Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

why? bill, why isnt zoom important for macros?

its been a week since i tranpanted my clone!!!! we are really bonding. my scar is healing so fast its just mind blowing. Everyday its dissapearring a very noticeable amount. and the fruity pebble is growing so fast as well. im closing up and shes expanding, like breathing in and out. we are one.LMao..
i moved everything into my small walk in clothes closet. the filter up top is right next to my scrubs, baptizing them with love i will spread to my patients. : ))))
2 humidifiers crankin bearly able to get past 31% but the rain is on the way!! yeah!!
got my portable air conditioner crankin out the window now... still dailin it in but it seems at 70 degrees i can keep the phototron at about 79 degrees off the beat and track in the closet.
im starting to think about toppin the lil thang.
have an awesome weekend! happy gardening.....:weed:
FPOG  one week transplanted 004.jpgFPOG  one week transplanted 007.jpgFPOG  one week transplanted 009.jpgFPOG  one week transplanted 011.jpg
Glad to hear your face is healing so quickly. That makes me happy.

Clone is looking ok, are you just feeding it water?

As far as the macro/zoom info, I have found that it is not needed.

For instance, the photo that I sent to you was taken with no zoom. I only used the macro setting on the camera, and then cropped the image to achieve the desired effect.

What is more important than zoom, is the quality of the lens on the camera.

I wish I could explain it better to you, but I don't know much about the technical aspect... I know what works, and what doesn't, but I don't know how to explain why.
Thanks!don and hank. I still dream about gettin another farm or 2 pumping again . I LOVE growing hydro waterfarm scrog beasts. I want to do a double Jack Herer in the fall in a new larger tent. :bigjoint:

Its been 5 days since the i planted the clone.. she is like really dwarf looking and super cute. I have some nice new growth in the middle.
Because this is my first clone im not really sure how i should be watering her. Her top soil gets dry everday, but the bottom of the lil jute pot remains kinda wet, so i just water a little to moisten up the top layer and let her search a bit at the bottom for water if shes really thirsty. I might give more full pot drench everyother day or 2., LOL, She already stinks though, i really like her little dwarf leaves. I hope she gets to be a monster with dwarf leaves and big fat dense buds. :razz:
Im moving her into my closet this weekend. I dont feel like buying new curtains or new black out panels.It will be safer in there to ward off any light leaks as well.

the saguros are starting to bloom along with the prickly pear cactus. The temp guage in my car read 101 degrees today.:fire:
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youch 110 :( you can eat those red 'flowers' from the tops of the cacti right? i saw them for sale on a roadtrip in the US some guy said they use them as fences and each family harvest their own etc. i love that first pic,

I'm stealing it for the desktop.


most watering is best done from sitting the plant in a tray and letting it soak up what it wants then discard the left over in the try after a half hour or so but in your kinda heat the feed might well be evapourating before it gets chance to be used! id say your best doing a mix of top and bottom watering for a while til she's a bit bigger.

have a great wkend ambz
Glad to hear your face is healing so quickly. That makes me happy.

Clone is looking ok, are you just feeding it water?

As far as the macro/zoom info, I have found that it is not needed.

For instance, the photo that I sent to you was taken with no zoom. I only used the macro setting on the camera, and then cropped the image to achieve the desired effect.

What is more important than zoom, is the quality of the lens on the camera.

I wish I could explain it better to you, but I don't know much about the technical aspect... I know what works, and what doesn't, but I don't know how to explain why.
yes, i am still just feeding it water.
She seems to enjoy a bath in a full drench everyother day. That is how im feeling it right now. Its not easy for me to judge the watering situation here. I havent grow in soil but ONce and that was 3 years ago! Shes drying out rather quickly with the heat at 80 degres and the humidity i cant get over 30%!its so dry round these here parts.
Thanks for the infor on the cameras .I will be testing out another one in the very near future.

youch 110 :( you can eat those red 'flowers' from the tops of the cacti right? i saw them for sale on a roadtrip in the US some guy said they use them as fences and each family harvest their own etc. i love that first pic,

