So is 24/7 light bad for your plants growth?


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
um. i'm sorry, but i must call you an idiot. cuttings root due to hormones, but need light to do so. roots will grow before the plant grows, and the cuttings will use energy stored in the leaves to produce the root growth. this is why big fans on cuttings go yellow.

if you do your own clones for a few more years, you'll have a better understanding of what i'm talking about ;).
whats your problem asshole :finger: oh and by the way i have roots in 3 days but come out the cube in 6 to 8 days.


Well-Known Member
whats your problem asshole :finger: oh and by the way i have roots in 3 days but come out the cube in 6 to 8 days.
my problem is someone who asks questions and advice on a forum giving bible truth facts and advice to people. my problem is the blind are leading the blind. my problem is that when someone speaks from experience and is truly trying to help, these blind omniscient people tell me i'm wrong, quote advice they read elsewhere, and fluff their e-egos.

i used to give a shit, i used to be nice. not anymore. if you're being stupid, expect to be called on it.

that's my problem, asshole.

and btw, my root times are from the DAY I TRANSPLANT TO VEG. so... time it all you want, mine are getting nutes at 6 days from cutting. who cares, i'm in no competition.

if you read it, don't argue. if you can prove with your own actions that your knowledge is true, then speak up.



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
my problem is someone who asks questions and advice on a forum giving bible truth facts and advice to people. my problem is the blind are leading the blind. my problem is that when someone speaks from experience and is truly trying to help, these blind omniscient people tell me i'm wrong, quote advice they read elsewhere, and fluff their e-egos.

i used to give a shit, i used to be nice. not anymore. if you're being stupid, expect to be called on it.

that's my problem, asshole.

and btw, my root times are from the DAY I TRANSPLANT TO VEG. so... time it all you want, mine are getting nutes at 6 days from cutting. who cares, i'm in no competition.

if you read it, don't argue. if you can prove with your own actions that your knowledge is true, then speak up.

your the one being the ass becuz some one don't agree with you. i put out their my expert experence to all along with lots of picture proff. if you or they choose to run with it thats up to you, your choice, but to call a person an idiot becuz they don't see thing your way because many things differ in growers, well that makes you the idiot. we all no there are so many ways to grow. :hump:


Well-Known Member
your the one being the ass becuz some one don't agree with you. i put out their my expert experence to all along with lots of picture proff. if you or they choose to run with it thats up to you, your choice, but to call a person an idiot becuz they don't see thing your way because many things differ in growers, well that makes you the idiot. we all no there are so many ways to grow. :hump:
i call it like it is. if you want to present a simpleton response and one example (bad one at that) as proof, then i'm going to call you an idiot. after all, stupid is as stupid does ;)


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i call it like it is. if you want to present a simpleton response and one example (bad one at that) as proof, then i'm going to call you an idiot. after all, stupid is as stupid does ;)
oh i have many times. and you got it all wrong bro, its not stupid is as stupid does, its DARE TO BE DIFFRENT :hump:


Well-Known Member
I'll throw some input in here that may help people make up their minds about dark periods. Oldtimer1, who is well known in growing circles and has been doing this shit for a long time, had the following to say:

Oldtimer1 said:
We did a lot of experiments with light times a few years back using known sat and sat dom clone lines.

With Vegging ie under hid lights.

20/4 produced the most sturdy growth and the most bulk. Best final yield, taken as 100%.
22/2 Less of both. yield 88%
18/6 Studier than 22/2 but slightly less bulk. yield 87%
24/0 Much lighter in all aspects than 18/6. Yield 79%
16/8 The weediest plants. yield 67%


For the mum lines we have 20/4 to 12/12 gives the best crop weight and bud quality, really thats all I’m interested in.

If you know anything about this guy, you will realise that when he says "we did a lot of experiments", he wasn't just talking about a few plants. :lol:

24/0 works, as does 18/6, but it seems the optimum dark time is 4 hours, at least for sativas. I have had a possible reason for this explained to me by a guy in the past, but to be honest, the shit he said went way over my head. It sounded convincing enough though. Something about gasses being created and exchanged at night, or some such science-type shit. :dunce:


Well-Known Member
i found this... seems interesting... i stole the post tho..

