Smile And Orange Bud in Waterfarm ! 600w 4x4 (1st grow)


Well-Known Member
U could go ahead and flip those to 12/12 on Sunday then if u wanted too. Oriah might have more experience though but I would say 2 plants 4 weeks veg should fill that screen.


Well-Known Member
Nice ! I was really going for another week of vegging... I would of had a big space problem. Let`s see what Oriah thinks about this but thanks for the advice.


Well-Known Member
Just a little question about turning them. I run on 18/6 of light. From 7 am to 1 am. So when I turn them to 12/12 I want them to run from 1pm to 1am. So I turn the light off at 1am and bring it back on at 1pm the next day giving them 36 hours of darkness before the flowering period. Is that correct or am I giving them too much darkness ?


Well-Known Member
i guess im is that 36 hrs and not 12? unless you want to give them an extra day in the dark. Ether way, wont hurt. Some people do this to get them "into" flower faster (could be what your talking about, haha).

edit: oh i get it, the NEXT day, haha.


Well-Known Member
So the 36 hours is a good thing ? Or you never saw a difference between giving them a extra 24h of darkness and just switching them to flower right away ? And Oriah you think turning them on sunday is a good idea or should I give them a few more days ?


Well-Known Member
hey marv i know u have checked out my grow so think of it this way. the screen for my vk is exactly half the size of your screen and i veg'd her for 4 weeks then put on the screen and flipped to 12/12 it is looking pretty nice in there but i could have gone a few days longer before flipping to really fill the screen up, its your call.

the hard part is none of us really know what your strain will do. so u should really just go with your gut. i would feel terrible if you flipped because i said too and then it didnt fill out so i am just saying look at other people's scrogs. how big they are and how long they veg'd for, how full there screens got etc and try to have a good guess.

whatever happens u will have the experience under your belt next time round


Well-Known Member
Oriah : I have a 3 1/2 x 3 1/2 divided in two section of 1 3/4 x 3 1/2
Forgetiwashere : you are absolutly right ! I've seen a lot of scrog, but can't seem to find someone who scrogged smile or orange bud... But I'll see how big they are on sunday and go with my guts. I know they need to grow a bit more before I turn them. As always thanks for your precious advice.


Well-Known Member
i looked into your strains a little, i didnt delve too deep but from what i read neither one is going to go crazy on you with stretch, probably double in size, they are both fairly compact indica dominant strains so you should be all good i doubt u will have too much trouble.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like good advice forgetiwashere. Ya marv, i was asking about the height you have above your screen, before you hit the light. Because you said you would have a space problem, im assuming you ment because of height issues. Like i said though, i personally try shoot for about 8-12" above the screen as finial stretch height, that way you can get some big colas going on. Which in that case, if you have say 2.5' above your screen, before the bulb, your golden. From here, it looks like to have filled maybe 1/3 of each screen? If they're indica dom, like forgetiwashere said, say 2x stretch.... But remember that 2x stretch is distributed among alot more branches the most folks, simply because your scrog'n. So ya, go with your gut. Fill that screen to where ever feels right, be it 1/2 or 3/4. And learn what she will do. So much guessing is involved this time, that its just too hard to say.


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll let her fill the screen till about 2/3 them turn her. As for the scrogging I was weaving all the stems along the screen but should I let all the small growth go through or weave them too since there still is some vegging time ?


Well-Known Member
almost at the 4 week of vegetative state ! I guess they both took the screen pretty well ! the only thing is I can't get my humidity higher then 30%.... well never got it over 40% to start with. They just drink a loooooot of water and I had to lower the nutrient to 600ppm to be sure they take some. Otherwise everything is well and I think if I continue like this I might just hit the 1 lbs on my first grow, first hydroponic, first scrog with only two plants. (hey fates makes you live) If you look closely you'll see I already have about 8 heads popping out of the screen for the smile and about 14 for the orange bud ! and that is just the beginning ! Plus I'm constructing a new cabinet this week end. A 2x3x5 with a 250w lamp and a 4 inch inline fan to cool it. I'm going to be running 2 amnesia 12/12 from seed in 2 waterfarms in there. As soon as I get the orange bud and the smile out of the 4x4 I'll put the 2 amnesia in. Since they take about 12-14 week to flower it should be perfect, give them a slow start and then a big finish with the last 6 to 8 weeks under the 600w. As I was saying flowering is 12 to 14 weeks so if I grow them 12/12 from seed I expect them to take about 14-16 week total maybe even more. And after that my big project is coming to life ! anyway enjoy and keep on checking on me its only because of you guys I got this far !



Well-Known Member
IMO, I think your humidity is great. I try hard to keep my humidity low. Keeps away all kinds of bad shit, plus in flower i feel like it makes ur buds frostier. Looking great marv. just make sure you let them tell you what they want ppm wise.


Well-Known Member
thanks :) (By the way I just re-read the thread and I never answered your question, real sorry about that, I have about 4 feet over the screen without my air colled reflector.) Otherwise I have a talk about their needs everyday with the two ladies and they reward me for being a good father I guess.

I just got my hands on some nice Ice cream and going to get baked and watch a documentary or something. Last night I saw a thing about some russian hacker that made is business jump 1000% in profit thanks to spamming. I was considering using that for mine haha !


Well-Known Member
So they keep on growing except they don't drink any more nutrient... I've been giving them water for the last 5 days and that seems to be enough for them. Drinking almost 1 galleon per day each... I guess its because my humidity level is so low... (30%). Otherwise I think I'll be turning real soon now. Maybe in 2 or 3 days. I feel she can still grow a bit more to fill the screen then its flowering time !

