Super Lemon Haze in a Phototron

she's 13 weeks and 4 days to be precise:) I think you guys are about a month or so ahead of us:)
Congratulations matey,thot ad read somethin but wiznae too sure... Aye bout a month n a half,we're 20 wks this thursday :-D
Congratulations to you both ! :hug:i wish you both wonderful healthy incubation periods.with no :spew:
:mrgreen:i just started my incubaation of the G13 Blueberry Gum.
I placed her outside in the warm dark closet for a speedy germination.Do you guys and gals think thats ok.? its about 85 degress and bone dry in there...I never did it that way before. I usually just do the ole papertowel method in the kitchen cabinet where my temps are about 66- 70 degrees.
Last time it seemed to take a long time for some of the seeds to sprout taps , so i thought this might be a better way.
The Organic Growers Solutions Soil is scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
My new fan might take 2 weeks to get here.

I have been working on adjustments to the PHototron.
I am going to seel it up . In order to do this i must stuff some foam in the upper air vents that sit in between the panels.
I stuffed 4 inch ducting down into the main top opening .. This will be my exhaust ( new fan to filter sitting on shelf)
I took the small computer fans out of the one side panel and will be connecting 4 inch ducting to that to my 4 inch inline fan with adjustable speed controller.
Today marks the first day of a very serious surgery i just had, this plant will be in a positive healing energy for me.
The timing is perfect.. ill show you some pictures !!!!!!!!!!....not of the surgery!. then you wuld shurely:spew::grin:
G13 Blueberry Gum Feminized.

View attachment 2638044

A powerful Blue Crystal sits on top of the s33d super charging the birth.

G13 Blueberry Gum 004.jpg

Upgrades in Ventalation through exhaust out the top and intake air through the side panel .. holes where where the orginal compter fan were that i removed. im hoping with this new system I will not have to open the side panels for ventilation and the filter will finally give this unit an order controller which it always desperately needed. SO i have 2 holes for the intake fan. Got a t connector for the 4 inch inline fan and speed controller keeps the sound low on that cheap-0-fan.

G13 Blueberry Gum 009.jpg

I shoved that ducting in really tight in the top opening. Nice tight fit now.
The white foam im cutting to fit the gaps to make it nice and air tight.

G13 Blueberry Gum 007.jpg

We had this piece of foam sitting around and it fits perfectly .

G13 Blueberry Gum 008.jpg

thanks for tuning in and feel free to comment and make helpful suggestions anytime. have a peaceful evening amigos:weed:
is that phototron on castors AND a lazy susan?! for full on mobilized action eh! more moves than a rampant rabbit :lol:

glad to see your back in action ambz
Hope you are getting better after the surgery Ambs....
good vibes form over here.
Thanks mateys! your all so sweet.
yup don its on a dolly and lazy susan so i can turn her around and around ...well not so much anymore with the ducting hook ups.
I noticed online that they have a very elite new phototron with LEDS! its a mere $1000. im thinkin of calling in to see how much the lights are and possibly upgrading a few into my Tron.
i moved the seed into the kitchen to germinate. Mohican gave me a link in his seed thread of an article subcool wrote about temperatures and germination. Seems he has found that germinating in temps of 70-80 degrees produces more females . germinating in hotter temps produces more males. Although my seed is feminized im playing it safe and in the kitchen cabinet its about 68 degrees.
I'm calling BS that's like saying DST is going to have a boy if his lady wears a thermal layer during the pregnancy. Its genetically pre disposed by x n y chromosomes surely?!

Led phototron is the future eh;) for only a grand :shock:
Everything came in a small cardboard box.:-P

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The starter soil for the cute lil starter grow bag. :-P

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The other soils for the big grow bag:fire:
organic growers solution kit 004.jpg

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:-P They are so cool at Organic Growers Solutions they even sent me a 2013 Cannabus Cup legal T and sticker!!
organic growers solution kit 007.jpg
So u only add water???? Wot about plants craving extra cal/mag is there any kinda supplements??

Seems very good if thats the case :-D
So u only add water???? Wot about plants craving extra cal/mag is there any kinda supplements??

Seems very good if thats the case :-D
Hi Scotia!I think it is a very cool innovative approach to gardeningas well. Everything the plant needs is in the soils, so i DO NOT need to add any nutrients at all the entire grow. Just add water. They recommend R/O water. :peace:

Looks like a baby grow for you plants lol I like it.

Thank you Don gin and TOn! im glad you like it. I called the phototron company to see about switching out some of my t-5's for some of the LED lights . My model Phototron will not take their LED's.. I guess the new LED phototron is built a lot different. bummer.. but they do have some cool new blackout panels which i just might invest in.
Currently, well, for the last 3 years i have just been placing plastic covers with velcro tabs on each panel at night to keep the light out. :mrgreen:

Pretty bitchin there. How much did that setup cost?
Thank you Mr. Bill. I got it all for just $49.99!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(the box of goodies that is)
The Phototron i bought over 3 years ago after seeing it in High Times Magazine, it was and remains quite pricey. About $500. I did not know ANYTHING at all about growing when i bought it. But in retrospect im still happy i have it because its been a very important growing unit for me . I use it to start all my seedlings in. When rigged correctly i can fit about 18 party cups on 2 shelves in it, and its simply Marvelous at starting s33ds.:weed:

I still have NO tap root! so i moved the s33d back out into the dark hot closet outside.
Seems like i have been out of touch for a while with the Phototron innovations of the past few years.
I own a Phototron 9. Out of production now and a true original classic. This baby of mine will be worth some SERIOUS cash in years to come.
ITs simple, not like the new PHototrn T5 and Phototron LED.
THe new PHototron T5 has a carbon filter and fan at the top now. It comes with the black out screens as well. Which is great ! but i still think its a lot weaker then how im rigging up my Phototron 9 now.
I will be ordering the black out panels next week and the Company is slammed with orders right now.They will not custome cut my fan panel with the 4 inch holes i need for my ducting, so im going have to keep my orginal automated fan control panel with the holes for my ducting to inline fan.
My seed hasnt popped yet. Then i remembered i am soaking it in R/O water !! I remember reading this aint real good... so i repaced the paper towel and shes wet with yuky Colorodo Water River . Should be shocking enough to bust her open.
Tomorrow is a very special day!!


Make sure to take lots of pics ;) lol