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I can't really keep a straight face with anybody who uses the term "hater"

I know a lot more than you though.
Is all this really necessary? How do you know that you know more than this person? Have you ever met this individual? This seriously sounds like some kindergarten shit! "I know more than you do!". "My dad can kick your dad's ass!" Come on people! This is a weed site, not a meth site! There's always somebody who knows more than you and there's always someone who doesn't know as much. Having a prick measuring contest with someone you don't know the first thing about is kind of pointless. Yeah, you may have the bigger one but who cares?:?
Where r these facts? And dude. where has it been growin for like the last FOREVER? In the ground. Ur right about everything you said except The cheaper and less maintenance. just the fact that you could throw some seeds outside in some loose soil, do nothing to them, and have pot by doing nothing but simply walking outside and a flick of the wrist. just sayin.

The facts are in my grow-op. I use a F&D lava rock system with clones. The facts are pot grows naturally in lava rock and a thing known as a tidal bour that floods and drains them in fresh water inlets/outlets every 12 and 1/2 hours on upcrop volcanic islands in the south pacific. It's been happening for as long as potplants have existed. You can get the total benefits of domolite lime and wood ashes as I do in my lava rock system than using dirt etc. Growing in lava rock is perfectly natural for potplants.
Is all this really necessary? How do you know that you know more than this person? Have you ever met this individual? This seriously sounds like some kindergarten shit! "I know more than you do!". "My dad can kick your dad's ass!" Come on people! This is a weed site, not a meth site! There's always somebody who knows more than you and there's always someone who doesn't know as much. Having a prick measuring contest with someone you don't know the first thing about is kind of pointless. Yeah, you may have the bigger one but who cares?:?

Thanks Doc. +Rep. ")
The facts are in my grow-op. I use a F&D lava rock system with clones. The facts are pot grows naturally in lava rock and a thing known as a tidal bour that floods and drains them in fresh water inlets/outlets every 12 and 1/2 hours on upcrop volcanic islands in the south pacific. It's been happening for as long as potplants have existed. You can get the total benefits of domolite lime and wood ashes as I do in my lava rock system than using dirt etc. Growing in lava rock is perfectly natural for potplants.

I guess they could both be cheap but maintenance come on dude we dont all live on the islands of the south pacific. LOL. HAHA. But i see your point. There are so many things you could change or vary in a grow, and you could work all day or do nothing i just think the maintenance is lower cause there is no ph checking mixing nute so on, etc. Get what im sayin? ++ ReP! :)
The facts are in my grow-op. I use a F&D lava rock system with clones. The facts are pot grows naturally in lava rock and a thing known as a tidal bour that floods and drains them in fresh water inlets/outlets every 12 and 1/2 hours on upcrop volcanic islands in the south pacific. It's been happening for as long as potplants have existed. You can get the total benefits of domolite lime and wood ashes as I do in my lava rock system than using dirt etc. Growing in lava rock is perfectly natural for potplants.
Seriously? There are many different varieties that come from all over the world. Some live at high elevations with cooler temps or at more northern latitudes. Do most landrace varieties grow naturally in this way? I highly doubt it. Different varieties thrive in different environments, growing mediums, etc. Again, what difference does it make how it's grown? Everybody has their own personal preferences. Do what works for you and your unique situation. That's the great thing about cannabis. It grows in a variety of climates, growing media etc. It's an amazingly adaptable and diverse plant. It's actually kinda strange that some people have so much difficulty growing it. :?
Seriously? There are many different varieties that come from all over the world. Some live at high elevations with cooler temps or at more northern latitudes. Do most landrace varieties grow naturally in this way? I highly doubt it. Different varieties thrive in different environments, growing mediums, etc. Again, what difference does it make how it's grown? Everybody has their own personal preferences. Do what works for you and your unique situation. That's the great thing about cannabis. It grows in a variety of climates, growing media etc. It's an amazingly adaptable and diverse plant. It's actually kinda strange that some people have so much difficulty growing it. :?

Every grower that has had contact with my system has turned to it. I had one guy so determined to prove me wrong he ran every system available, including dirt. Today he runs my stains(the same strains I do) and he's F&D all the way. Don't use domolite lime, it'll cause weeds to grow in your garden!
Seriously? There are many different varieties that come from all over the world. Some live at high elevations with cooler temps or at more northern latitudes. Do most landrace varieties grow naturally in this way? I highly doubt it. Different varieties thrive in different environments, growing mediums, etc. Again, what difference does it make how it's grown? Everybody has their own personal preferences. Do what works for you and your unique situation. That's the great thing about cannabis. It grows in a variety of climates, growing media etc. It's an amazingly adaptable and diverse plant. It's actually kinda strange that some people have so much difficulty growing it. :?

