sphagnum moss experienced growers?

Inert/ hydro or soil. I suggest cold pressed OMRI certified fish emulsion. It is a wonder first aid as a spritz. And it feeds the microbes feeding our plants at the roots. Just because it is in a bottle does not mean it is available without help.
Inert/ hydro or soil. I suggest cold pressed OMRI certified fish emulsion. It is a wonder first aid as a spritz. And it feeds the microbes feeding our plants at the roots. Just because it is in a bottle does not mean it is available without help.
my stand alone all the way through
Neptune's Harvest Organic Hydrolyzed Fish Fertilizer Gallon
some crazy hydro peeps even keep a fish in their DWC system lmao
I learned to grow weed in a tray on top of my 5 gallon fish tank. No crazy. Almost a perfect closed lop. Just not realistically scalable at home. And that was in the 80's. LMAO!
Thats actually a thing
Aquaponics & Cannabis: 3 Major Obstacles | Grow Weed Easy
who she think wrote this article?
You got a free sample of fish tank water? Pet shops will give you better nutrient water for free when they do weekly water changes. Ooops! You are not supposed to know that. LOL. Cold pressed fish emulsion is gold for plants.
You don't want to do that unless you have a separate mineralization tank where the bacteria can convert the ammonia to nitrites before the water hits the plants. If you have a media bed of clay pebbles or something similar, then it could work with out the separate tank.
You don't want to do that unless you have a separate mineralization tank where the bacteria can convert the ammonia to nitrites before the water hits the plants. If you have a media bed of clay pebbles or something similar, then it could work with out the separate tank.
Live sand and a serious under gravel filter and carbon canister filtration with ammo carb. Proper feeding population. I know not if you understand a true biological fish tank. But otherwise you are correct. A 5 gallon will die in a day. A 100+ will show for weeks before death.
Live sand and a serious under gravel filter and carbon canister filtration with ammo carb. Proper feeding population. I know not if you understand a true biological fish tank. But otherwise you are correct. A 5 gallon will die in a day. A 100+ will show for weeks before death.
So, did you test your ammonia and nitrite levels in that situation?
So, did you test your ammonia and nitrite levels in that situation?
Too funny. But yes. A first gen chem labs dual probe brick. Then a first gen pen plax/blue ??? triple probe and reagent kit. I bred piranha, oscars, angels, cichlids and ghost shrimp. And the kiddie pools of feeder fish in the carp and shiner family. I did fish very well. Better than my weed exploits for a very long time. And curious as to your fish background.
Too funny. But yes. A first gen chem labs dual probe brick. Then a first gen pen plax/blue ??? triple probe and reagent kit. I bred piranha, oscars, angels, cichlids and ghost shrimp. And the kiddie pools of feeder fish in the carp and shiner family. I did fish very well. Better than my weed exploits for a very long time. And curious as to your fish background.
I know nothing of fish really, except that I had a tank once. I know more about aquaponics than I do fish. I have been considering getting a back yard aquaponics setup with a 200gal tank, but I'm not sure I really want to get into all the work. It seems like a major commitment.
I know nothing of fish really, except that I had a tank once. I know more about aquaponics than I do fish. I have been considering getting a back yard aquaponics setup with a 200gal tank, but I'm not sure I really want to get into all the work. It seems like a major commitment.
There are no set rule or directions. Bacteria,vegetation, fish, food source, sun, temp, water, and to infinity affect it. Tilapia seem the best in poor water. And silver carp and Koi/ goldfish for cleaner water. Crustaceans and mollusks work very well for natural purification. I haven't dabbled in decades. It is do able now with net info from extensions of agriculture programs at many universities.