Spring BBQ Sat 4/27 @Camp Far West Lake


Well-Known Member
I will be hosting a Spring BBQ and giveaway on Sat 4/27 at Camp Far West Lake. We will be BBQing chicken and burgers for everyone or bring something to throw in the grill or the food table.
There is a $20 day use fee for the lake or $35 if you wish to camp for the night. See you there...
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Are there decent hotels nearby?
Will this include tours of the growing area?
DON'T get a room in Olivehurst, too many tweakers. Nothing really close by, Lincoln seems to have a few nice places. Be careful for the small town cops in Wheatland. It's my neighborhood is why I jumped in.
Edit, The Hard Rock casino has rooms, not sure what they charge. It's off 40 mile road.
Website Admin has asked me to refrain from discussing the particulars about some of the activities that are know to go on at these BBQ's....if you know you know.;) So in the interest of having fun, lets just call it a friendly Chicken BBQ & Meet up. :hug:
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There will be a car show on the 27th on front street in Wheatland which means 4th street will be closed to through traffic. It's just people from the local area. Main street that turns into Spenceville road to get to the lake will be open. There is a light on 65 @main. One of our two lights, lol. There are no RV hookups at the lake.