Yo doc I seen that post on ur sig shit is hilarious. Hahahaha.
Every grower that has had contact with my system has turned to it. I had one guy so determined to prove me wrong he ran every system available, including dirt. Today he runs my stains(the same strains I do) and he's F&D all the way. Don't use domolite lime, it'll cause weeds to grow in your garden!
I'm not bashing your system, I'm sure it works great! That's the whole point though. There are numerous systems and even more variations of those numerous systems. Most if not all will grow decent herb. The point I was trying to make is that there is no perfect system. Some folks can make soil work for them but can't do hydro. Some people prefer hydro and have shitty luck growing in soil. I have considered doing a DIY aero setup but I really enjoy doing soil and it provides me plenty of high quality medicine. I guess I figure if it ain't broke, don't fix it.:blsmoke:
Wow, I hope some of the dust has settled and everyone's ego has been put back into check. Japan, take a breath, if all you know how to do is talk down to people please find a different site to bother people. Yes you may know you method hands down and be the big man over there, here you are one of hundreds of thousands of growers. You have valid points and points and generalizations which are to put it bluntly pure bullshit.
Hydro growers, you might have a wonderful set up, congrats more power to you for finding your way. My best friend started growing hydro in 1981 and I have watched him and his set up for 29 years, it ain't my thing. Yes he has wonderful plants, healthy plants, does he have bigger yields than I do in soil, I really don't see any difference.
Soil growers, especially organic soil growers, congrats the natural way. Soil has as many variations of growing as this soilless/hydro,however you want to classify it. My organic grow certainly isn't any easier than a hydro or soilless. I mix and make most of my own dirt, compost continually, remix mediums, etc. You can buy dirt at the store, water with miricle grow and be done with it. I don't want to smoke it though.
I see benefits in each system they all have advantages and disadvantages, I see where either could be very simple. In the end though it all comes down to knowledge, understanding the knowledge (just because you know what the book says doesn't mean you can apply it), practice and exploring new methods continually.
So please ya'll express your opinions but leave the egos at the door and talking down. Many ways to achieve the same and I mean the exact same result, doesn't mean any are wrong or right, just so they work in your grow.
Doc111, right on and well said before.
itzjt, lots of good points
Japan, some valid points but please tonedown a bit.
Merry Christmas to all
Originally Posted by DownOnWax
hahahahahahahahahaha Seriously ARE you Joking? Sodium IS SALT

In a way he's correct but on here sodium means lightbulb and salt means salt. If you don't know more than this guy you should stick with one plant in a pot of dirt. Make sure your plantpot and soil have good drainage and ph balance before you plant. Sterilize your soil before planting as well/ I feel I'm talking to the air...
Originally Posted by DownOnWax
hahahahahahahahahaha Seriously ARE you Joking? Sodium IS SALT

In a way he's correct but on here sodium means lightbulb and salt means salt. If you don't know more than this guy you should stick with one plant in a pot of dirt. Make sure your plantpot and soil have good drainage and ph balance before you plant. Sterilize your soil before planting as well/ I feel I'm talking to the air...
Well if you read the entire thread you'd realize that the context that "Salt" was being used he was incorrect. I am not going to get into another thread battle about Sodium and salt. Sodium is an element and is but one of the 2 elements that comprise common table salt, Chlorine being the other. There are literally hundreds of thousands of compounds that are classified as "salts". In that particular thraed, "Salts" were being used in reference to fertilizer salts and this individual came in saying that Sodium and salt were the same thing. They most certainly are not the same thing.:blsmoke:

That said, I really don't want to jack this thread with something totally irrelevant to the OP. Can we please try to stay on topic here?:joint:
soil is easier and the bud might taste nicer, but then you have all that waste to get rid of, i ran out of dumpsites eventually, and continually carrying sacks of compost into your home is on top to fuck, we have that many cameras about, they are everywhere, you have to drive miles away to dump it. if you do hydro with ebb and flow or dwc or aeroponic systems you have nothing to dump, just old nutes which go down the pan and roots,stems and old fan leaves to burn on the fire, nothing inoccuous need come in or out of the house. so you are less likely to get busted.
soil is easier and the bud might taste nicer, but then you have all that waste to get rid of, i ran out of dumpsites eventually, and continually carrying sacks of compost into your home is on top to fuck, we have that many cameras about, they are everywhere, you have to drive miles away to dump it. if you do hydro with ebb and flow or dwc or aeroponic systems you have nothing to dump, just old nutes which go down the pan and roots,stems and old fan leaves to burn on the fire, nothing inoccuous need come in or out of the house. so you are less likely to get busted.
You have a valid point I guess depending on where you live, you really can get by with very little waste in soil and nothing to dump anywhere. Granted if you don't make your own compost you will have bags coming in, that is easily disguised though. If you recycle your soil, then there is nothing to haul away. I don't know your set up where you live but a small space in the back yard say 1 m2 is all you need to store your used soil, add your compost to the mix and allow to rest for a period of time.
Once again Nog not disagreeing with you just trying to give a different way to look if you live in an apartment though I'd say you are pretty well screwed.
Happy Growing which ever way it is done.
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