Spicysativa's Cheese Quake Grow


Well-Known Member
So far 3 males showed and were chopped, 4 females showed, and 3 have not shown definitively (likely female). I'll pick the happiest 4 females to grow out. I see what looks like two different phenotypes. One is shorter with shorter internodes, and just seems really happy. It also has some "double-serrated" leaves, which I guess is a cheese thing. One is a little taller, with slightly longer internodes. Haven't seen any double-serrated leaves on those yet. I'll probably flower 2 of each.


Well-Known Member
yeah I found 2 boys so far, 2 females, and 2 unknowns... hoping for the best. No double serrated leaves, but they're the most sativa of the bunch i've got going now


Well-Known Member
Post some pics of the grow spicy, Id like to see that double serrated leaf thing. And the rest of course.


Active Member
Yo Spicy, when did u ID the males? I think it said day 27-ish.... Is that counting from seed? I have a small grow space I'm setting up and if I pop 5 beans in hopes of getting 2 females... Well I'm trying to time it for when my current plants finish. So if they show gender at 27 days I should be poppin seeds soon :leaf:


Well-Known Member
The first preflowers were visible about 27 days after they popped out of the soil. They weren't obvious, I used a 30x jewelers loupe to see them better. The males showed first, then females began to show. There are still a few that haven't showed, and I'm guessing they will be female cause females usually take longer to show sex.


Well-Known Member
That's intereresting. I think males growing faster/taller and producing flowers first is actually a survival mechanism. That way the males stand above the females and pollen is already dropping when the females are ready for it.

I've noticed the males showing preflowers first, but they don't always seem to be taller (like I have read).

Huel Perkins

Well-Known Member
Since we're on the topic i recently popped two Cheesequake seeds, it took about 6 weeks to show sex under 20/4 lighting and resulted in one male and one female. Oddly, the male was the shorter and bushier of the two.


Well-Known Member
What's up everyone. I'm back with a few pics. Started up the mainlining today. :blsmoke: Also culled down to the strongest 6 females (ended up with 7/10!). Sadly, 2 more will have to go before flower time... I'll be grabbing the bottom branches for clones once they grow another node or two.

Group shot before (well, not for the one in front...), group shot after, up close shot, and a shot of some double serrations...


Close Up.jpgDouble Serrations.jpgGroup Shot_After.jpgGroup Shot_Before.jpg

The New Jim Jones

Well-Known Member
im also going to main line, main-lining has and will take the growing world by storm, mark my words, tasty grow aswell, im loving the double serration, and just the general look


Well-Known Member
Looking good! I am still a bit confused with main-lining, I have read nugbuckets tutorial but I must have been a bit too medicated to wrap my head around it. I will have to give it another read :)


Active Member
You will love having CQ in the garden! I got my first round of CQ ladies at around day 30 flower and resin, flower production, and terpenes are beyond insane! The grapiest, cheesiest thing I've ever smelled in the garden!! Any pheno you are hoping for?


Well-Known Member
That one pheno Hovering found with the higher CBD sounds great. I'm hoping I can help out a friend with really bad nerve pain. All the phenos I've read about sound great though!


Active Member
Yeah that one would be nice for my chronic nerve pain and damage as well...both of mine are more of a cheese pheno, but both parents are represented excellently! Gonna get another 5 pack of CQ to continue the hunt, along with Dairy Queen:lol:


Well-Known Member
Just self diagnosed myself yesterday with plantar fasciitis... ugh! CQ save me! Unfortunately 2+ months til harvest :(