging into my memory I figured out that I was growing those first plants around 1993 on. So without knowing for sure I am almost positive those tiger striped ones are some of my old NL seeds. I can't imagine any other way he would have hung on to those. I'm even exited to pop some of those green seeds as well because they must have also been some "kind bud" from that era. So really the only thing I can say is that I'm pretty sure theres NL5 in that bunch but would have no idea where they origibally came from. We will find out for my next grow if in fact they match the profile. Those tiger stripes sure do have me excited though.
Please share your adventures with us? I have a soft spot for people who have a story to their grow, and that's a damn good one!

@SkunkSkunkSkunk any updates on the crop?
They dont look like sk#1 but could be festers skunk, some look like hybrids of it. You'll be able to know more when in later flower stages. Would be cool to see a picture of all of the plants so a clearer picture of what they are can be seen.
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