SoG Grow Room Discussion


Well-Known Member
also, put your fogger on a cycle timer, if you dont have one

plants that are in those type of systems, including aero, benefit greatly from dry periods.

In fact, clones arent any different. dry periods in aero/fog cloning are what encourages the fast root they go out and search for the water. the aero and fog make the 'particles' (im sure thas the wrong terminology im looking for, but im high fuck it) highly and immediately available to the plant/cutting/clone

no thick nutrients when running a fogger as the nute salt will buid up and cause it to prematurely fail. nutramist make better quality foggers than regular store/online store foggers for regular purpose use. they are teflon coated to help slow nute salt buildup. However, nothing is guaranteed dealing with fogaponics.

Clonex should be fine with foggers as well as Roots Excellator and Rhizotonic. I run increments of 20-30 seconds pump on and 3-4 mins pump off sessions


Well-Known Member

i know you arent an idiot.... but i still feel i have to say this!!!

dont cut ALL the roots off....


just so i dont get blamed for not mentioning it.

be gentle!!! remember nice clean cuts only!!!!


Well-Known Member
so i oxy blasted my RO res, rinsed it out
i used the same container i move water back and forth from the RO res
did a test run, my hand held meter reads 90ppm @0.5 EC scale, pH 6.8
my TDS meter on the Merlin; reads 24ppm out to the RO res
to the best of my knowledge; my hand held meter is dialed in

i assumed the container is contaminated
added oxi blast (concentrated ratio)to the same container with the same water
toke readings again, its still reading 90ppm
i was under the impression that oxi blast will kill everything in the water
and bring ppm's to 30 :o

one of two things can be at this point
my meter is off by 60 ppms, or something is still messed up with my res

any insights anyone?



Well-Known Member
i told you. h2o2 will not kill everything. that is the misinformation that everybody gets.

also, using h2o2 wont lower any ppm....infact it can increase it.


Well-Known Member
should i dial my meter to read the same as my tds meter reads?
assuming my tds is @0.7 EC, i should then dial my readings to 17 @0.5 EC on my hand held
is that assumption correct?
what the FUC#; i need a solid ground for readings!

and advice guys



Well-Known Member
should i dial my meter to read the same as my tds meter reads?
assuming my tds is @0.7 EC, i should then dial my readings to 17 @0.5 EC on my hand held
is that assumption correct?
what the FUC#; i need a solid ground for readings!

and advice guys

first of all, stop fucking with your meters. thas another problem. dont worry about trying to get your meter on the same scale. anyway. Some meters just come on certain scales.

Just stick with regular tds meters when you are trying to read RO water. Its just a reference to go by.

Stick with EC for a solid ground readings as EC is EC. PPM is a guess and is different from every meter manufacturer.

try calibrating your meters first