I'm stealing it for the desktop.


most watering is best done from sitting the plant in a tray and letting it soak up what it wants then discard the left over in the try after a half hour or so but in your kinda heat the feed might well be evapourating before it gets chance to be used! id say your best doing a mix of top and bottom watering for a while til she's a bit bigger.

have a great wkend ambz
Thank you for dispalying my photo on your desktop all the way in sunny england! thats so neat.
the heat is insane here... life is like a survival game living out in the desert. Water is always on your mind. Dehydration killed t 3 tourists here last summer here. they venture out for hikes a few miles with not enough water. ..unaware that the grim reaper cowboy is waiting behind a Saguaro cacuts for his prey. :-o

Yeah don , you can eat the red flowers on the top of the saguaro cactus. ITs fun to watch the birds feast on them. But only the indians are really allowed to eat them. if a howlie like me got caught, i would get fined. No way they use them for fences?! they are a national treasure, on the most dangered list and protected. that is totally bogus.

The Primus concert was painful.... Les Claypol and the boys must have been seriously trippin .. cuz they did some major glutinous self absorbing jamming that just was so repiticious and noodling... Then they have the nerve to have a freakin INTERMISSION! what a energy knocker downer... and is wasnt just a short intermission, they played 7. yes 7 Popeye cartoons on the big screen that took like 40 minutes to watch. The 3D was alright.. bubbles flew into my face ...... i had terrible seats mind you.. the crowd down below looked like they were pretty into it. i was surrounded by a bunch of fat obese familys. it was pretty lame.

I think my clone is really really REALLY cute but is this NOrmal looking.? lol.. I mean she looks like a little palm tree. This is my first clone and it grows so much different then from seed. Maybe i got myself a lil freak?
that bird is a roadrunner. they were in my backyard this morning.
check out that last picture of my fan soaking up the steam from the humidifer.
look at the lil brown pot in the you see a mans face with a mustache on it like i do?

primus and FPOG lil palm tree clone 001.jpgprimus and FPOG lil palm tree clone 002.jpgprimus and FPOG lil palm tree clone 005.jpgprimus and FPOG lil palm tree clone 006.jpgprimus and FPOG lil palm tree clone 009.jpgprimus and FPOG lil palm tree clone 010.jpgprimus and FPOG lil palm tree clone 011.jpg
Looking Good Doc I Love Your Palm Tree Bonsi Clone.To Answer You Question About The Difference Between Zoom And Marco.Think Of It This Way A 200mm Telephoto Zoom Lens Is Like A Telescope And A Macro Lens Is Like A Microscope.A Macro Is Made For Taking Extreme Close Up Shots. For Example Fowers, Bugs And Things Like That. A Telephoto Is Used To Make Things Far Away Appear Closer.Most Macro Lenses Can Focus To Infinity So It Can Be Used Like A Normal Lens As Well.

Im Also Damn Glad To Hear Your Healing Up Nicley.:clap:

Thanks billy and dawgie.. you guys are such a help to me.
I just ordered this camera online. its the one Flowamaster uses. He said he would help me learn how to use it, which will be wonderful . Damn good price as well online Amazon for only $140 . I will be able to stuff it in my pocket while hiking. If this one dont work out then i will try the Nikon Coolpix S9100.
Thank you for dispalying my photo on your desktop all the way in sunny england! thats so neat.

