Stunning..Meet Your Next Supreme

I missed the part where this thread became about you getting banned.
That's because you're dumb, and support UncleBuKKK who's a proven racist pedophile. Please denounce him. Otherwise you support racist pedophiles and are most likely a racist pedophile yourself.
15 rapes, some of them children. After that, he hounded and sent mafia thugs to threaten his victims into silence.

no, that's the Donald, not Epstein. But his buddy was there for him throughout.

What's it like supporting a sexual predator and pedophile?

These trump chumps just don't care! We know they hear the same charges that we hear, but then orange julius says it's fake news, so they have permission to ignore the facts. It's amazingly curious to me, I guess I just don't understand the pea-brains.

Why does this upset you, nazi?

It amuses. When the big bad boogeyman righty does the same, you cry, "hate crime!" Imagine if some alt alt-right douches sent Keith Ellison a bunch of these as protest.
