Spring BBQ Sat 4/27 @Camp Far West Lake

Trimcamp cooks don't usually get paid per se. This man worked on the farm as farm crew for several seasons. Farm crew generally don't trim, but as they are paid by commission and they don't get paid until the harvest is in the bag, literally, they tend to pitch in and do what ever it takes to keep the trimmers scissors clicking.
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Thanks for the info and invite! I hope to make it out there. Lots of cool folks on RIU. It would be nice to chill with a few!!! Also a car show would be a bonus as well I want to do both...

Phone number for Reservation: 1-530-633-0803

I've tried to call a few times with a busy signal. I just called again and now their message box is full. :lol:
have you tried sending a text?
Many of the crew are from other states that are underserved by the Cannabis industry and prefer to take their earnings home with them in product. It's not for me to ask questions.
Yeah I totally recognize that, I’m not mad about it. Simply explaining why it isn’t the gig for me. But I’m sure it’s a great fit for the right person. Y’all do good work…I just prefer cash