"This is a direct quote from Ed Rosenthal whom most of you know is a marijuana growing guru:

Marijuana plants photosynthesize as long as they receive light as well as water, air, nutrients and suitable temperature. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use the energy from light (primarily in the blue and red spectrum's) to combine carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and water (H2O) to make sugar while releasing oxygen to the air.

Plants use sugars continuously to fuel metabolic processes (living) as well as for tissue building. The plant combines nitrogen (N) with the sugar to make amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They are the substance of plant tissue. When the light is off, the plant's metabolic processes, respiration and growth, continue.

The plant can photosynthesize continuously so it produces the most energy and growth when the light is on, continuously. Continuous light does not stress the plant, which reacts somewhat mechanistically to it.

Plants under an 18-6 light-dark regimen are producing sugar only three quarters of the time. They are thus growing at only 75% of their potential. Leaving the light on continuously will result in bigger plants, faster, which leads to higher yields."


"The following information is straight from Greg Green's "The Cannabis Grow Bible"

Cannabis is a light demanding plant. Professional growers keep the light on their plants using the 24/0 photoperiod for this reason. Plants that grow under 24/0 flourish and do not need a quantity of darkness in order to rest and perform photosynthesis properly. Plants that are grown in optimal conditions under 24/0 light regime grow vigorusly and the benefits of a 24/0 photoperiod can be seen actively in the results. More nodes are formed, more branches are created, leaf numbers increase, the plant is growing at its finest.

Some growers opt to use 18/6 as their photoperiod. This is 18 hours of light, six hours of darkness light regime. Under these conditions the plant will grow quite naturally but not as vigorously as the 24/0 photoperiod.

The 18/6 photoperiod expels 3/4 the amount of light that a 24/0 photoperiod does. Although this does not mean that a plant produces 1/4 less leaves,branches and nodes under the 18/6 photoperiod, it certainly does show the correlation between light and cannabis growth. As we have said already, cannabis is a light demanding plant. There are no problems associated with 24/0 and although some have attributed cannabis sexual dysfunction (the hermaphrodite conditon) to 18/6 photoperiod these problems are actually the result of heat stress.

A 24/0 photoperiod requires that your grow room temperature be kept well monitored. The 18/6 option is cheaper to run. You use a quarter less electricity and this will have an impact on your electricity bill. Also the 18/6 photoperiod will generally extend the bulb's lifespan. During the 6 hours of darkness the grow room is allowed to cool down for this period but a well maintained good grow room setup should not require a cooling down period.

24/0 and 18/6 both share the same problem though. Once you start the photoperiod you should keep that way especially when the plants near maturity (the preflowering stage). An irregular photoperiod can cause more males than females to develop. It can also cause sexual dysfunction to appear. Whether you choose 24/0 or 18/6 as your vegetative photoperiod try to keep that photoperiod unitl your plants are mature enough to express their sex."


here is a link to GREG GREENS 4th edition grow bible if you want to look yourself...


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
i found this... seems interesting... i stole the post tho..

"This is a direct quote from Ed Rosenthal whom most of you know is a marijuana growing guru:

Marijuana plants photosynthesize as long as they receive light as well as water, air, nutrients and suitable temperature. Photosynthesis is the process in which plants use the energy from light (primarily in the blue and red spectrum's) to combine carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and water (H2O) to make sugar while releasing oxygen to the air.

Plants use sugars continuously to fuel metabolic processes (living) as well as for tissue building. The plant combines nitrogen (N) with the sugar to make amino acids, the building blocks of proteins. They are the substance of plant tissue. When the light is off, the plant's metabolic processes, respiration and growth, continue.

The plant can photosynthesize continuously so it produces the most energy and growth when the light is on, continuously. Continuous light does not stress the plant, which reacts somewhat mechanistically to it.

