Thanks DAWG!!!! I hope things go smoothly myself. thanks againg for the help with the fan. THE DISCO BALLS! shit dude i almost forgot i had them after i broke everything down last run i put them away. I need to go find em, they will look great with the tron.Fucken Awsome Setup Doc.You Have Tweaked My Interest In Your Organic Grow Kit. I Bet You Flippin Rock It.Nice Job On The FanSo Do You Likie.Its Freaken Sweet Isnt It
.By The By Do You Have Your Disco Balls Yet??Peace And Yes We Do
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HI NOOB!! great to hear from you, what a pleasant surprise. things have been crazy. Im healing from a major surgery and get my stitches out today. I hope you have been well, sounds like things are moving along splendedly for you! Im really happy for you!so this a new grow. Hows it been friend. Have some things going on in my experiment department as we speak so far my first run is 3 weeks away from being finished. And i have sexed out most my stuff so i will be starting a overall journal with new strains and old strains(sour kush is back). but sorry for rambling enjoy your day friend
Dwezel, check out post 60309 on the club 600 thread
phototron lookin slick mah they still make dem or obsalete
the organic grower looks like a good deal just gotta pay for shipping on all dat soil erry time right
gluck witumboff
They have free shipping on their grow kits. I just ordered some from and they got here two days later!
My clones are doing good so far....![]()
Hey TimO, Great to have you here!Hello! Maybe this is our second meeting! Your picture on pg 54 of our booth at the cannabis cup has me behind the plant. I hope you came up and shared with us! I'll be following your thread.
I trust you'll find our soils to be the finest! Organic Grower Solutions is dedicated to your success!
cool beanzHay Ambz, p.o. says delivery tomorrow![]()
i wanna see that slh noobzterz... throw up a pix or 2 for me please.. your going to love it! smells so awesome , tastes so aweseome , cures so awesome... high is amazing..will keep you going for hours. my os recovery lookin good.thanks sweetie.damn thats sad to hear about that, hope your are recovering fine. PLus my slh has another 2 weeks flushing thinking half oz form her in my first coco run. but smells like straight lemon, more scent to me then in hydro not sure yet
Hey Doc Trash That Stubborn Biotch.I Tried To Germ 3 Mataro Blues All Failed.Which Is The Reason Why I Switched Up My Germing Process.Pop The Power Skunk Ive Had 100% Total Sucess With Those Beans.As A Matter Of Fact I Have 2 Going Now Heres The Link
Now About My Getto Vertical Germ Process.7 Days Ago I Ploped 4 G-13 BlueBerry Auto's And After 5 Days They Still hadnt Sunk To The Bottom Of The Shot Glass.So Naturally I Thought I Had Some More Junk Beans.Last Night I Went To Dump Them And Start Over To My Supprise Look At What I Found
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