stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

copy & paste for you:

" 'Blue No Matter Who' people are already blaming the Bernie Supporters in advance for not voting for Biden in the general election. They need to sit down and understand something. We (people like myself) were never Blue No Matter Who. We were never Blue to begin with. Blue has, for decades, been a source of disappointment, neglect, deceit, betrayal, and collusion with the people who actively persecute us. Y'all never had us to begin with, yet you're acting entitled to our votes and support.

You need to understand this: This election season, you all have been inundated by our generosity as we put our discomfort aside for the off chance of salvaging your shitty Party. Your cup of our compromises runneth the hell over. You are not entitled to a single damn vote, and we sure as hell are not responsible for wrecking your mediocre ass dreams. I think NOT.

There're people out here committing suicide over the student debt they're drowning in, debt that they acquired by putting faith in your bullshit promises of work-hard-get-paid. We're out here GoFundMeing chemo treatments ...and drinking poison water because your billionaire buddies wanted to save a dollar.

And what did y'all do?

Actively and OPENLY sabotaged the only candidate who bothered to care.

I don't owe you ANYTHING.

You want Trump out? Wow. What ambition. Don't pull a muscle reaching for the stars there. Thank you for really coming through when things finally got bad enough that they started to affect YOU.

Maybe if YOU learned how to compromise we could do that.

Erase crippling debt no matter who. End police brutality no matter who. Abolish ICE no matter who. Free Palestine no matter who. Stop people from dying of preventable fucking illnesses no matter who.

SCREW your party loyalty. We want People loyalty. When you show up for that, then we can talk about what you can have from us.”

Courtesy of Curtis Roberts

Sums it up well.
thank can vote for Little Bow Peep if you want to as long as it removes a republican from republicans out
copy & paste for you:

" 'Blue No Matter Who' people are already blaming the Bernie Supporters in advance for not voting for Biden in the general election. They need to sit down and understand something. We (people like myself) were never Blue No Matter Who. We were never Blue to begin with. Blue has, for decades, been a source of disappointment, neglect, deceit, betrayal, and collusion with the people who actively persecute us. Y'all never had us to begin with, yet you're acting entitled to our votes and support.

You need to understand this: This election season, you all have been inundated by our generosity as we put our discomfort aside for the off chance of salvaging your shitty Party. Your cup of our compromises runneth the hell over. You are not entitled to a single damn vote, and we sure as hell are not responsible for wrecking your mediocre ass dreams. I think NOT.

There're people out here committing suicide over the student debt they're drowning in, debt that they acquired by putting faith in your bullshit promises of work-hard-get-paid. We're out here GoFundMeing chemo treatments ...and drinking poison water because your billionaire buddies wanted to save a dollar.

And what did y'all do?

Actively and OPENLY sabotaged the only candidate who bothered to care.

I don't owe you ANYTHING.

You want Trump out? Wow. What ambition. Don't pull a muscle reaching for the stars there. Thank you for really coming through when things finally got bad enough that they started to affect YOU.

Maybe if YOU learned how to compromise we could do that.

Erase crippling debt no matter who. End police brutality no matter who. Abolish ICE no matter who. Free Palestine no matter who. Stop people from dying of preventable fucking illnesses no matter who.

SCREW your party loyalty. We want People loyalty. When you show up for that, then we can talk about what you can have from us.”