Plants under an 18-6 light-dark regimen are producing sugar only three quarters of the time. They are thus growing at only 75% of their potential. Leaving the light on continuously will result in bigger plants, faster, which leads to higher yields."


"The following information is straight from Greg Green's "The Cannabis Grow Bible"

Cannabis is a light demanding plant. Professional growers keep the light on their plants using the 24/0 photoperiod for this reason. Plants that grow under 24/0 flourish and do not need a quantity of darkness in order to rest and perform photosynthesis properly. Plants that are grown in optimal conditions under 24/0 light regime grow vigorusly and the benefits of a 24/0 photoperiod can be seen actively in the results. More nodes are formed, more branches are created, leaf numbers increase, the plant is growing at its finest.

Some growers opt to use 18/6 as their photoperiod. This is 18 hours of light, six hours of darkness light regime. Under these conditions the plant will grow quite naturally but not as vigorously as the 24/0 photoperiod.

The 18/6 photoperiod expels 3/4 the amount of light that a 24/0 photoperiod does. Although this does not mean that a plant produces 1/4 less leaves,branches and nodes under the 18/6 photoperiod, it certainly does show the correlation between light and cannabis growth. As we have said already, cannabis is a light demanding plant. There are no problems associated with 24/0 and although some have attributed cannabis sexual dysfunction (the hermaphrodite condition) to 18/6 photoperiod these problems are actually the result of heat stress.

A 24/0 photoperiod requires that your grow room temperature be kept well monitored. The 18/6 option is cheaper to run. You use a quarter less electricity and this will have an impact on your electricity bill. Also the 18/6 photoperiod will generally extend the bulb's lifespan. During the 6 hours of darkness the grow room is allowed to cool down for this period but a well maintained good grow room setup should not require a cooling down period.

24/0 and 18/6 both share the same problem though. Once you start the photoperiod you should keep that way especially when the plants near maturity (the pre flowering stage). An irregular photoperiod can cause more males than females to develop. It can also cause sexual dysfunction to appear. Whether you choose 24/0 or 18/6 as your vegetative photoperiod try to keep that photoperiod until your plants are mature enough to express their sex."


here is a link to GREG GREENS 4th edition grow bible if you want to look yourself...
this is interesting and good, but here's my ? to you. now mind you i grew the same strain, same soil and nuts every ting was the same. on my 2nd grow running 24/0 yes i had a way taller plant 7ft tall and i got just over 5 oz a plant. now on my 4th grow running 18/6 yes my plant did not grow as tall only being 5 1/2 ft tall but now the bush it was and the yield i got off here. 415 grams and these are dry weights. now can u c my argument. all my proof from my experences are on youtube user name growingmeds. :hump::hug::peace:


New Member

Once sprouted, the plant starts vegetative growth. This means the plant will be photosynthesizing as much as possible to grow tall and start many grow tips at each pair of leaves. A grow tip is the part that can be cloned or propagated asexually. They are located at the top of the plant, and every major internode. If you "top" the plant, it then has two grow tips at the top. If you top each of these, you will have 4 grow tips at the top of the plant. (Since it takes time for the plant to heal and recover from the trauma of being pruned, it faster to grow 4 smaller plants and not top them at all. Or grow 2 plants, and "train" them to fill the same space. Most growers find)
All plants have a vegetative stage where they are growing as fast as possible after the plant first germinates from seed. It is possible to grow plants with no dark period, and increase the speed at which they grow by 15-30%. Plants can be grown vegetative indefinitely. It is up to the gardener to decide when to force the plant to flower. A plant can grow from 12" to 12' before being forced to flower, so there is a lot of latitude here for each gardener to manage the garden based on goals and space available.
A solution of 20-20-20 with trace minerals is used for both hydroponic and soil gardening when growing continuously under lights. Miracle Grow Patio or Rapid Grow plant food is good for this. A high P plant food such as Peter's 5-50-17 food is used for blooming and fruiting plants when beginning 12 hour days. Epsom salts (1tsp) should be used in the solution for magnesium and sulfur minerals. Trace minerals are needed too, if your food does not include them. Miracle Grow Patio includes these trace elements, and is highly recommended.
Keep lights on continuously for sprouts, since they require no darkness period like older plants. You will not need a timer unless you want to keep the lamps off during a certain time each day. Try to light the plants for 18 or more hours, or continuously at this point. Bend a young plant's stem back and forth to force it to be very thick and strong. Spindly stems can not support heavy flowering growth. An internal oscillating fan will reduce humidity on the leave's stomata and improve the stem strength as well. The importance of internal air circulation can not be stressed enough. It will excursive the plants and make them grow stronger, while reducing many hazards that could ruin your crop.



