So.. This is cannabutter ??


Active Member
Can anyone help me please. I researched and attempted to make cannabutter last night.. I used about 700 -1000g of mixed popcorn and leaf trim,750g unsalted butter, with a little water and did the 3hr simmer, strain,chill method. Anyway..

Has anyone done this ?? (maybe to this rough recipe )that would know the potential strenght of this crazy green horrible smelling stuff.

Any help please. Its in the fridge doing nothing until i know how to use it. Also is there any reason why it would not work?

Many thanks in advance..


Well-Known Member
I usually just toss 1 Pound(448g) of butter for every OZ(28g) of trim in the crockpot

1) Put correct amount of butter- so for 700-1000g I would use between a pound and a half to 2 pounds

2) Allow that to fully melt

3) Then add you trim and what not stir it up real nice- make sure you have that plant material shredded reeeally nice and fine to allow for proper mixture

4) I typically let it go for just under 24 hrs on super low heat in the crockpot simmering

5) Take a generous size container and fasten cheesecloth onto the top allowing a bit of sag in the middle of the cloth

6) Turn the heat off, and using pot holders of some sort, take the pot and pour onto the cheesecloth allowing it to drip into the container beneath it

7) Place that in the fridge with or without a lid and let it sit until the next day and...boom Cannabutter

-Great for cookies and brownies...most baked goods that call for butter or veg oil
-If it calls for a 1/4 cup or oil..use 1/4 cup of butter

That's just how I normally do it, but I'm certainly not claiming to be any expert there is a plethora of ways to prepare cannabutter

hope this helps

-moose :leaf:


Well-Known Member
right that is some heavy butter....
crockpots are the greatest!!! i had to buy two cause i use them for everything now.
and i let it sit in there for 72 hours for butter.

and to answer your question i can see no reason why your butter wont be strong as fuck, just use it like regular butter. put a lil on toast, or google any baked good or food item you can possibly imagine and just use it like what it is. butter. beware of pound cake though. thats just too much butter.

also if you are new to edibles take it sloooow.


Well-Known Member
Dude what????? One ounce of buds for a stick a butter gets me blasted whenever I make edibles. I'm pretty sure one of those edibles will get you high for a week haha.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
ur gonna be high for a long time if u did use that ratio of bud to butter, would take it easy on whatever u make with the butter.


Active Member
Haha, me again. Thanks for your replies , i couldnt wait for all your advice so went ahead and ate some last nite. I used a good sized chunk maybe 10-15g (maybe a lot more??) melted in a frying to cook a pancake/crepe, it tasted strange and was green. Thought nothing of it and continued my day of relaxing. It certainly works. I was so stoned. Which is a feeling seldom felt considering i smoke alot. I highly recommend trying this.

The effects seamed to take hours to work, is that right?

Whats the worst that can happen if i eat it all??

Can i just add to savoury foods also, maybe casserole, curry etc?

Sorry for all the questions, it just i smoke a lot, and would love to stop, but continue with all the benifits of cannabis. Many thanks again..


Well-Known Member
Usually the effects take 1 - 2 hours to set in but can last for 4 - 6 hours depending on potency.

The worst that could happen if you eat it all would be you would TRIP BALLLLLLLLLS!

And you can add your butter/oil to anything that uses that ingredient. So yes, any of those foods.


Well-Known Member
In the future I would recommend trying Canna-Oil. I use it in my brownies and my god is it delicious and effective... I put 48g of Chronic into 48oz of Canola Oil. Now I have enough oil for 10 batches of brownies.

The oil stores easy, takes about 3 hours to make, and it most effective!


Active Member
yeah , sometimes it takes a while to hit me too, if you eat it all you'll probably hurl, thats alot of butter. you can use it were you would use oil or butter.

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Haha, me again. Thanks for your replies , i couldnt wait for all your advice so went ahead and ate some last nite. I used a good sized chunk maybe 10-15g (maybe a lot more??) melted in a frying to cook a pancake/crepe, it tasted strange and was green. Thought nothing of it and continued my day of relaxing. It certainly works. I was so stoned. Which is a feeling seldom felt considering i smoke alot. I highly recommend trying this.

The effects seamed to take hours to work, is that right?

Whats the worst that can happen if i eat it all??

Can i just add to savoury foods also, maybe casserole, curry etc?

Sorry for all the questions, it just i smoke a lot, and would love to stop, but continue with all the benifits of cannabis. Many thanks again..

Hey man first off glad you had success.

I just ate an infused pb cookie

Your digesting the cannabinoids, rather than having them go straight to your blood steam via inhalation... so yes, food takes an hour or two to digest.. You should probably begin feeling it around the 30 minute mark... then it should set in well around an hour and a half, and if strong should be peaking around 2:00-2:30 after ingestion..

the whole thing should last 5-6 hours... depending on how strong they are

be careful when heating your butter... you DONT want it going past 325F. As the cannabinods begin to LEAVE the butter.

You can use butter, instead of vegetable oil in many recipes.. brownies are probably the easiest to do. Or home made cookies that require butter works well too

Yeah you can make practically anything, as long as you dont heat it past 325F.

You can make cannabutter, cannaoil, glycerine tincture, grain alcohol tincture (green dragon) etc.

Lots of things to put weed into.


Well-Known Member
heyyyyyyyyyyyyzuuuues chreeeeeeeesto thats like 28-40 of bho in a pound and half of butter thats fucking CANNAtonic or Catatonic butter lol friggen super butter i though i was ballsy puting 2.5g of bho per stick but tahts like 4.6g - 6.67g of bho per stick FUCK

if your using one stick for your cookies and you cut your cookies into like say 12 small cookies assuming your doing sheet thats still .4g -.55g of bho per cookie i max my high out at like .25


Well-Known Member
yeah eating to much can be pretty bad hahaha my dad uses for *serious* joint pain and he just pushes 2 or 3 ounces worth of butane oil straight onto the brownie pan, which is like 9gs butane oil. then he just pours the brownie batter on top after it dries. first time i had a 1inx1in piece i had to lie down for the night because of motion sickness. and i smoke like a 7+gs a day so im not a lightweight. goodluck.


Well-Known Member
Damn you Sr. Verde LOL :0)
I have to find some coconut oil!!!
Theres nothing wrong with my budder but
I want some Brownies made from coconut oil!