So we are sitting on a train from Sete (South of France) to Toulouse the other day, (we did cycle to Sete but there was no way I was getting my good pregnant lady to cycle back another 300km, so train it was), anyway, a couple of girls where sitting along from us and I noticed the one facing us had a badge on her cardigan that said "Jesus Christ", anyway, after me mentioning this to my good wife and then going on about how strange I thought religions where, they all think they are right, whilst the other religions are wrong...I just don't get it. Anyway, I will not get into that, but eventually the girl gets up (here's me thinking she is going to the toilet, since I was with my wife who is pregnant, going to the toilet frequently had become a theme of our holiday,,,lol). Oh how wrong I was, the girls sits down right across from us, where previously this rather large African lady had been laying across all 3 seats (no shame at all, I had the odd misfortune of looking up from time to time to see her rather large belly staring at me - and no, she wasn't look pregnant:shock:) The guards didn't tell her to move either though so we figured that it was acceptable to do that in France; you can't even put your feet up on a seat in Holand without the Stazi shouting at you these days! So Jesus girly starts talking to us "hey, I noticed that you were talking English earlier, and I am from the good old USofA" (and she honestly did a little, slap of her leg as she said it, I did giggle inside). Turns out she is a Mormom, but she kept saying "that's so NEAT", which is a funny word to me in a way, as the Dutch have "Nietmachine" (pronounced the same as Neat), which are actually Staplers. Staples are called Nietjes in case you actually cared. Ok, blether over. Hope you are good Ambs, say his to Mr Ambs.
Peace from Neat/Niet Amsterdam, DST
im glad to hear you and mrs. dst are having so much fun in the beautiful country of France. Were the sunflowers in full bloom ? ever been to Airles? that would be a cool Van Gough trip, to expereince the light and what inspired him. one day i would like to go there and check it out.
those fukin obnoxious american morman girls. discustiing. Im glad Romney , that stinking Morman , didnt become presidient. what we need is a Rasta Canadate to run for president. thats whats wrong with is good, hes growing his hair really long now. im in a lot of pain these dayz. I have a huge scar on my face from surgery that is slowly healing and my shoulder/neck have gone ballastic in excrutiating non stop pain .This has been a very shitty year so far for me. hanging tough. . Enjoy the preganncy, health and happiness always to you, mrs. dst and baby.Lucky baby to have such wonderful parents like you 2. your going to be an amazing daddy.
Hell yeah on the Rasta candidate, although some rasta traditions are a bit fukked up (R.I.P Bob Marley, he fell foul to following rastafarianism, if I remember correctly, something about blood transfussions...???!?!?!?). The girl was actually really sweet we thought. We reckoned she would need to toughen up pretty quick to be selling Mormon thoughts to the French, jeez, the French listen to mainly.....the French. We saw mainly vineyards and corn fields, some Rape seed as well, no sun flowers though:(, but amazing fields of wild flowers, including some pretty awesome poppy fields. Looks like the South are also a bit behind on their farming like us in Northern Europe (they reckon at least 3 weeks behind).
Sorry to hear about the pain sista. Hoping things get better for you sharpish! Thanks for the well wishes and good luck to Mr Ambs on the hair growing front, hehe:shock:
Peace, DST
i heard a great fact about bob marley recently. back in the wailers hey day you could only get an interview with them if you agreed to play against them 5 a side footy. what a guy! amazing footballr by most accounts.

hope your feeling a bit better doc.
bob Marley was so cool. I just got the live Bob Marley dvd live at the Rainbow theatre in London. anyone ever go there before?
6 people got stabbed outside the show. There was a desperate mob trying to get into the sold out show.

the super lemon haze i have really helps my anxiety and depression, its super strong .. prob the strongest medz in have. its got like a 2 year cure on it.superb! a lol of the medz people get here locally arent cured but just dry. its kinda sad that the full potenial of the ganja is never benifited from ... I was able to start to to take ibuprofin again and it has done wonders for my pain and imflamation.. i felt NO pain today, what a relief . Living in constant pain, like Kurt cobain did, i can see why he killed himself. No medication of drugs could take his pain away.

RIP Ray. Break on Through to the other side.
I hope your up there with Jim jammin away.

I topped my lil girl today. Isnt she beautiful in the natural light. She looks super healthy , nice and green and she has responded quite well .:-P After 9 hours she is showing a bit of growth by the decaptiation area.
jeez im so stoned . my eyes are soooo red. i feel like the wieght of the world has just been lifted from me.
peace out friends.

before topping
fpog first topping 001.jpgA
After topping
fpog first topping 002.jpg

JAck Herer Feminized s33ds from bonzaseed UK.
jack herer fem beans 014.jpg
shes growing but very slowly. and i found a bug! it looks more like a beatle type bug not a winged thrip type bug.
Only one should i be concerned?
bug and samsug 001.jpgbug and samsug 002.jpg
nah friend not foe! I'd maybe remove it though.