Well-Known Member
this is interesting and good, but here's my ? to you. now mind you i grew the same strain, same soil and nuts every ting was the same. on my 2nd grow running 24/0 yes i had a way taller plant 7ft tall and i got just over 5 oz a plant. now on my 4th grow running 18/6 yes my plant did not grow as tall only being 5 1/2 ft tall but now the bush it was and the yield i got off here. 415 grams and these are dry weights. now can u c my argument. all my proof from my experences are on youtube user name growingmeds. :hump::hug::peace:

MG.. ive watched your youtube videos a lot.. i have a great deal of respect for you as a grower!!.. mainly because you dont go by the book... outside the box thinking is what progresses techniques... ie. the first guy to super crop, top, fim, clone.. all these things came from people who "thought outside the box"... you definatly have made me question a lot of what i believed was true, and opened my eyes to some other things as well.. most notably the roots growing in light debate..


what you say is interesting... i honestly am stumped as to why that works out way... i have an idea on it tho... a theory of sorts... i like calling is a theory as im not setting it in stone or claiming it true or anything... and its based off this quote from another grow book by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal..

""The plants grow more slowly with less than 16 hours of artificial light a day, and they may flowers prematurely. Some growers leave the lights on up to 24 hours. A cycle longer than 18 hours, may increase the growth rate, especially if the plants are not saturated with light. A longer cycle is helpful in small gardens, such as under standard four-foot fixtures.""

now this we all know already... it was the high lighted part that got me to thinking... ill state my theory on it... and ill try to explain this as best as i can... so just try to follow me...

Here is my theory - A plant that is "saturated" with light, and growing at its "maximum growing potential", grows better under 18/6, and needs to "rest".. A plant that is not "saturated" with light does not reach its "maximum growing potential" there for does not need the rest..

by saturated i mean the plant is given 100% of the light it can use... basically that the plant COULD NOT use anymore light even if you gave it to her...


ill try my best to explain... and the "what if's" that made me think of this theory, or whatever you wanna call it..

first the what if's.. the main "what if" was-

"what if a plant that receives 100% light, ie the maximum amount of light it can use at any given time, and is growing at 100% its genetic capibility, gets stressed out after so many hours of growth in a 24 hour period"

this would answer your question on why the 18/6 plant produced more than the 24/0 plant... the 24/0 plant could have, if what i said above could be/is at all true, been stressed its entire life creating a smaller harvest... and not stressed like you topped it and super cropped it and fim'd and trimmed a dozen branches off the bottom all at the same time stressed... i mean a little stress everyday over the entire veg cycle.. enough to create a smaller harvest, but not enough to cause a male/hermie..

the other what if has to do with light penetration and stretching.. what if the 18/6 plant stretched more, allowing more light to penetrate the plant, causing more light to be absorbed since more penetration is happening... make sense?? and even if there are fewer nodes in the 18/6 scenario, more light penetration into the plant = more nodes getting more light = larger buds... basically the light penetration would cause the plant to grow larger buds throughout the entire plant instead of just large buds at top and popcorn buds below... make sense there??

ok.. so there are my what ifs... now for the all important analogy...

maybe veg growth is similar to a car engine... heres where you have to follow me...

