SpeedySeedz Beware Rollitup Staff (Speedy Seedz)

When I click on "Club Speedy" I get an error. I'm not saying he's an asshole, I'm saying he's incompetent. If you want to order from the guy, more power to you.
The website is still up, its .org/forum not .com/forum

Speedy had some troubles last time but he has worked everything out. No one is perfect. Its funny all the people sittin here talkin shit, yeah you too laser. Im really surprised you're actually here saying that. Do us a favor and dont come back if that's how you really feel.
news flash people, i have ordered seeds from just about EVERY seedbank/breeder/middleman out there and my orders from speedy come like clockwork-10 business days.i can count on one finger how many orders from the tude showed up that fast,1 out of 7. the only seven they will ever get.kinda wierd how that conversation between speedy and admin seemed to be missing one side:O i'm a member here and there and as you can see by my post counts i would be alot more bummed out if i got banned from there even though i was here first.as far as the free seeds you got fdd, i think they are the emerald tri he gave me and they are bomb!your gunna love that shit this summer.And if i get "handled" from this post,fuck it you might as well ban my ass cause i tell it how i see it.heres some big bud my boy sent as a freebie on my first order,i guess i cant load pics here no more.peace.
Tried to order from this dude several times and no response. It seems if your not one of the 5-10 "yes sirs"over their you won't get your seeds. Or even an acknowledgement from him..... Dumbass is missing a lot of money by just servicing his small group of ass kissers on his forum.

I wish fuckers like him and edit and all the other half assed seed vendor wanna be's would just fucking go out of business already.

So..... What seedbanks have 100% customer satisfaction?

news flash people, i have ordered seeds from just about EVERY seedbank/breeder/middleman out there and my orders from speedy come like clockwork-10 business days.i can count on one finger how many orders from the tude showed up that fast,1 out of 7. the only seven they will ever get.kinda wierd how that conversation between speedy and admin seemed to be missing one side:O i'm a member here and there and as you can see by my post counts i would be alot more bummed out if i got banned from there even though i was here first.as far as the free seeds you got fdd, i think they are the emerald tri he gave me and they are bomb!your gunna love that shit this summer.And if i get "handled" from this post,fuck it you might as well ban my ass cause i tell it how i see it.heres some big bud my boy sent as a freebie on my first order,i guess i cant load pics here no more.peace.

There is part of that "click"

Of course you all get you orders your part of the cool group. LOL
Actually, i've never ordered from Speedy, wanna try that again? Shit i've never ordered from any seed bank for that matter.

And i believe Polecat isn't apart of speedyseedz forum either lol...

Going by your short post, you really dont have anything to say, you're just another person talking about something he has no clue about. Like i said no one is perfect, i can tell you this much tho, The Tude has missed 10x the orders that speedy has, but where is the thread about them? Oh yeah that right, the admin still makes money off them. He was with speedy too until he tried to up the percentage that speedy gave to him and when he didnt agree, speedy seeds was gone from RIU.
look dude I ordered from chris several times and received when he was here. Now I go to the forum and he fucking ignores me thats all I am saying.

Did I receive from him yes everytime but lately I have no idea what his deal is but I tried to order those ET seeds from him a few weeks back he ignored me. A weedstar bong he ignored me. A grinder he ignored me. A pm to him saying WTF bro what did I do why are you ignoring me and nothing.

So sorry to bunch you as the "cool guys", now I know your not, but it is like that in my experiance with him as of recent.
Whats with all the "Click" and "Cool Guys" shit? Again, you're trying to talk about shit you dont know about. The reason you got ignored is because his seed site hasnt been up in over 5 months. He's barely in the works of getting it back up and running. Yes you can go to his site but hes not taking any orders. He has been ignoring alot of people who have been trying to order in that he's not selling seeds. The only seeds he has sold since he shut down the site were to his members. There wasnt any and isnt any special group of people who only got to order. If you made an account, and posted on the forum for a while and got trusted, he would of tried to get you whatever seeds you were looking for.
I did that I have traded with members off of speedyseedz. I posted in threads have a grow thread and HAVE ORDER FROM SPEEDY AKA CHRIS SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE. I would think that is trust enough How do you think I know about the weedstar bongs and the Emerald Triangle seeds? By NOT being an active member?

