Snowden is now a Russian citizen

The federal gov't. is a criminal organization and is pretty much owned by the people that make federal reserve notes and trick people into using them.

I could and would kick Steven Seagal's ass, but the little bitch won't fight me, afraid I'll mess up his beard dye, no doubt.

I have to say that you and I are not always in agreement but this feels like a Party.

My guy was Obama and yet he was cool with serious violation.

Our Republic is in so much flux and yet we must try and ride the waves. I thought to say Surf but there is dual meaning so I abandoned that.
What's with all the hate and slander? I thought Snowden was a government whistleblower of epoch proportions? I must be missing something, i kinda thought he was the good guy? Julian Asange, too, until i found out he's a pervert to a criminal degree.

So please provide links and sources for your opinion.
Let us understand that we are in some kind of turbulence of Left and Right in our American Republic.

Do we surrender to a singularity of Authority if so your Donald Trump is your new George Washington
So without getting all cucky and personal, why is Snowden the BAD guy?

Real answers. Let's hear it.

A court ruling says otherwise
Your response jumped to an overly general conclusion. It went from Snowden to a larger embedded value judgment.

Also, whether he exposed illegal gov’t activity is not germane to the point: the fact that he obtained the information by espionage.
I thought he "obtained" the information by doing his general duties? I don't know enough details about this, but very generally what I know: some kid blew the whistle about illegal govt overreach, they sought his detention and he bolted.

My response didn't "jump" to anything. I responded to your "unsupported" claim with "supported" results.
I thought he "obtained" the information by doing his general duties? I don't know enough details about this, but very generally what I know: some kid blew the whistle about illegal govt overreach, they sought his detention and he bolted.

My response didn't "jump" to anything. I responded to your "unsupported" claim with "supported" results.

He bolted with the information first stopping in Hong Kong and then fleeing to Moscow after the Chinese had no more use for him once they obtained the information he had. After arriving in Moscow there is no question that he also provided that information to the Russians. He's no whistleblower he's a traitor.

As for the program that was later deemed illegal that has absolutely nothing to do with an American citizen providing classified information to a foreign government. That's called espionage. Some like to make him out as some kind of hero whistleblower. He's not. He's a damn traitor and if we ever get our hands on him he should be executed for treason.
I thought he "obtained" the information by doing his general duties? I don't know enough details about this, but very generally what I know: some kid blew the whistle about illegal govt overreach, they sought his detention and he bolted.

My response didn't "jump" to anything. I responded to your "unsupported" claim with "supported" results.
attempt to distract from the fact that the response is not relevant. The whistleblowing relied on espionage. I had a similar discussion with Lucky Luke recently; you may wish to study my dissection of very similar fallacious reasoning.
. . .so we're just all supposed to be cool with the government spying on their citizens without cause? Weird flex but OK.
Smuggling data files he stole (with the help of Assange) on those programs he was so concerned about, to China and Putin. Which they have been using to attack our democracy. Of which we only know a small portion of it thanks to the way he leaked it. Months after Putin got his hands on what Snowden stole he just happens to start sending people to America to start making Russian social media personalities and funding companies like Cambridge Analytics open up to funnel them all that data they needed on us to make their mass trolling/brainwashing attack happen.
Smuggling data files he stole (with the help of Assange) on those programs he was so concerned about, to China and Putin. Which they have been using to attack our democracy. Of which we only know a small portion of it thanks to the way he leaked it. Months after Putin got his hands on what Snowden stole he just happens to start sending people to America to start making Russian social media personalities and funding companies like Cambridge Analytics open up to funnel them all that data they needed on us to make their mass trolling/brainwashing attack happen.
Are these claims supported?

As stated, I don't know enough of the details and just sticking to factual based things, if possible.
attempt to distract from the fact that the response is not relevant. The whistleblowing relied on espionage. I had a similar discussion with Lucky Luke recently; you may wish to study my dissection of very similar fallacious reasoning.
If i wish anything, is for you to shorten that goddang sig.