an engine (high powered HID) in a car (plant) traveling at full speed and top rpms (growing at 100% ability) can run 24/0, but will start losing value and power (stress related things... harvest yield dropping being the main idea for this scenario) due to it getting "beat on".. ie no oil changes, tune, ups, engine rest, ect.. (whatever the hell the plant does during lights out in veg)...
a car (plant) that is does get a chance to "rest" (18/6 cycle) will maintain its value longer (larger ending yield) because it wasn't "beat on" (had time for doing its dark thing)...

now its kinda a bad analogy i know... but the basic idea is there... in this scenario the car that was driven at top speeds without stopping ended up with a lower value, power, ect ect EVEN THOUGH it got me where i was going faster... so this scenario, in a round about way, would be why your 18/6 cycle got a better yield than your 24/0 cycle...

but.. i have an analogy that supports why the 24/0 cycle works for others also..

a car (plant) where the engine isnt pushed to full limits (a smaller HID that doesnt max out the plants full potential growth) can run 24/0 and not need the "engine rest"

in this scenario the engine isnt maxed out or stressed so the car maintains its value while still getting me where im going faster than if it was have rest...

i know these arent great scenarios... and there are flaws in them... and one doesnt really compare to the other... but its all i could think of off hand..

basically i guess it comes down to this... MAYBE plants need rest if you have 100% lighting (plants can not absorb anymore light) and don't need the rest if they dont have "100% lighting"... and to go a step further, if your plants do receive 100% lighting, 24/0 might actually stress your plants which can diminish yields.. that 24/0 works best IF your plants can still process more light than they are given..

i really really really hope this makes sense cause fuck it took a lot to type...

also... IF you think anything i said makes sense, do you think 18/6 or 20/4 is a better schedule?? have to tried 20/4... reason i asks is ive heard little bits here and there about 20/4 being the most optimum schedule but havent heard any actual reports...


Well-Known Member
if 24/7 light was the best,everyone would use it.and there wouldnt be any questions and arguments over it!!?
if 18/6 was the best everyone would use it.....

I like 24/0 and it works for me.

if you like 18/6 or 20/4 and it works for you, BRAVO.

24/0, 20/4, 18/6 all work. try them all, find the way that works best for you & your environment, and be happy.

my 2 cents....



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
MG.. ive watched your youtube videos a lot.. i have a great deal of respect for you as a grower!!.. mainly because you dont go by the book... outside the box thinking is what progresses techniques... ie. the first guy to super crop, top, fim, clone.. all these things came from people who "thought outside the box"... you definatly have made me question a lot of what i believed was true, and opened my eyes to some other things as well.. most notably the roots growing in light debate..


what you say is interesting... i honestly am stumped as to why that works out way... i have an idea on it tho... a theory of sorts... i like calling is a theory as im not setting it in stone or claiming it true or anything... and its based off this quote from another grow book by Mel Frank and Ed Rosenthal..

""The plants grow more slowly with less than 16 hours of artificial light a day, and they may flowers prematurely. Some growers leave the lights on up to 24 hours. A cycle longer than 18 hours, may increase the growth rate, especially if the plants are not saturated with light. A longer cycle is helpful in small gardens, such as under standard four-foot fixtures.""

now this we all know already... it was the high lighted part that got me to thinking... ill state my theory on it... and ill try to explain this as best as i can... so just try to follow me...

Here is my theory - A plant that is "saturated" with light, and growing at its "maximum growing potential", grows better under 18/6, and needs to "rest".. A plant that is not "saturated" with light does not reach its "maximum growing potential" there for does not need the rest..

by saturated i mean the plant is given 100% of the light it can use... basically that the plant COULD NOT use anymore light even if you gave it to her...


ill try my best to explain... and the "what if's" that made me think of this theory, or whatever you wanna call it..

first the what if's.. the main "what if" was-

"what if a plant that receives 100% light, ie the maximum amount of light it can use at any given time, and is growing at 100% its genetic capibility, gets stressed out after so many hours of growth in a 24 hour period"

this would answer your question on why the 18/6 plant produced more than the 24/0 plant... the 24/0 plant could have, if what i said above could be/is at all true, been stressed its entire life creating a smaller harvest... and not stressed like you topped it and super cropped it and fim'd and trimmed a dozen branches off the bottom all at the same time stressed... i mean a little stress everyday over the entire veg cycle.. enough to create a smaller harvest, but not enough to cause a male/hermie..

