Spring BBQ Sat 4/27 @Camp Far West Lake

It is also the 150th anniversary of the town of Wheatland becoming a city. There is still one of the hop dryers near the road, they used to be grown here. Look up the hop riot, it happened because of working conditions
'Camp Far West' gets is name from being the furthest camp west along the "California Trail", a migration route for settlers coming from the East to California, and was the Donner Parties destination before they got trapped by snow in the High Sierra for the winter.
'Camp Far West' gets is name from being the furthest camp west along the "California Trail", a migration route for settlers coming from the East to California, and was the Donner Parties destination before they got trapped by snow in the High Sierra for the winter.
There is a historical marker on Spenceville road about halfway to the lake that marks where the Donner party crossed, supposedly.
Hey folks i do not under any circumstances want to have to shut the thread down i will however it if comprises RIU.

the bbq is a great way to meet people its been around alot and you guys always seem to have alot of fun.

Please do me a solid and the BBQ Group a solid by following forum rules and protocol.

No mention of trading cuts, cuts etc.

You can do that OFF Rollitup.

I dont want to be a pain in anyones ass but I got rules to follow from the owner of the forum, please remember that you are comprising Rollitup, Rollitups employees and their families by breaking the rules, so if i have to protect the forum I will always choose to do that and shut down the thread.

The good news is you can completely avoid any of that by simply not mentioning and following the rules, it doesnt have to be difficult.

I will not come in here again and ask again. if i gotta come 3 times that means yall aint respecting the site and you are choosing to shut down the bbq thread by doing so.

comments questions concerns go to my inbox so we can avoid me taking over a thread, but i think this is pretty self explanatory here.
I got permission from the wife. She's not coming so I'm going to bring my buddy Ed. If you see two fat dudes riding around on little Honda CT 110s that's me and my buddy.

I just called today to make a reservation for the weekend. The gentleman in the office said reservations are Tuesdays and Wednesdays only 10:00 to 2:00 p.m. I'll try again tomorrow.

If there's any food or drinks that I can bring I would be happy to. Some marinated chicken thighs or lockeford sausages or something. A Case of sodas maybe Thanks @doublejj for putting this together!