Strawberry banana and the MarsHydro FC6500

Day three of Flower.

First nutrient change to 1.26ec

Ec steady and Ph falls .5 over 12 hrs. This seems to be a common occurrence when I do a full change and in a couple more days it will settle.

Tops of plants running low 400’s ppfd.

Well the ride has been good until now.

MarsHydro FC6500 is now broken.

After 2 months of use , all I can get out of it is 700 umol’s at 8 inches away.

There explanation.

The engineer said when the ambient temperature is too high, the power supply will automatically reduce the power to achieve the cooling effect.

So the power of the light and the intensity of the light will be reduced. Can you tell us what the current temperature inside the tent is?

It is recommended to reduce the temperature inside the tent through the fan.

I run at 78-79 , a bit too hot for MarsHydro stuff I guess.

I would NOT recommend one of these lights as once it’s broke you will be just that broke as you will need something else.

Day 40

I found a few pollinated spots , was notified a few weeks back of the issue.

Buying seeds from Canuk Seeds is a crap shoot.

Still looks delicious, but not exactly what I wanted to happen this time.

70 Days from flip and it’s ready.

Solid nuggets that are easier to trim.

The MarsHydro FC6500 does a fantastic job at proving enough light to fill these plants out on a 5x5 footprint.
