Hey Ambz how's things? Just thot ad pist u a little pic,heres my UK Clone only Exodus cheese 16 days 12/12 in my aquafarm LST'd scrog style
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take is easy sister from another mister lol
hey scotty, things are moving along veeerrry slowly. Its quite an adjustment moving and trying to get organized and figure out how im going to get my gear situated properly. There seeems to be issue after issue coming up.
My last set up was so much easier and i was super spoiled with my space . In my new location things are not going to work out quite as nicely. I thought i could exhause out one of my skylight windows but after purchasing an extention ladder and getting up closer to the window i see that the fucking window dont even open!!! it was going to be so spy cool now i cant exhaust out. So i will stick BOth of my phat filters in my onet tent and see what kinda job they will do . Now im thinkin why did i even ever have a fuckin filter in my tent in washington when i was exhausing out??

I just need to get my tent up and get to it. Alll i wanna do round these here parts is go outside and explore the mountains.
I have my phototron up and running in my front closet . it s dialed in real good. My baby cherry cheese livers is a FREAk. Her first true leaves are deformed becasue her shelll didnt want to come off. She was probebly screaming.."its too damn dry out there" .. i have my little pink humidifier blasting now at 60 degress and giving her some light nutes so she is coming along..

your exodus cheese looks great. what a great wake and bake sshmoke. post more porn when you get a chance . this journal needs some of your greenthumb.

Hey growers... Has anyone used the new ProLED Phototron? A friend of mine told me about it and I had to have it. I just harvested my second crop and I love it. It's way different than the older units with the florescent lights. A friend of my brothers used to have an old one so I new about it but when I saw it online again I just couldn't resist. they have this brain in the machine now that monitors everything and tells you how to grow and what to do. So I just planted my 3rd crop and I'll keep you posted... Here's some pics from my most recent crop along the way
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wow, very nice. I had no no no idea about this unit. It looks like buds dancing around in a disco tech. Ive got to get one immediatly! it would great next to my other phototron. but first i need to get up my tents. Your buds look so delicious. THey look like candy. can i have some ? thank you for posting and please post some more .

hahah awesome name for a pet. ghostface killaaaaaaaaah
my girl is still talking about getting a dog but i worry the commitment might be a bti much we both work full time... guess a bird that needs loads of attention is out the window hahah bad pun...
HOODOO's eh! its all about the voodoo hoodoo what you won't dare do people.
good news on the water thingy, looks complex from the pic. so have you got your tent up n rolling?
have a good one DAT!
hi donald duck.
that water filter is actually very simple. Its portable and all you have to do is unscrew your facuet filter and screw the reverse osmosis filter right into it. THen wait.. a while for it to go threw the filters. because it only generates 2 gallons of RO water an hour i just kept the water running all night and got about 30 gallons into my rain barrel. From the rain barrel storage unit i can take the clean water as needed.
My tents going up this weekend. I got my extention ladder and finally organized my living room properly for room. I really hope my filters work cuz i dont have anywhere to exhaust outside. Im just going to go with the flow.
I saw a really funny beer in the walmart food market here yesterday and thought about you and scotty.it was some wierd scottish beer with some guys knees and his kilt on... i was going to purchase it but they wouldnt allow me to buy only one. .....brewed in arizona somewhere.. go figure. lol.. have a very niosce weekend mates