Supchaka's Growing Weed! Style and Wattage May Vary!


Well-Known Member
That will do something, increase air flow and probably decrease temp.. I know my 400w put the heat out, a 600w even more.Good


Well-Known Member
Well unfortunately I was going from memory where the ports are on the tent and there isn't one where I wanted, which is the back lower corner, as far from the closet light as possible. So im ok with the temps being a little high right now, it's when summer comes I'm going to have to re-situate the tent in the closet, to use a port where I want.


Well-Known Member
Heres what Im trying to get more air in the tent. Theres plenty of negative pressure to pull through this vent.


Well-Known Member
Don't think your going draw much cooler air from back there. I notice you have a register, right now you are probably running your heater, so the air temp. is what ever you set your heater to. Now in summer you can probably fabricate a vent over the register to draw air conditioner in to tent.Is there a window near there?


Active Member
Looking good, can't wait to see what the 600w does for you compared to the 150w and LED. If you have to pick up an inline duct fan, they are pretty reasonable at the hydro shop.


Well-Known Member
Nice man, was that from seed or a clone? I've had clones that small but never from seed! What light are you using too?
It was a bagseed runt I hacked all the fan leaves off of......same as your 150W HPS.....LOL.....can't wait to see it finish......


Well-Known Member
Looks like a nice batch of plants there!i had one runt that looked really shitty, I pulled it, but it may have turned into something like yours if I gave it a chance.


Well-Known Member
My Grandpa always told me that the ugliest girls in the 5th Grade were the ones destined to be Prom Queen !

BTW, this grow is TOTALLY because of your 12/12 thread.....totally !!!!


Well-Known Member
Aw well thanks for the kind words, it looks like its really going to turn out a decent yield all around.


Well-Known Member
Oh I got my free botanicare samples today too. I chose the cns17 grow and bloom and berry sweet and liquid karma. You can choose any 4 off their site. They sell a shit ton of different stuff so it can be hard to choose! 8oz bottles for free is pretty cool, definitely get some plants out of that


Well-Known Member
Always love free stuff. I tried to get some stuff from them, but guess it didn't work out, unless it shows up. It close to month since I did their survey. Good for you, don't burn