Talk to me bros, does this baby look ready??


Well-Known Member
look at your posting look at the rep part .............u are just a jack ass that saids what he can to make others look stuip and make yourself fell better

something happend to u to make u this way ...........................i run all this stuff myself it worked for me i passed it on i seen nothing but comments on how stuip ppl are from u

get a life u words have no value u are just anouther dead asshole walking around waiting for the bullet
lol, my reps high because my advice is solid bro. I dont need to feel better, i just cant stand when guys like you tell people to do unnecessary things when theyre wrong......u mad i called you out bro?
Distilled waters PH when bought from the store fluctuates. It is not always 6 ph. Ive gotten 8.0 ph distilled water one week and 7.0 of the same brand a week later from the same store. Don't take one persons advice and run with it, check around for multiple sources of the info you want.


Well-Known Member
lol, my reps high because my advice is solid bro. I dont need to feel better, i just cant stand when guys like you tell people to do unnecessary things when theyre wrong......u mad i called you out bro?
your advice is crap .........and anyone that knows anything knows this

infact this is a waste of time dealing with us all a favor and do something really stuip and get yourself killed

sorry for the guy posting just jackass here got under skin ..................i stand by what i say other wise i would not have said it and i have the balls to back with this if something i said cuased damage your your shitt i will give u bill to order new seeds and replace the soil on me (not buying or selling anything just back my words with a action that is legal )

u got the balls to say that


Well-Known Member
i already have pointed it out why and what the reason is arguing with u seems to have no point since u lack the knowagle or even a open mind

u have selective reasoning like most ppl what u do not want to think about or accept is wrong .............u shut down all reason and logic and fall back on the simple teaching your parnets gave u it is just a sad statement the world is like this
as for cost i have made 6 plants with the set up i have and i have made 100 buck profit plus 1 oz for myself .............if my logic and tatics were flawed i would see it.............everything has been paided off it like i got 100 bucks and a free oz ........this includes the power spike in my use


Well-Known Member
i already have pointed it out why and what the reason is arguing with u seems to have no point since u lack the knowagle or even a open mind

u have selective reasoning like most ppl what u do not want to think about or accept is wrong .............u shut down all reason and logic and fall back on the simple teaching your parnets gave u it is just a sad statement the world is like this
as for cost i have made 6 plants with the set up i have and i have made 100 buck profit plus 1 oz for myself .............if my logic and tatics were flawed i would see it.............everything has been paided off it like i got 100 bucks and a free oz ........this includes the power spike in my use
Ok well thats game set this a joke?

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
your not helping by giving mis information. I drink my tap water, i bet the op drinks his. The ppm of both of our water is probably around 150 and the ph is probably pretty close to 6. So why in the world should this guy go and get jusgs of distilled water to flush his gas, save money, save time, take your hose and water it, just like i do.
disttiled water is 6 ph and 0 ppms 98 cents .......spring water runs u about 1.25 for a gallon plus u gain a free water jug do u flush do u just run it under a sink for 10 mins is that 10 gallons of water for the 5 gallon pot

no u fill up 10 jugs 1 gallon a peice then run that tho the planter and u know u flushed it correctly with the right amount of water ...............and if u do the sun trick and the water has the most air it can the droop on the leaves is over much faster since they did not drowned in water but had highly oxgenatated water sent tho it

i am not almight pot god .........i just learned a few tricks and i am getting tired of ppl calling me names try them if i did not think it was worth it i would have never of tried to help someone else

Look, I guess I'm gonna be the guy that disagrees with both of ya. Flushing is a completely unnecessary step. It just shouldn't need to be done if you haven't been overfeeding. I have like posts by both of you guys before.

But if I were gonna flush I would just use ph'd tapwater for sure. Unless it were like some god awful sulfur water or something.


Well-Known Member
Its not about flushing or not. I only flush in hydro with a short die time. It has more to do with going to the store and buying water to let it sit out for three days in order to do nothing.


Well-Known Member
Bro save your money and say F*ck that microscope you dont need a microscope to tell if they're ready, but I would say chop them if you are ready or you can flush them until the leaves are yellow its your choice but I say she is ready


Well-Known Member
Justugh unfortunately is wrong on most everything he stated..a couple quick examples, distilled water is not ph6 it can be low as 5 but in a perfect world it would be 7 neutral, you can make it neutral again by boiling it, deionizied water absorbs co2 out the air absorbing ions causing acidity . Another after the trichome has finished producing it turns cloudy and amber as it degrades. Cbn is the product not cbd. Cbd content is genetically predetermined like thc....there more just saying. I'm not talking about ideas cause I have no idea what y'all are talking about lol