the other what if has to do with light penetration and stretching.. what if the 18/6 plant stretched more, allowing more light to penetrate the plant, causing more light to be absorbed since more penetration is happening... make sense?? and even if there are fewer nodes in the 18/6 scenario, more light penetration into the plant = more nodes getting more light = larger buds... basically the light penetration would cause the plant to grow larger buds throughout the entire plant instead of just large buds at top and popcorn buds below... make sense there??

ok.. so there are my what ifs... now for the all important analogy...

maybe veg growth is similar to a car engine... heres where you have to follow me...

an engine (high powered HID) in a car (plant) traveling at full speed and top rpms (growing at 100% ability) can run 24/0, but will start losing value and power (stress related things... harvest yield dropping being the main idea for this scenario) due to it getting "beat on".. ie no oil changes, tune, ups, engine rest, ect.. (whatever the hell the plant does during lights out in veg)...
a car (plant) that is does get a chance to "rest" (18/6 cycle) will maintain its value longer (larger ending yield) because it wasn't "beat on" (had time for doing its dark thing)...

now its kinda a bad analogy i know... but the basic idea is there... in this scenario the car that was driven at top speeds without stopping ended up with a lower value, power, ect ect EVEN THOUGH it got me where i was going faster... so this scenario, in a round about way, would be why your 18/6 cycle got a better yield than your 24/0 cycle...

but.. i have an analogy that supports why the 24/0 cycle works for others also..

a car (plant) where the engine isnt pushed to full limits (a smaller HID that doesnt max out the plants full potential growth) can run 24/0 and not need the "engine rest"

in this scenario the engine isnt maxed out or stressed so the car maintains its value while still getting me where im going faster than if it was have rest...

i know these arent great scenarios... and there are flaws in them... and one doesnt really compare to the other... but its all i could think of off hand..

basically i guess it comes down to this... MAYBE plants need rest if you have 100% lighting (plants can not absorb anymore light) and don't need the rest if they dont have "100% lighting"... and to go a step further, if your plants do receive 100% lighting, 24/0 might actually stress your plants which can diminish yields.. that 24/0 works best IF your plants can still process more light than they are given..

i really really really hope this makes sense cause fuck it took a lot to type...

also... IF you think anything i said makes sense, do you think 18/6 or 20/4 is a better schedule?? have to tried 20/4... reason i asks is ive heard little bits here and there about 20/4 being the most optimum schedule but havent heard any actual reports...
well my friend i am a mechanic and will have to agree. and your right light penatration is the KEY HERE. but as for the stress thing i will have to disagree, as the plant that i just yielded almost a pound went threw a lot of stress. frezzing, after moving her in i had major light ishuees and tem problems also. but as eveery thing else you say + reps. i do belive i did say in one of my backpost that 24/0 did grow taller meaning it grew faster then 18/6. :peace:


New Member
if 18/6 was the best everyone would use it.....

I like 24/0 and it works for me.

if you like 18/6 or 20/4 and it works for you, BRAVO.

24/0, 20/4, 18/6 all work. try them all, find the way that works best for you & your environment, and be happy.

my 2 cents....

i second that opinion.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
ok i like pics.
1st p[ic is my 2nd grow running 24/0. plant got 7ft tall just over 5 1/2 oz dry.
2nd pic is my last grow under 18/6 just under a pound dry.
same strains same everything but light schedual.
if you have the light penatration i recomend 18/6 for a bigger yield, but if you don't have the light yes 24/0 go with.



Well-Known Member
ok i like pics.
1st p[ic is my 2nd grow running 24/0. plant got 7ft tall just over 5 1/2 oz dry.
2nd pic is my last grow under 18/6 just under a pound dry.
same strains same everything but light schedual.
if you have the light penatration i recomend 18/6 for a bigger yield, but if you don't have the light yes 24/0 go with.

lol. and this is number 4 you said?