stock market, jobs, economy all plummeting under trump

So after hearing more about this, Burr looks dirty AF.

Burr was telling people how great everything was in public while getting hearings and sold off the largest one day trading (33 separate trades) of his stock since 2016. And is not seeking re-election in 2022.

The lady Republican (who is married to the stock exchange president (or something, not sure exact title he is) ...

From the Washington Post:
During an appearance Friday on CNBC, Loeffler said sales by her and her husband, Jeffrey Sprecher, the chairman of the New York Stock Exchange, were made “at the decision of our investment managers” and she didn’t learn of them until well after the fact.

“Certainly I had no involvement,” Loeffler said, adding that she would welcome any scrutiny that is appropriate and has always adhered “to the letter and the spirit of the law.”

Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.), meanwhile, told reporters that he would be “very happy for somebody to take a look at” his stock transactions. Sen. James M. Inhofe (R-Okla.) said he did not even attend a closed Senate briefing on coronavirus that could have helped inform stock decisions. And Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), another lawmaker who drew scrutiny, said she was not at the meeting either and her husband oversees the portfolio.

Except her husband happened to sell 27 sales on the day (Feb 27th) she had her hearing on it, and bought up Citrix and Oracle who are expecting a boost from telecommuting.

Feinsteins was at the end of January. and again on Feb 18th, selling Allogene Therapeutics (Biotech Co). I would be curious if they have a breakdown of how much they buy sell and how statistically significant of a difference these sales were for them.
the most amazing part is Tucker Carlson is the one holding their collective feet to the fire about this.
Sounds like a buying opportunity to me!
Said the lamb before being slaughtered.

I tell the story — you probably heard it — but a policeman in New York City. I’m with a group and we’re having — I gave a little speech, you know, we’re walking outside — and I love the law enforcement, and so I always take pictures with them when I’m finished. And one policeman comes up, good-looking guy. He says, “You know, my wife always thought I was a financial loser. And I have a 401(k), and, sir, I’m up 49 percent this year. She thinks I’m a business genius.” (Laughter.) It’s true. (Applause.) Right?

Sorry Bugeye, Republican men are losers again. But you look at it as a buying opportunity - there may be a Republican Senator who hasn't bailed out of the Trump Bear Market yet. He will thank you.

I thank you because you say the dumb things that smarter dumb people than you know better than to say. Yep, Trump is a jenious, he created this buying opportunity just for you.
Now that the economy needs a $1 trillion dollar bailout, it seems that the $1 trillion deficit racked up during the "best economy ever" might be a little bit of a problem. Gee, I wonder what happened to the first trillion.
Wait until the 2022 coronavirus tax.

Ass, gas or grass, nobody gets money and bailouts for free.

Guess who will bitch the most, if you even have to. Lol.
Wait until the 2022 coronavirus tax.

Ass, gas or grass, nobody gets money and bailouts for free.

Guess who will bitch the most, if you even have to. Lol.
There it is, that is what the Republicans will use against Biden (if he wins) to get back the House/Senate. They will troll the inevitable tax hike (even if it is just a repeal of the corporate tax cut Trump gave his rich 'freinds').