SoG Grow Room Discussion

here a thought I'm considering implementing
I'm still not sure about one thing, so ill just put it out there
let our expert panel debate pro's and con's for the flowing scenario

I'm considering cloning using my veg unit
the soup will be the same light vegging soup I'm giving the girls
while foliar feeding only the young clones with clonex

now there's one issue of the water temps for the clones
I'm running 70-75 in water temps

is this gonna work, or is this just a waist of clones and time?
sounds good.

however, remember general rule of thumb, no roots? no nutes!!!

no need for the foilar feeding of clonex cloning solution. just put enough water to cover your pump and then dose clonex cloning solution.
sounds good.

however, remember general rule of thumb, no roots? no nutes!!!

no need for the foilar feeding of clonex cloning solution. just put enough water to cover your pump and then dose clonex cloning solution.

i put clonex solution nutes in my ez-clone 120... should i not add it until some roots form?
i got another one, what will happen to the rest of the girls
if i add clonex to my vegging soup?
i want to place them in the same site which already running a light vegging soup
you have a couple of options....

Use a deburring tool and/or a dremel type device and widen up those holes on the ezcloner. Then put in your netpots. Word of advice, and i know you arent a dummy. BUT most netpot without lips normally it is a good idea to use a 1 7/8" holesaw instead of 2" because you always wanna take off 1/8" when drilling so just incase you dont have a lip on your netpot you will have support. However me and you use the same netpots. and yes i can tell. :-D they have good lips...however on my cloner i built, i still drilled 1 7/8" holes.

that's an excellent tip
in hindsight honing is the best route, wish i know this earlier
clonex solution leaves a lot of residue and sediment, which makes me want to use it as little as possible, it never clogges my ez clone or anything but it makes the water get gross fast, smelly too...
just something to keep in mind if your going to veg for a long time with clonex.
i put clonex solution nutes in my ez-clone 120... should i not add it until some roots form?

Add clonex BEFORE you get roots.

I dont get any of the smellyness from the clonex that you mentioned.

I just use straight tap water (@ 260 or so ppms), clonex, and H2O2.

the soup stays clean.
i got another one, what will happen to the rest of the girls
if i add clonex to my vegging soup?
i want to place them in the same site which already running a light vegging soup

How could it hurt? Throw it in! These plants aren't that delicate homie.

by the way... Get those girls in flower!!!!

getting toooooooooo tallllllllll.:eyesmoke:
Add clonex BEFORE you get roots.

I dont get any of the smellyness from the clonex that you mentioned.

I just use straight tap water (@ 260 or so ppms), clonex, and H2O2.

the soup stays clean.

i do everything the same except no h202... would you recommend the h202??
how much for how long?
i do everything the same except no h202... would you recommend the h202??
how much for how long?

I dont have a scientific routine, every 3 days or so I just dose it with 30-40 ml of H2O2. seems to work fine.

I was using Oxyblast, which is 10% hydrogen peroxide, but just switched to some product I got at a pool supply place local (so i dont have to pay shipping anymore) that is 27% h2o2.

If the alternative is having a smelly funky res like you have now, I'd totally recommend it.
I dont have a scientific routine, every 3 days or so I just dose it with 30-40 ml of H2O2. seems to work fine.

I was using Oxyblast, which is 10% hydrogen peroxide, but just switched to some product I got at a pool supply place local (so i dont have to pay shipping anymore) that is 27% h2o2.

If the alternative is having a smelly funky res like you have now, I'd totally recommend it.

I agree... H2O2 f**king rules!
Nersery looks outstanding brother... you remind me of a friend I know that is obsesive compulsive when it comes to organization.

Hey what the haps with the radiator and the multi res cooling?
i got another one, what will happen to the rest of the girls
if i add clonex to my vegging soup?
i want to place them in the same site which already running a light vegging soup

you can continue to use it throughout propagation....

but i would deem it a waste of money especially considering the high dosage rate of clonex.

once your clones have roots, switch to a root stimulator.
i do everything the same except no h202... would you recommend the h202??
how much for how long?

you both have different setups.

i wouldnt recommend using h2o2 for your coco.

especially with all the shit you spend money on and into your crop, i wouldnt risk it.

h2o2 WILL destroy your great white applications, all your cannazym, everything that you use just about

keep in mind, strict live by die by h2o2 users dont like to admit... but i've been a user of h2o2 and i dont mind admitting that h2o2 is harsh
also, if we are talking strictly cloners

i guess its okay....

but i mean...the hell kinda containers that yall have that gets so much nasties in the res?

i dont use any h2o2, as it stays in the closet for cleaning purpose only.

i just add RO water and clonex mix. i've used that mix for 3 weeks no change, no pH nothing. and i cloned 3 different batches of clones, each rooting in one week each.

the hell are yall doing? all of it is just added expense. The clonex cloning solution really isnt just speeds things up a few days.