SpeedySeedz Beware Rollitup Staff (Speedy Seedz)

after everything i said, ......

i hit speedy up to see if he was still selling seeds. he said "no", but asked for my address. about a week later and a package shows up. inside is a pack of FEM mastoon kush and a pack of FEM super sour deisel. FREE, no strings attached. i dropped 3 of each into jiffy plugs and they all have sprouted. they get transferred into beer cups today to eventually be planted outside. i can only thank him at this point.

just thought i'd share my latest experience.

typical speedy style, i knew this would happen. kinda WHY i did it.

he is over at his forum doing whatever he can to make me look bad. he keeps CHAT LOGS and posts them publicly. he sent me free seeds simply to USE IT AGAINST ME at a later date.

i have nothing bad to say about the guy because i knew he was like this going in. just be warned, he's NOT your friend. all he wants is YOUR MONEY.

if you go to his site and read the LOG from the private chat we had, and read the post i posted in this thread, you will see I was trying to bury the hatchet and put all this past us. i offered to start an account at his site because he kicked me some beans from a NEW company. i felt, as a good person, the least i could do was share my grow with him. HE opened the offer for me to sell my glass there. i don't really blow much glass these days so it's not like i'm really pushing sales to begin with. the offer was presented to me. i would NEVER mod any other site. 1 is plenty. i am a member at many other sites that i don't mod. i'm all good everywhere else i go.

i don't know what brought this on. from the looks of his thread he started all this within the last day or so. why I am the center of it all i have NO idea. i guess my name brings in free advertising for his seed sales. something he's admitted to in the past. ;)

good luck speedy. :cool:
I'm sure a lot of sites have their woes. For 1, Dr Chronic.... that mofugga says he still hasn't got my money order that I sent 25 days ago!! Sure glad I didn't send cash, but I have to wait 60 days to claim the money if he hasn't cashed it already.

There will always be haters in the seed game, it sucks RUI had the be the middle man hater and air out their personal grievances on the forums.

Ya I'm a club speedy convert, so what. This place is full of pre-Madonna's anyways, people who think running a seed bank/business is easy, and who DON'T speak out of experience just to get the opportunity to slander another company. If you've had legitimate problems, then go ahead speak your mind, but if you've never ordered from them how can you review them? Sounds childish to me...
I'm sure a lot of sites have their woes. For 1, Dr Chronic.... that mofugga says he still hasn't got my money order that I sent 25 days ago!! Sure glad I didn't send cash, but I have to wait 60 days to claim the money if he hasn't cashed it already.

There will always be haters in the seed game, it sucks RUI had the be the middle man hater and air out their personal grievances on the forums.

Ya I'm a club speedy convert, so what. This place is full of pre-Madonna's anyways, people who think running a seed bank/business is easy, and who DON'T speak out of experience just to get the opportunity to slander another company. If you've had legitimate problems, then go ahead speak your mind, but if you've never ordered from them how can you review them? Sounds childish to me...

so you feel RIU sharing his side is wrong, but speedy publically posting private chat logs is OK?

who even saves chat logs?

what i'm wondering is how speedy's thread "i will soon be selling seeds again" turned into "lets all bash fdd again". i'm not even a member over there. why is speeding over there blasting me? i think he loves me. :)
you should look before you leap.
we were actually discussing whether or not to send you an invite to the forum out of respect for your growing skills.speedy posted the convo so everyone could read it when your name was brought up.

you should look before you leap.
we were actually discussing whether or not to send you an invite to the forum out of respect for your growing skills.speedy posted the convo so everyone could read it when your name was brought up.


still doesn't explain anything. you all know who i am. you all blasted on me. i saw it. talking shit about my glass. speedy clowning about the BIG NAME supplier he has, compared to my cheesy pipes. when i read the thread it was 4 pages and 3 of them were about me.

i read it, it was brought to my attention by a fellow member of both sites.

so once again, ....

how does my name tie in with speedy's reopening?

i was already invited. read the chat log he posted. he said i could come over, even said it was cool to sell my glass there. then he mocked me for it.

deny, deny, deny.
RIU admin posted chat logs between him and Speedy as well. So you'll attack one but not the other? good on ya.

what happens between them is none of my business. i was never involved in any of it. the chat logs i am speaking of was ME. i deal with my own issues.

