Superstoner's new 3 rail, 50gal system, 36-40oz every 2 weeks.

do you prefer the smart bin because it is thicker to keep rez temps lower? It is out of stock on wal mart but I only need 30 gallon rez anyways so I picked up a pretty nice 27 gal tote from home depot.
I liked it because I'm a cheap bastard and it was 1\3-1\4 the cost of anything similar and the thickness is a plus. It's a heavy bitch. The black and yellow 27gal totes are good just not big enough for me but they make great cloners and veg tubs.
SS when you get a chance could you give me the model number and brand off that relay you have that u use on your recycle timer please I'm going to wire up one for my veg and clone totes thanks
SS when you get a chance could you give me the model number and brand off that relay you have that u use on your recycle timer please I'm going to wire up one for my veg and clone totes thanks
I get my relays from Grainger. Just use a good heavy duty one rated for more amps than needed with a 120v coil. The double pole single throw in a 30amp should work.
Sweet that's the one I with , do you hard wire within the timer itself or do you just hard wire a pig tail into the relay and then use a plug in the time thanx agin
No, just a simple 2 prong cord from a light or any old appliance like a blender or toaster.
What brand of Pondzyme do you use? Do you start with RO water?
I don't know if this is true or not so hopefully someone can elaborate. It was suggested to me to exclusively use RO water in a hydro setup because tap water will not allow you to control PH levels properly. I tried tap and could not lower PH no matter what. I am only using RO now.