Spidermite!!! Help!


Active Member
Easy guys, 3rd week into flower I’ve noticed spider mites Soon as realised sprayed them up with pyrethrum 5ec and also mite off to no joy in fact it’s like they come worse each time I use them. Last resort was a insecto smoke bomb. Any one used before? Will it harm fruits or plant with me being in flower. Any help/suggestions welcome.
Nice one
Any last attempt ideas guys? debating getting rid of the crop and starting over which I really don’t want to do if can be helped.
Appreciate the reply mate :) I actually used to use that stuff years ago and it did the job. But local shops etc don’t seem to be able to get hold of it anymore. And online seem to have no stock. The link u just shared is also out of stock. Thanks buddy.
3rd week of flower you will barely have bud sites. Crank up the air flow in there, drop temps and increase humidity for a bit, it will grind the breeding of mites to a halt. You can still hit them with potassium salts of fatty acids at this stage, just make sure you get the undersides of every leaf and repeat in 3 days once eggs hatch. A vacuum on it's low setting will work too, as will spraying the plants a little harder with plain water and a drop of dawn dish soap.... just be sure not to blast the plants to death.
3rd week of flower you will barely have bud sites. Crank up the air flow in there, drop temps and increase humidity for a bit, it will grind the breeding of mites to a halt. You can still hit them with potassium salts of fatty acids at this stage, just make sure you get the undersides of every leaf and repeat in 3 days once eggs hatch. A vacuum on it's low setting will work too, as will spraying the plants a little harder with plain water and a drop of dawn dish soap.... just be sure not to blast the plants to death.
Thanks mate maybe a daft question. But when u say fatty acids and potassium what do u mean? Also I Scrogged earlier on in veg so manouvering the plants to cover everywhere is kind of awkward would u advise to remove the netting now so can get better coverage underneath etc? I even had spider mite predators on them from early to prevent this but they’ve not done the job in hand unfortunately
Thanks mate maybe a daft question. But when u say fatty acids and potassium what do u mean? Also I Scrogged earlier on in veg so manouvering the plants to cover everywhere is kind of awkward would u advise to remove the netting now so can get better coverage underneath etc? I even had spider mite predators on them from early to prevent this but they’ve not done the job in hand unfortunately
Also do u have any experience with the smoke bombs to kill them off? Thanks buddy
Thanks mate maybe a daft question. But when u say fatty acids and potassium what do u mean? Also I Scrogged earlier on in veg so manouvering the plants to cover everywhere is kind of awkward would u advise to remove the netting now so can get better coverage underneath etc? I even had spider mite predators on them from early to prevent this but they’ve not done the job in hand unfortunately

Better known as insecticidal soap, can usually get it at a local hardware store or online, should do the trick.
Better known as insecticidal soap, can usually get it at a local hardware store or online, should do the trick.
Thanks brother. I’m guessing that is pretty much what I’ve been using. Pyrethrum and mite off. Do u know much about how the smoke bombs work? Pros/cons?
Thanks brother. I’m guessing that is pretty much what I’ve been using. Pyrethrum and mite off. Do u know much about how the smoke bombs work? Pros/cons?

Haven't used the bombs but I have heard good things about the Doktor Doom line of products. Not something I would try in flower though.

Soap is much safer and can be rinsed off. Pyrethrum is very potent and the active ingredient in many miticides, it is an extract from Chrysanthemum flower.
Those bombs are nasty. I wouldn't trust them.
Thanks for ur input ;) just kind of running out of options tbh . And my local shop seems to think that may be the best option... Nothing seems to be touching the little fkers at the moment ... and I’m trying my best to avoid binning them off now. Cheers dude
Haven't used the bombs but I have heard good things about the Doktor Doom line of products. Not something I would try in flower though.

Soap is much safer and can be rinsed off. Pyrethrum is very potent and the active ingredient in many miticides, it is an extract from Chrysanthemum flower.
Ye the fact there in flower is what’s putting me off too just seem to be fighting a losing battle with the little fkers at the mo! An like I said there also in netting which makes it even more difficult to get around them.

Don't waste your money on that. Depending on your region look for Scotts or Ortho Bug B Gon, they're the same forumulation. Spray once every 3-4 days till about week 2 for flower. Then maybe one more spray at week 5. Just dont overdo it as it has canola oil in it and can plug up the leaves.
Don't waste your money on that. Depending on your region look for Scotts or Ortho Bug B Gon, they're the same forumulation. Spray once every 3-4 days till about week 2 for flower. Then maybe one more spray at week 5. Just dont overdo it as it has canola oil in it and can plug up the leaves.
Cheers bro , Is the scotts one called bug clear?
Ok guys , another day battling with these little fkers. A friend of mine has a hotbox sulfume I could borrow although he’s never used it so can’t give any fees back on it. Any of use used one before ? Thanks