in what way does the reopening of speedy seeds involve ME?
i'm still wondering. :?
it doesnt, at all. but somehow your name came up on the thread, and here we are.
whats funny is that its been a dead thread for a few days...
...and here we are, trollingitup :lol:
it doesnt, at all. but somehow your name came up on the thread, and here we are.
whats funny is that its been a dead thread for a few days...
...and here we are, trollingitup :lol:

i made my post here the same day i was made aware of that thread, 4 days ago. it was you all who bumped it last night.
why dont you just go on over there and find out for yourself, instead of banning peeps that are talking t you about it then continuing the discussion once there banned...

why dont you just go on over there and find out for yourself, instead of banning peeps that are talking t you about it then continuing the discussion once there banned...


who did i ban for discussing this?

i sent speedy another yahoo message, after i read the thread, which he didn't reply to. did he post it yet? why doesn't he reply to me personally? why did he send YOU instead.

you keep taking jabs at the site with your name calling, then can't understand why people get banned. in this case, since none of this involves YOU, YOU are the troll. trolling it up.

yeah, big mean fdd. :roll:
taste of your own medicine too harsh?
i got an inbox with a cpl infractions saying privileges have been removed.
signing a post 'trollitup' is hardly inappropriate nor offensive language, as i see you see fit to use the term 'troll' yourself, in a similar context, even directing it towards me on the presumption i would take offense to your comment; yet hand out no infraction to yourself for using it, towards me, as a personal attack, and in a negative context.

i call that a double standard, and a hypocritical move.

i wasn't 'sent' here by anyone.
my bs detector vectored me in on this thread when i read it the first time, so ive been monitoring it ever since, and have posted my opinions on this situation only to be issued infractions and have posts deleted, that simply state the truth.
and if you took the time to read the thread, over there... then maybe you missed these posts:

fdd never really did anything to piss me off directly, however he sure has pissed off alot of other people lol...

but my spidey sense is telling me that sounds like he wants to walk in the door as a mod and sell his glass.

i could be wrong tho.

fdd's latest post is great, when they wanna put up a chat conversation its cool, when I do it, its wrong,
when rollitup starts an online store like hydroponicz.net and rips people off and just sweeps it under the carpet its fine, but bring out all the stops to hate on me.

he's backpeddling big time now, probably worried how riu will take to what he said and doesn't want to lose his glass selling business through the forum.,

they always trying to play both sides of the game when it suits them.

all I was trying to put across with that conversation, was that fdd was reasonable, and we get on ok, thats why i sent him the seeds and that really he was pretty fed up with the way things were over at riu.

I know your reading this fdd, i'm sorry that you got the wrong end of the stick, i wasn't attacking you at all, I was just showing that when you take the riu shit out of the equation, your a decent bloke.


give me another infraction for saying it :)
"my glass selling business". lol. i'm "retired". :cool:

i am not lurking that site. i went once last week and saw enough.


Attitude Seed Bank is where its at should be recieving my order today or tommorow stick with what has been working people and research a site before you make a purchase GOOGLE usually has everything you need to know.
It looks like our rip off artist has resumed operations again. The company called speedyseedz comes in and out of the scene every once in a while once the heat dies down on them.

Rollitup Members beware of this company last time they went underground they ripped off not only us by not paying their bill they ripped off countless members as well. Any member that is promoting them will be given an infraction as a warning.

This is for the benifit of the community that we keep a watchful eye on these scam artists.

Take Care

Thanks for the warning buddy. What's their URL? Do they have one? I can play with their site.. :D

Is it the same people running it now.. as it was back when they first came around? I made an order with them.. just one order, but I got my order and everything. But I think it was back when 'SpeedySeedz' was a member of RIU.. and used the screen/username 'SpeedySeedz' or something like that I think.

anyhow, thanks for the warning/notice.

who did i ban for discussing this?

i sent speedy another yahoo message, after i read the thread, which he didn't reply to. did he post it yet? why doesn't he reply to me personally? why did he send YOU instead.

you keep taking jabs at the site with your name calling, then can't understand why people get banned. in this case, since none of this involves YOU, YOU are the troll. trolling it up.

yeah, big mean fdd. :roll:

Just ignore the ignorance fdd. Some people are just born ignorant.. and will die ignorant. Some people just don't have a lick of common sense. *shakes head*

I still love ya fdd! ;)

peace & hugs (its what the U.S. needs right now)