Snowden is now a Russian citizen

I think some peoples problem here is that they view turning over classified information to British Media and Wikileaks as a whistleblower, it is not it is treason any way you look at it. The NSA has an extensive whistleblower program and all people with a clearance, government or contractor, have been taught exactly what to do if they see something not right. If that fails go to an American media company not a foreign one. In fact if you go to the NSA whistleblower web page they even go over the fact that leaking intel is not whistleblowing but treason. Cut and dry, no arguing about it, he is a traitor.

This is very much like fat dudes who sit on the couch saying "i woulda ran the ball instead of pass it". Yeah ok, fatty mcgee sure, lol
There actually is no clear answer. He did some things that were good and he did some things that were shitty. Much like every human seems to do. In order to say that he's a hero, or that he's a piece of shit, you'd have to overlook one half of him. We do this because we're stupid and lazy and have little ability or interest in sorting out the complications associated with people. Instead, we prefer to view things as a singular. It's much easier, you don't have to think very much, and all you have to sacrifice is being wrong.
You are most incorrect. He may have done the right thing by exposing the NSA and their data collection practices, but he did it in all the wrong ways. Just because the outcome for most of us is the same does not make it right or justify his actions. He would have been a hero if he had followed the correct protocol but he didn’t, he went and gave US secrets to foreign countries. He had EXTENSIVE training on what to do if he uncovered anything amiss, and he completely ignored that and went to foreign countries instead. Not a hero, not a little ok, a traitor.
Pretty sure we're on the same page. Your second sentence is part of that good/bad mix. The only difference is that, at the very end, you're viewing him in singular just the same, albeit the other side of the coin.
okay the Dog-Pile is on.
It's just me so please feel free to attack.
Look, yer on the wrong side of an issue here. If Snowden wanted to be a whistle blower fine, but when he ran to Russia with American secrets, he became a traitor. Who do you think was paying him in Russia all these years, how did he live? Political asylum is one thing, but they are paying him a salary and have for a long time. Perhaps some of the laws about surveilling American citizens are wrong and need changing, there are many republican traitors like the 10 senators who spent July 4th last year in Russia sucking Putin's ass. How about US politicians can be surveilled much easier than the average citizen? They hold top secret information too, just like government employees. The idea of privacy is a recent thing, 100 years ago your neighbors knew everything about you and 100 years before that they knew even more because people had large families with lots of relatives.

Snowden made his bed, and he has to lay in it, he crossed a line and sold out his country to a hostile foreign power run by a despot who could nuke you at any moment and has recently threatened to on several occasions. You have seen their ugly face in Ukraine and Uncle Sam isn't fucking around with them or with traitors, including Trump. His day is coming, as soon as his usefulness to the democrats during the election is over, he will die in a cage and be removed in a bag.
This is very much like fat dudes who sit on the couch saying "i woulda ran the ball instead of pass it". Yeah ok, fatty mcgee sure, lol
Not even close to the same thing. How is someone selling our nations secrets to the Russians similar in any way to passing a ball or running? Passing or running are two parts of a game, both legal, it’s how the game is played. Turning traitor isn’t a whoops, wrong play. It’s a oh crap I just sold out my own country. If you can’t tell the difference perhaps just turn on the game, it’s about as deep a subject as your likely to understand. And where does fatty McGee come in? You have no point so start trolling, and the best you can do is call people names, and weak baseless ones at that.