Some General Advice Needed

I keep the grow tent around 70-73°F; I am using a FoxFarm Liquid Plant Food mix (2tbs/gl); watering is when the dirt starts to dry; I currently have her in a 5gl PVC bucket; I have her on a 24hr light cycle with a 600watt equivalent LED grow light.

One of my issues (which I am overly aware of) was my choice in soil. I'm embarrassed to admit that I used a Miracle Grow mixture (I got excited and bought the soil without doing research). I have since learned that that could cause issues!
Fox farm there's your first mistake
Fox farm is okay it's not the best.
Ionic nutrient line is the champagne of nutrients. The entire feeding schedule from veg to bloom can be found here.
All you really need is Ionic Grow, Ionic Bloom, Ionic Pk boost, CalMag, Amino Acids, and Fossil Fuels for the entire grow cycle. Nitrozyme and bloom stimulator help too. And Silicate if you need stress buffering.
While we're on the topic of nutrients we may as well discuss mite prevention. There are many ways to go but Lost Coast plant therapy is the number 1 I have on my shelf.
Don't use miracle grow unless you are growing outside
Wow that's an industrial grow op and you're in soil and having to give higher than hydro level of nutrients. This is precisely why I grow my own.
Are you allowed to fully submerge PH meter probes of controllers? I'm experiencing a weird problem wherein my PH is different submerged in the bottom (PH4) of my control bucket compared to when I measure it on the top level (PH6). Anyone experienced this?