Snowden is now a Russian citizen

Snowden wrote the original software to back up the (WHOLE INTERNET IN REAL TIME) data so it could be used for inelegance purposes.
His work was perverted so that the "Government" could surveillance United States Citizens without just cause in real time without warrant or other legal requirements.
Snowden was what we can call "ADMIN" level because he was contracted to do so and he saw it all.
He snitched on the illegal data surveillance and therefore he had to run.

I do not know what he has had to do except he loves his woman and has lived in Russia rather than a prison cell.
Snowden wrote the original software to back up the (WHOLE INTERNET IN REAL TIME) data so it could be used for inelegance purposes.
His work was perverted so that the "Government" could surveillance United States Citizens without just cause in real time without warrant or other legal requirements.
Snowden was what we can call "ADMIN" level because he was contracted to do so and he saw it all.
He snitched on the illegal data surveillance and therefore he had to run.

I do not know what he has had to do except he loves his woman and has lived in Russia rather than a prison cell.
And handed this capability (and whatever else he smuggled out of the NSA) over the Russian and Chinese governments who are now using it to attack American citizens.

He is not a hero.
Okay give me the guidelines and I will read them.

Read the Guidlines.
Let me ask you a question about your trophy quotes you present to everyone.

2rollingstoned said:

Annie give it a rest. I fail to see where anyone is "defending" you but if that is how you view it then ok. I don't have the heart to pick on a disabled person. Just not my nature.

Take care.

abe supercro said:

I'll ad hominem all over your face bineer, as long as you resort to lying and continue trolling me. You're the dope addict, not me. I DID NOT delete the post u mentioned, yet you lied and just said I did. You clearly are a dildo and should be deeply concerned that I've got your number. Have a wonderful day, ol 'friend'. ;)

abe supercro said:

I identify as black and a jew, but I'm neither, so whatever man...

PopAndSonGrows said:

If i wish anything, is for you to shorten that goddang sig.

Why do you present these thing like trophies of kills you have made?
Are you thinking that people will respect that you attack and kill your opponents and this that gives you standing?
It pleases me that snowden will live the rest of his life in that shithole of a country he now calls home.

You're free to think of me as an idiot but since your wrong on everything else you're most likely wrong about that as well. You should look into a mirror if you want to see a true idiot. That's if you can even stand to look at yourself.

Kids these days...

So you are saying that the Government should be allowed to servalance us without warrant and not adhere to the laws.
Take a controversial position expect controversy
My position is often attacked in other forums but it remains the same
I hate traitors no matter how they try to justify their act
Let the flames begin

So this is now about the rules.

I raise the objection that people are allowed to ridicule others for conversions they think they won in some argument.

Why are they allowed to do such name calling again and again?
Take a controversial position expect controversy
My position is often attacked in other forums but it remains the same
I hate traitors no matter how they try to justify their act
Let the flames begin

So only following orders is a valid point of view for you?
Like Nazis' killing Jews perhaps?
They would have been traitors to refuse to keep quiet about it don't you think?

That is jefferson.
I think some peoples problem here is that they view turning over classified information to British Media and Wikileaks as a whistleblower, it is not it is treason any way you look at it. The NSA has an extensive whistleblower program and all people with a clearance, government or contractor, have been taught exactly what to do if they see something not right. If that fails go to an American media company not a foreign one. In fact if you go to the NSA whistleblower web page they even go over the fact that leaking intel is not whistleblowing but treason. Cut and dry, no arguing about it, he is a traitor.

Well the truth is Snowden is a hero.
Seagal on the other hand is not.

One we say is a traitor and the other we don't.

There actually is no clear answer. He did some things that were good and he did some things that were shitty. Much like every human seems to do. In order to say that he's a hero, or that he's a piece of shit, you'd have to overlook one half of him. We do this because we're stupid and lazy and have little ability or interest in sorting out the complications associated with people. Instead, we prefer to view things as a singular. It's much easier, you don't have to think very much, and all you have to sacrifice is being wrong.