I went to accessory store today the hippy co for the win. Told him I wanted something to enter into the contest with low cost didnt care if regular seed with a strain I could give name to.
So afghani #1 in coco perlite x2 and gunna do 1 of the nuclear BlackBerry kush in same mix. If anyone has spare unicorn tears I'll trade my leprechauns gold
Crap I'm not getting my notifications .Am I too late ? If not then:

1. Orange cookies x chocolate diesel it's a clone
2.Useful Seeds
3.coco / pearl ite
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It's a rush to get seeds started but clones go from where they are at.. gunna be an excellent race I agree September is to early I think mid October with voting and winner by Halloween..1 seed germ and in pot other 2 on the lamp now.