K so, i was just in checking her all out and she's doing really well. lots of new growth, stem is thickening up nicely. But, now im kinda worried here. I didnt have much for water run off for such a small space so i've been using a bowl roughly about the same size as the 1 gallon pot. Soo, being a dumbass i forgot to dump out the water in the bowl for the last bit and it built up. Now im seeing one single root coming out the middle drainage hole in the pot. I can't see it while it's in the bowl but im assuming the root is emerged in the water. What do i do here? do i just dump out the water and continue on or do i leave the water in it now? Or do i now have to re-transplant into another bigger bucket?
You probably don't want it sitting in water. Why not just take the cup/bucket/pot out of the grow area and put it into a sink or the tub when you water it. Or just put a towel under it to catch the runoff? A small cup like that will drain for a few minutes tops.
If you see roots coming out of the drain holes then it may or may not be rootbound. Normally in a party cup they can be bigger than that plant, but on the other hand when you first planted it you didn't put much soil in so it didn't have much growing space. Even though you filled the cup the rest of the way up, you pretty much just covered the stem which over time will grow roots out of it, but as of now I'd say there's still very little or no roots in the additional soil you added.
Long story short, get it out of the standing water and check to see if it's rootbound. Be careful checking it though because the whole ball of soil may crumble apart on you since there's more than likely no roots above where the seed was originally planted. If the roots that were sitting in water are dark brown and slimy then transplant regardless. If it ain't rootbound I'd leave it alone. That thing has been though enough already. Leave it alone and let it grow some.
I'm no expert or guru, this is just my opinion.