Sprout stopped in time - can ya dig it?


Well-Known Member
I definitely DONT dig it, but im about to dig it up n see wtf's up :wall:

i started germin a seed for a day between paper towels, then decided i wanted to start the seedling in a large shotglass of 1 part vermiculite, 1 part perlite, and 2 parts soil - all went well, but because of the transfer the root tip grew up out of the soil at an angle
i found this, and rebuiried a measly half-inch below the soil, if that. (many things had said bury the seed height beneath surface)
anywho, its been 4/5 days now and i have not seen anything from her!!!!!!!!!!!!

should i go in and dig her up to see what the deal is?


Well-Known Member

I had a seed that did that 2 weeks ago. I dug it up to see where it went, and it was gone. No note, nothing. I was going to cry, but i smoked a bowl instead.


Well-Known Member
actually ive never been married, still in college, but anyways i dug the bitch out n she'd shriveled up n died on me, nothin but a seed with a dead taproot hangin from it

can't be tooo disappointed though, that was the freebie from the Attitude, the other got crushed in the mail on the way so thats why i was tryin this la woman