Are those jack seeds coated in something or just red? Or is it lighting in the pic? I've seen GHseeds i think?! do that gimmick painting them but didn't know anyone else had.

no not been to rainbow theatre, i hate london. it's the worst part of our country imho.
lol, yeah donzie, its burnt sienna nail polish i coated them seads
only joking, they are seriously that color and it looks natural.. do you realize how desperatly i want to pop those biotches!
so bad i was able to connect my vibe with a very cool cat in town somehow .. its all about timing.. he posted his house and i checked it out and hes cool, the house is super cool, and iM FUCKIN MOVING!!! i ll get my tents up in a couple weeks or less and heck ill even be able to grow outside cuz he got huge trellis outside.Its a huge PRIVATE lot for cheap. an adobe home no less with tons of style and caracter and toally private. NO ONE WILL hear me or see or no nothin man. ive been waiting patienly for this opportunity and its finally come. :-o
The phototron will be history soon.
The lights are old and not giving out the energy anymore, that is why i think my growth is so super slow. I will not be replacing the lights because it will cost me over $200 to do so. Once i get the tent up i will transfer the Fruity Pebble to hps super 600 conditions where she will thrive in pure extasy .i will get the waterfarms crankin and the JH crackin. with moonsoon season next month this is purfect timing. maybe i can pull off another 1 plus pound plant grow.
doggie nuts seeds 003.jpg
lol, yeah donzie, its burnt sienna nail polish i coated them seads
only joking, they are seriously that color and it looks natural.. do you realize how desperatly i want to pop those biotches!
so bad i was able to connect my vibe with a very cool cat in town somehow .. its all about timing.. he posted his house and i checked it out and hes cool, the house is super cool, and iM FUCKIN MOVING!!! i ll get my tents up in a couple weeks or less and heck ill even be able to grow outside cuz he got huge trellis outside.Its a huge PRIVATE lot for cheap. an adobe home no less with tons of style and caracter and toally private. NO ONE WILL hear me or see or no nothin man. ive been waiting patienly for this opportunity and its finally come. :-o
The phototron will be history soon.
The lights are old and not giving out the energy anymore, that is why i think my growth is so super slow. I will not be replacing the lights because it will cost me over $200 to do so. Once i get the tent up i will transfer the Fruity Pebble to hps super 600 conditions where she will thrive in pure extasy .i will get the waterfarms crankin and the JH crackin. with moonsoon season next month this is purfect timing. maybe i can pull off another 1 plus pound plant grow.
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Sounds like a plan. I hope it works out the way you are expecting.

Your clone is looking a little sickly, and I do not believe it is your lights that are the problem.

You have a serious deficiency going on there Doc.
Congrats girl on the new place
Thanks noobz! weirdest thing.. on the front porch was a HUGE old school artist easle. I saw it all apart in the corner and didnt think much about it when i looked at the place. After gettting the keys and going back , i was like what is that thing and mr. trichs was like... it an art desk. I was like, no shit.. we put it together and its fuckin amazing. ill be painting on that fur sur.
Sounds like a plan. I hope it works out the way you are expecting.

Your clone is looking a little sickly, and I do not believe it is your lights that are the problem.

You have a serious deficiency going on there Doc.

Thaks mr. bill. whats my deficency and how to i get rid of it?
prob that potassium def you were telling me i had a bit ago??
saw donnie post the Floralicious Plus for his clones just today and i looked through my nutes and found a small sample bottle i still have as well.... maybe i will add this now cuz i agree things just dont look very healthy.. stunted and if this continues this plant is going to be pathetic ...
this product says it vegan and organic so adding it ... what do you think?
pale in color and purple main vain id say mag

gluck wit new place