sphagnum moss experienced growers?

Kass or whoever. 1 Tbsp fish emulsion, 1 Tsp of epsoms salt to a quart of water is a true broad spectrum foliar. It only really aids the plant by inducing microbes feeding on the fatty acids and sugars. Ask @PadawanWarrior to explain it.
my Biobizz "Fishmix" is a full 6-2-4 veg formulae that only needs Ca & Mg from tap and carries solo through veg. Stinks also a hell but leaves brown residue/spots on leaves. I think they have melasse therein, too
it could be bound and later released. that's the organic concept, and a reason why plant can't be burned that all too swiftly.
big organic compounds get processed by bacteria which break it down into much smaller molecules, which then serve the plant for food. so you feed the microbes which feed it to the roots, depending on soillife, temps it gets more or less
lol @ you and michi-can
I use Alaska brand aand it smells of you asociates while we are laughing. Yet so good I have 2 cans of salmon guts buried since last fall. Sun dried at 25-35F until dry. Care to dig them up for me? I am not paying $10 USD for fish spoilage again.
my Biobizz "Fishmix" is a full 6-2-4 veg formulae that only needs Ca & Mg from tap and carries solo through veg. Stinks also a hell but leaves brown residue/spots on leaves. I think they have melasse therein, too
Mine has never hurt a leaf. Only perked deficient ones to health. And the stink. I have a sprayer from a month ago I ill toss as I did not empty in 24 hours.
it could be bound and later released. that's the organic concept, and a reason why plant can't be burned that all too swiftly.
big organic compounds get processed by bacteria which break it down into much smaller molecules, which then serve the plant for food. so you feed the microbes which feed it to the roots, depending on soillife, temps it gets more or less
Okay okay I see you girlllllll! I’m going to try it & see how it goes.
I learned to grow weed in a tray on top of my 5 gallon fish tank. No crazy. Almost a perfect closed lop. Just not realistically scalable at home. And that was in the 80's. LMAO!
Aquaponics & Cannabis: 3 Major Obstacles | Grow Weed Easy
who she think wrote this article?