Spicysativa's Cheese Quake Grow


Active Member
I'm thinking about buying another pack or two of these for the vault, I can't wait to see this unfold!!


Well-Known Member
I got 6 Cheesequakes going myself just a couple weeks til flower time. Growing 3 TGA strains this time I'm curious to see how these cheesequakes come out! If I feel like I can do better or I don't get a clone off the best, I'll probably order several packs and do a pheno hunt.


Well-Known Member
I'm hoping to end up with 4 healthy females to flower. If I get more than 4 females from the 10-pack, I'll pick the 4 strongest. I'll take cuttings from these 4 and keep them until i've harvested, dried, and cured. If I see something special, I'll keep it around. I really enjoy variety, though, so it's gonna have to really shine for me to keep it.


Well-Known Member
I have revegged 2 plants so far and I plan on doing it again with my current grow, with the frostiest plant I have ever seen (not a huge yielder though) and maybe with my best yielder too. So far it worked for me but I think you can get hermi this way.


Well-Known Member
All 10 of them just got transplanted to 2-gal smart pots with Roots soil (plus a little extra EWC and dolomite lime). I also dusted their roots with some mycos.

They all had nice fuzzy white roots. :)


Well-Known Member
I moved the CQ's into my "big" (4x4) cab under a 600 watt Sunmaster Cool Deluxe MH a couple days ago, and they seem to be loving it. I think they are going to bust in to full blast veg mode any day now. When they do, I'll top them and begin the main-lining process. I'll try to snap some pics this evening.

I also watered in some beneficial nematodes last night. I haven't seen any fungus gnats in the grow area this round, and I want to keep it that way...


Well-Known Member
I'm back with a couple pictures of my Cheese Quake youngins. They seem quite happy to me.

A quick question for Nugbuckets, if he happens to be checking in: Do you think these youngsters are ready for mainlining? Or should I wait a little longer?

CQ Close Up.jpgGroup Shot.jpg


Well-Known Member
Yeah... that "special" one I mentioned before that skipped the node with 3 bladed leaves is always a little droopy. It's the one in front in the group shot.


Active Member
Nice grow, I'll follow along. Extra points for the Racer 5 beer. Excellent brew.


Well-Known Member
It sure is. I love me some California brewed IPAs... I almost took that shot with a Lagunitas, but opted to crack open a Racer instead.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, TGL!

Just a little note... This is my first time using MH lighting, and it's interesting to see how they have reacted tto the move from T5 to MH. Under T5, there was practically zero stretch, but the leaves remained quite small. I had the T5's within a couple inches. When I moved them under the MH, the leaves almost immediately began to grow larger, and the top couple new nodes are spaced out a little more. Not stretched out by any means, just not packed in... Anyway, that's just my random thought for the day...


Well-Known Member
I've never tried a scrog, mostly just cause my space is tight, and it'd be hard to tend to my garden if I couldn't move the plants. From the pictures I've seen, it looks like Cheese Quake likes to form big top colas. I think this will jive well with Nugbuckets mainlining technique. CAN'T WAIT to see how it works!!!


Well-Known Member
Just checked on the garden this morning and discovered the youngsters are starting to show their junk. 3/10 have popped preflowers. 2 are 99.99% sure male, and 1 is 99.999999% sure female. I won't be killing anything until I'm 100% sure.

I'm also dealing with a bit of a fungus gnat problem, despite the nematodes I added as a preventative (before any gnats even appeared in the garden). Gnats are a bit rampant in my area right now. They've been pestering my house plants, too. As soon as they dry up a little more, I'll dose them all with Azamax. Solved...

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
I always hit my plants with AzaMax while in veg, even if there are no signs of bugs. I think of it as preventive maintenance.


Well-Known Member
I wanted to give the nematodes a chance to do my preventative maintenance for me, but they have failed. And now they will die when I use Azamax... That'll teach 'em....


Well-Known Member
That'll be in the works next time. Might pick up some DE and dust the soil surfaces with it after the Azamax drench.