SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
interesting you brought this up Lions
talked to my connection this morning
it looks like there will be some HB shortage coming
they are unavailable at this time, apparently there was a major bust
and the person tied with HB clones got busted for what ever reason
he was suppose to be my main connection for getting quality clones
as he provides my middle man with very high quality clones for his shop

haven't seen LA Conf around for the longest time now
Damn - bad news on the HB connection! No doubt something even better is meant for you.


Well-Known Member
Frog, im not sure about the 10 week finish on the elvis.. this is the 1st run w her but we shall see.. this has been by far the strongest, most adaptive plant in my system tho.. if it stays within the 9 weeks and yields atleast an ounce per plant i will definately be keeping her..

As far as HB i still see em floatin around.

As far as LA Conf im pretty sure ive seen these floatin around also..

If youve got problems gettin a hold of clones.. hit a brotha up! there are stinkbuddies in Ca.. ;-)



Well-Known Member
got few pics up,
just finished insulation and IR coating
ready for the final Sheetrock layer


Well-Known Member
Nice info on this page, and it is a nice setup to work with. thinking about setting one up after my grow right now finishes. +Rep


just some guy
Damn - bad news on the HB connection! No doubt something even better is meant for you.
I swear I thought I subscribed to this thread!?

lot's o' pages to catch up on.

I picked up a clone of Headband from a disp. in van nuys, i'm veggin it now to get it big enough to clone. I havent flowered it yet to know anything about it, but if you want a clone, let me know. I have two other KICK ass strains as well that I have grown.

I'm curious about your IR shield.... if it goes before drywall, it has to be just to block IR from ghetto birds... I need this stuff!

your attic is coming out beautiful, really really nice work. :clap:


Well-Known Member
I swear I thought I subscribed to this thread!?

lot's o' pages to catch up on.

I picked up a clone of Headband from a disp. in van nuys, i'm veggin it now to get it big enough to clone. I havent flowered it yet to know anything about it, but if you want a clone, let me know. I have two other KICK ass strains as well that I have grown.

I'm curious about your IR shield.... if it goes before drywall, it has to be just to block IR from ghetto birds... I need this stuff!

your attic is coming out beautiful, really really nice work. :clap:
Hey YaK, been a while bra :peace:
I've split the original grow room into two threads; some time ago
one for discussion, and the original thread remains locked for updates only (links in my sig)

thank you for your offer, i might be taking you up on it very soon :wink:

as for the IR, i have researched this quite a bit
talked in person with the manufacture in the UK to make sure it will maintain its characteristic installed behind the Sheetrock, it will!
its a three layer PET coated foil, the only IR foil out there that actually delivers true F.L.I.R / IR filtering

the company has recently sent this material to be tested by NASA
as they have a need to protect their equipment from IR detecting devices
i was promised a copy of their test results which will most likely be advertised on their web site later on

here are the characteristics for this foil



Well-Known Member
Sog your room is coming along great. You have really made great progress. I have 2 guys at work that did the solar panels on their houses. They dont grow but wanted to go green to the tune of about $30K. Payout from electricity use is about 7 years. I imagine with a grow it would be alot sooner with just the electricity and even sooner with the green rebate. THe feds and electric co give rebates too.


Well-Known Member
the sweetest factor is having a big ass OP

all while it being 'green' powered (pun intended)

not to mention the priceless of having a huge ass OP but you create/store so much energy, the damn meter is moving backwards and the electric company pays you!

how effin sweet is that!??!?!!!


Well-Known Member
my lord sog ive spent years to gain the knowledge that people can go to your thread andf get in a couple hard core hours of reading. great job man and your op looks great. and i thought i had my shit goin on ha!

+rep for the oodles of great accurate info.


Well-Known Member
the damn meter is moving backwards and the electric company pays you!
I don't think this is true in all cases. I did a lil research and some power companies won't pay you for the electricity you created so you want to try and match your # of panels to generate the same amount of power that you use.:joint:


Well-Known Member
I don't think this is true in all cases. I did a lil research and some power companies won't pay you for the electricity you created so you want to try and match your # of panels to generate the same amount of power that you use.:joint:
i believe they must by law
allow independent 3rd party to tap to the grid
and to buy off power put back on the grid

i don't think they actually pay you hard cash,
the meter counts backwards when power is put back to the grid
it counts forwards when you draw from the grid
so the meter credits you by counting backwards


Well-Known Member
i believe they must by law
allow independent 3rd party to tap to the grid
and to buy off power put back on the grid

i don't think they actually pay you hard cash,
the meter counts backwards when power is put back to the grid
it counts forwards when you draw from the grid
so the meter credits you by counting backwards
yes, if you generate a few more kwh's than you used for your billing cycle they won't cut you a check (that i know of).

that's what i was trying to say :joint:


Well-Known Member
Exactly. Wify worked for the electric co and that is what is done. The two guys at work get credit when it runs backwards and when its cloudy they use their credits. Great room build SOG. Get that drywall goin, lol.


Well-Known Member
SOG that room is looking amazing man! you got any room for me to pitch a tent in the corner??? :hump:

between the DR300 and the DR240, its a standing room only :wink:

and you need to be able to squeeze through this
(not the door... top right corner :rolleyes: )
