Start college tomorrow


Well-Known Member
the only people that think college is a waste of time are those who:

1) failed out of college
2) never made it into college
3) finished college but never really learned anything.

there's PLENTY of these to go around....
Or people with origional ideas


Well-Known Member
lol im so nervous, i barely slept
i didn't sleep either. you shouldnt be nnervous, you're going to love it and you will have fun, meet new people :) Relax and enjoy yourself. god how i miss college!!!!

college is so easy compared to real life.


Well-Known Member
lol ok, just need to relax. thank god i live close enough to walk, gonna go early, so i can get a good seat

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
the only people that think college is a waste of time are those who:

1) failed out of college
2) never made it into college
3) finished college but never really learned anything.

there's PLENTY of these to go around....
In a way your right. I went to college and pretty much ditched out after half a semester.

But I'm making more money than my friends just graduating college, they include occupational therapist, sales, financial planner, etc.
And to be honest in 5 years i will be probably be making 3-4 times what they will be making. And I have no obligations, can work from home, can live ANYWHERE in the world.
Its all about playing the game of life the right way and taking advantage of opportunities.


Well-Known Member
so yesterday went great, saw alot of people from high school, my teachers were interesting, btw, geography is hella cooler than i thought it would be, and.....

FINE GUYS EVERY WHERE I LOOKED. My classes were packed full of them, id walk around and there were fine guys to the left and to the right, and it was great

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
Sit in the front row so you won't be distracted by movement of others. Plus, the Prof. will get to know you (that helps)


Well-Known Member
ah ok. i wont be missing the same class twice, its i have to leave on a thursday, so miss my thursday classes, my one friday class, and i get home monday, but too late to go to my monday classes
The one thing that causes most students to fail out is............sleeping in and missing class. go to class and you are almost guaranteed a C, now me I have an AA and a BA that I earned in '04 and now im going back for a BS degree so I cant get into the Masters program I want.

Just keep you mind on the goal........get degree that will get a job........Lots of distractions in college so just keep working at it cause college is to expensive to fuck off


Well-Known Member
yeah, i checked my syllabus yesterday for my art history class. the day im supposed to come home from vegas is the day a HUGE project is due, i dont think im going to vegas, and it kills me, but my dad would understand why i couldnt go


Well-Known Member
Or people with origional ideas
College is where you learn to communicate those ideas in a way that others will comprehend andtherefore recognize he originality in that idea, otherwise people usually sound like they dont really know what they are talking about.

Also in order to formulate original ideas you need a foundation of knowledge in that field. Would anyone explain to me how someone who never made it passed high school masters astrology and quantum mechanics enough to have a legitimate debate with steven hawking, without educating themselves in a very similar fashion to a college student?