Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron


dude who is calling fuck you you crazy bastard! we dont know who the fuck you are. so dont ask us about my meds you stupid fuck.
what a trippy sound ... howz this for dinner.. cherry cheese livers and sangria.:shock::hug::joint::peace:
thanks all you cool cats out there that inspire and help me with my gardening.
sorry that vid was disabled .. if you have time check that one out. Its a really awesome video of Bowie in a dress rehersal back in 1976. do a bong to highten your sences cuz its pretty trippy. :peace:
what up dogs?
it got over 100degrees here in the desert this weekend. I need to get my windows tinted on my car.
its like a bloody sauna day and night. Its cool to see so many people with tattoos around town.
very inspirational. I will be working on getting my full arm sleeve finished this summer.
I got all my ducting up in the tent squared away. Took me all afternnon and a few trips to the hardware store.
My lights are in... I will start with a 600 watt MH and my 600 watt HP with some blue tones..
I ordered my other waterfarm bucket and plumbing alone for 30 bucks. I didnt want the full unit with the pebbles, micro nutes and air bubbler thingy cuz ... the micro nutes suck dirty balls and the air blubbler thing is a piece of shit and i got me plenty of pebbles ready to go. cleaned and baked.
I got me some concrete slabs to put the buckets on. So Im ready to go as soon as i get my other waterfarm bucket and plumbing by mid week. Im really excited and hope that you all stay tuned. Lets see where this goes. lmao:joint::peace:
last picture is for that dirty dog DST here im on my back for a better idea of how my lights look.


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I think the lights positioned like that are much better than on top of each other, lmao.....don't get too hot Ambs!!!!

Peace, DST

RIP PICKLE! :peace:
2-14-96 -:peace:-:peace:-4-24-12

super lemon haze in my phototron... Picky loved this plant and the lemony flavor. That is him in my avitar sucking on the leaves!
He would sit on my shoulder while i harvested and suck on the leaves. What an amazing beast. He radiated so much postive enegry and love.
that's a bummer dude.. it always sucks loosing a pet, their basically like family.On a side not though... that's a nice looking plant ya got there.
R.I.P the Bird, was it old, or you think with the journey ect...

That's kool you can get canna coco, like the tape on the 1/2 price bag ;) Seem's you got all the gear Ambz, do you need seperate fans for the cool light's ? Im going to be in the market for a cooler light this summer. Mine need replacing anyway ( still producing the good's thought :) ), and i think one like you'rs or Don's double 600 will do good.
Is that your Cherry Cheese x Liver's just potted up? In no time it will be a tree and hopefully a she :D

This is my ( Normal ) looking Casey Jones baking in the sun

Im testing them for male part's, the other snip is mental!!!!
Her's a wee nug from her. No Male pod's to be seen so far so good, any seed tucked inside any bud from this one will be held ;)

p.s 100f !!!! I thought i was going to have trouble with temp's haha,
Thank You so vEry much for the kind words of sympathy during this devestaing time in our life.
Im so happy to be ending this painful week.
coming to terms with not having something in your life GONE suddenly after day after day being there for 16 years is rough.
He was such a postive beautiful spirtirul force in our lives.
I have seleceted a special resting place for him in the mountains behind where i live. The hike up to his burial spot will be very demanding and dangerous. But its a risk that must be taken.
The rock formations are very special and can be seen for miles.. Those amazing rock formations will be his tombstone. Big and Brillinat like he was.
His death was as cool as he was.
In his final moments he stretched his wings out wide and his legs and neck JUST like a cross.... and then he completely relaxed back bringing his wings , legs and neck back in to his body . The ultimate release.

im germinating the dog and casey jones. I will be planting them tomorrow once i get the correct tubing.
Big update this weekend.
its doing grand simply grand. starting a seed from 12/12 in the tron in painfully slow going the first 3 weeks. She is finally starting to show some substantial increased grow rate.
I would like to invite you all to check out my double waterfarm scrog grow at im DAT on there . I started a journal in the journal sections. the emotioncons are amazing . They have a tinkerbell flying and a little smiley doing a volcano hit. amungst some other super cool ones.
Have a super duper weekend.