Lol funny how peeps are posting how they got hooked up by speedy as of recent but you say he isn't selling anything. I read on his site how dudes are getting orders.
What is you account over there then? I said he isnt selling seeds thru his seed site, only on the forum to people he trusts. Also, those Emerald Triangle seeds went by fast, same with the bongs. And yes you know about the seeds and bongs, so did everyone else who has access to the internet and can type speedyseedz website lol...
Okay I am lying you win sicc SPEEDY IS GOD!!! LMAO

Yeah instead of having a positive experience and ordering again from him I would just rather bash him...........RIIIIGHT!!

My account does'nt matter. Ask ditty how those BlackRose seeds are going that should answer any questions for you on my authenticity.


I never said he didnt ship but he is ignoring me. Why is that so hard to believe?
I was asking for your account to know who you were to see how active you were, i wasnt thinking you lying about having an account lol... Im not sittin here doubting he ignored you either, i even gave you an explanation as you why that probably was... And to take from your own post, even tho you're being sarcastic about that part, it does sound like instead of getting a positive experience, you just want to bash him. But i guess not lol, Why didnt you just talk to Ditty and have him get ahold of speedy for you? He is a Mod over there like myself. If you account has less then 100 posts, with no avatar and you dont post daily, speedy isnt going to sell you seeds apart from his seed site. Once he gets the seed site back up, and if you order, or anyone for that matter he'll get in touch with you when you contact him. Btw, those BR's are really nice lookin plants lol
It's just annOying man that's all. I don't want to bash speedy it is just shitty that he won't even tell me to fuck off ya know? I have not been active for about 30 days he just pissed me off so I left. The black rose is heaths I am just lucky enough to be In a group that knows Heath. Personally I don't know Heath for the record.

Look speedy always shipped he just won't respond to me and that's really fucking annoying. And the truth lol
Oh and I didn't ask ditty because that is fucking retarded. Speedy is the owner and the one selling seeds so I want to talk to speedy not his mods. I love ditty he is golden but again why can't speedy just respond? That's just BS
Well im glad we got the bottom of this, my bad is i sounded like an ass im just tryying to shed light on this whole "Peope Vs Speedy" thing lol. I know what you mean, he does that with everyone, even the active member's at times lol. You really have to be on his ass to get a reply, but thats only because some things are not his top priority. He has been working like crazy too, basically having us MODs run the site for him. Thats why i said you should try and contact one. Its not just you he's not replying to, he tells me almost daily about the massive number of people who send him PM's, he just dosnt have the time to answer, his work schedule is pretty hectic, but all that is going to change once he gets the seed site back up and running. I have had many people contact me about seeds, but i basically tell them the same thing's i have explained in this threads.
It's all good. I am just sicc of being ignored LMAO!

i think he knows how mad you are for being ignored,it's working well.maybe you should stop name droppin if you want something from him?i can say this,i'm a very active member there and i get ignored sometimes to. i think it happens alot on WEED SITES.thats why they call it DOPE! i have had to ask ditty to have speedy get a hold of me before and it works so you might try that.sorry for buying all the emerald triangle seeds but i had to;)

You gotta understand where I'm coming from. I ordered from the guy twice. The first time it took ~2 months to get my seeds. The second time, I never got them, but waited around for WEEKS like a dumbass and THEN Speedy finally stepped up and said "I've had some issues chargin' cards, and only after pulling it out of him he finally decided he needed to just cancel the orders. I said he's not a bad guy, he's just incompetent. How long has been trying to get this going SICC? He's still not sellin' beans! When he get's his shit together, people should order from him, until then my advice has to be to avoid him at all costs. He even attacked me for being upset after the last one. He didn't offer to figure out a way to make it right, he just attacked me.

That's what you get in business when you treat customers like shit, can't fulfill orders and don't communicate well. Sorry, my advice to someone looking for beans is and will remain to go somewhere else unless that guy gets his shit together. Not everything is personal, this one isn't. I think he's a nice guy in over his head and he's just another stoner with a bright idea on how to get by without having to actually work. Not where I want my beans coming from. I order from Attitude and my beans show up, no brainer.
ok, since someone just deleted my last post, ill say it again...

lets talk about the team of hackers that another seedbank, unleashed on speedy last year.

I thought that was a fucked up ATTITUDE to have...

and speaking of fucked up... its kinda fucked up that rolli had to post this thread in the manner he has.
could have just said speedyseedz has a bad rating..
he made it personal.. over chump change ad money.