Courtesy of Curtis Roberts

Sums it up well.
"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elder berries" is said because hamsters reproduce a LOT (implying she's a whore) and elder berries were used for the making of alcohol (implying he was a drunk). Father put his foot down: no daughter of his was going to become a painted cigarette-smoking whore

Joe Biden Age 77
That’s hilarious and only endears him to me

imgonna go grab some windmill cancer by the pussy
Oh gawd no, those little pukes probably do think it's funny. Maybe someone can brew up some pandemic pale ale, or some pneumonia Porter, ICU IPA!
Lock up all 18 to 30 year olds in camps (draft the lot of em), control the infection rate (big measles parties) supply them with plenty of pot and beer while ya wait fur em to become immune. Next ya order them into national service to deal with the sick and elderly! :D Trump troops to fight the war on the virus, give'm bunny suits to wear for uniforms.
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"Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elder berries" is said because hamsters reproduce a LOT (implying she's a whore) and elder berries were used for the making of alcohol (implying he was a drunk). Father put his foot down: no daughter of his was going to become a painted cigarette-smoking whore

Joe Biden Age 77
When did he quote Monty Python?

copy & paste for you:

" 'Blue No Matter Who' people are already blaming the Bernie Supporters in advance for not voting for Biden in the general election. They need to sit down and understand something. We (people like myself) were never Blue No Matter Who. We were never Blue to begin with. Blue has, for decades, been a source of disappointment, neglect, deceit, betrayal, and collusion with the people who actively persecute us. Y'all never had us to begin with, yet you're acting entitled to our votes and support.

You need to understand this: This election season, you all have been inundated by our generosity as we put our discomfort aside for the off chance of salvaging your shitty Party. Your cup of our compromises runneth the hell over. You are not entitled to a single damn vote, and we sure as hell are not responsible for wrecking your mediocre ass dreams. I think NOT.

There're people out here committing suicide over the student debt they're drowning in, debt that they acquired by putting faith in your bullshit promises of work-hard-get-paid. We're out here GoFundMeing chemo treatments ...and drinking poison water because your billionaire buddies wanted to save a dollar.

And what did y'all do?

Actively and OPENLY sabotaged the only candidate who bothered to care.

I don't owe you ANYTHING.

You want Trump out? Wow. What ambition. Don't pull a muscle reaching for the stars there. Thank you for really coming through when things finally got bad enough that they started to affect YOU.

Maybe if YOU learned how to compromise we could do that.

Erase crippling debt no matter who. End police brutality no matter who. Abolish ICE no matter who. Free Palestine no matter who. Stop people from dying of preventable fucking illnesses no matter who.

SCREW your party loyalty. We want People loyalty. When you show up for that, then we can talk about what you can have from us.”

Courtesy of Curtis Roberts

Sums it up well.

Are you crying?
Should we bail out Jeff's employees or should he....
That might not hold water with her though since she has her stocks locked in a blind trust, while the Republicans did the trading themselves. I am not sure about the other Democrat that did it, so you might be able to string them up with the Republicans.

As a Californian, I can vouch for the corruption of Feinstein.

I hope they burn that witch.
So after hearing more about this, Burr looks dirty AF.

Burr was telling people how great everything was in public while getting hearings and sold off the largest one day trading (33 separate trades) of his stock since 2016. And is not seeking re-election in 2022.

The lady Republican (who is married to the stock exchange president (or something, not sure exact title he is) ...

From the Washington Post:
During an appearance Friday on CNBC, Loeffler said sales by her and her husband, Jeffrey Sprecher, the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, were made “at the decision of our investment managers” and she didn’t learn of them until well after the fact.

“Certainly I had no involvement,” Loeffler said, adding that she would welcome any scrutiny that is appropriate and has always adhered “to the letter and the spirit of the law.”

Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.), meanwhile, told reporters that he would be “very happy for somebody to take a look at” his stock transactions. Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.) said he did not even attend a closed Senate briefing on coronavirus that could have helped inform stock decisions. And Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), another lawmaker who drew scrutiny, said she was not at the meeting either and her husband oversees the portfolio.

Except her husband happened to sell 27 sales on the day (Feb 27th) she had her hearing on it, and bought up Citrix and Oracle who are expecting a boost from telecommuting.

Feinsteins was at the end of January. and again on Feb 18th, selling Allogene Therapeutics (Biotech Co). I would be curious if they have a breakdown of how much they buy sell and how statistically significant of a difference these sales were for them.