Starting my first grow tomorrow


it hard to because i didnt fill them to the top id say actuall size


what i did was from the original put i just took a knife cut around them and while the soil was still compacted i buried the new soil slightly over it and watered it


possibly id say prob 3 were dark like that a couple light colored ones i mean they were deff herb seeds if hats what ur getting at


Well-Known Member
hmm well i personally have no idea what doing that could do to a plant. If you damage the seed the plant can grow deformed I know that.


Well-Known Member
possibly id say prob 3 were dark like that a couple light colored ones i mean they were deff herb seeds if hats what ur getting at
Well dude as far as I know all strains of weed seeds look the same. Almondish shaped, brownish greyish sometimes with like tiger striping on them. Young seeds can come white and light colored but you don't wanna use them generally.


i didnt cut close to them i left prob 2 inches in diamerter from were they sprouted so i didnt cut any roots


Well-Known Member
oh ha ha ha damn either I'm stoned or you are I thought you meant you cut around the seeds to germ them ha ha ha let me see...


when i have them in there overnight with the lights on and a little fan on should i keep the top cracked a little bit or what cause right now the temp says its at 80


Well-Known Member
I mean nit pickers are gonne be like "oh my god 80!?!?!?! how dare you?" Me I say fuck it 80's fine. Weed grows everywhere. it grows in places where the temps reach 115 degrees. It'll grow in 80. Low 70's is optimal for photosynthesis but shit man as long as there's light the plants gonna soak it up. I say you're fine.

Let the chastising begin!!!


Well-Known Member
mk doesnt know what he's talkin about, he is a horrible grower who grows tomatoes....not cannibus...don't listen to him...:twisted: