what sort of info your looking forCould you provide some info on res chiller blocks?
ooh yea, actually you don't need that muchDo you think the 1/4hp chiller will cut it?
Yes, it works greatDone any experimenting on res temps across the board?
What type of white paint did you use?
flatnormal vinyl? High gloss or flat?
YesCan you lower your lights? Are they adjustable height wise?
you cant tell in the pic, but there is a oscillating fan like the one you see; in every cornerI think you might need an extra fan in that opposite corner come flower time.
what's up with the youtube video? i was excited for a minute.
Did you buy the blocks,fab the blocks, or get them fabbed to your specs? At any rate I'm interested in purchasing from you or whoever.
Better yet
Don't be suprised if you notice some of you're ideas show up in my grow.lol
... and my anal virginity...
LMAO......... as if.
did u want dibs?
Laugh all you want.. but his wife is HOT!!!and so is her sister..!!!
and my anal virginity....that, what it is.
yes, oh mighty sog master...i will give you my wife and my anal virginity....that, what it is.