Taxation without representation.....seems so.

with a command of the english language like that, it is no wonder you had to accept subway U's offer.

Your syntax there is fucked too... Should be "with command of the English language...." or if you insist on using the a... "with a command of English like that...." the a and the are incorrect when used together like that.

Anyway, the iPad kind of makes it's own rules sometimes and I just let it do it's thang...
A coercive government does not support freedom or peace. Without those two things, the rest of the unraveling will always follow.

In order to have freedom, some of it needs to be taken away so you can posses the balance. Therein is the problem. How much of it do you need to give up to keep the rest.

Because with absolute freedom, you will have no freedom as there are predators amongst us who will take all of your freedoms from you. How do you propose to deal with that? People banding together to ensure the protection of their freedoms? Well that my friend is government, sort of an embryonic government, but it is a form of governance, and without the ability to coerce when necessary, it is as impotent as I would be if uncle bucks old lady was naked on my bed.
A non-coercive government is impotent. We actually tried that with the articles of confederation prior to the drafting and adaptation to our current constitution. It was a disaster.

I am not an anarchist, government needs to have some level of coercive capability. The problem is a coercive government can coerce it's self more power. We have gotten to the point now that the states have been so neutered that they have essentially abdicated their power to the federal government. We need to repeal the 16th and 17th amendment and then things might start to get in better shape. The federal governments ability to tax any damn thing it wants and the inability of state governments to be represented in the federal government since the senate was switched to popular vote instead of state government appointments has really fundamentally altered the balance of power between state and federal governments in a bad way.

A coercive government does not support freedom or peace. Without those two things, the rest of the unraveling will always follow.
a coercive government does not support freedom or peace. Without those two things, the rest of the unraveling will always follow.

in order to have freedom, some of it needs to be taken away so you can posses the balance. Therein is the problem. How much of it do you need to give up to keep the rest.

Because with absolute freedom, you will have no freedom as there are predators amongst us who will take all of your freedoms from you. How do you propose to deal with that? People banding together to ensure the protection of their freedoms? Well that my friend is government, sort of an embryonic government, but it is a form of governance, and without the ability to coerce when necessary, it is as impotent as i would be if uncle bucks old lady was naked on my bed.

fucking pwned!!!!
Always the racism card with some of these douchebags. Why they feel it helps them win an argument is beyond me quite frankly. tut tut.
fucking pwned!!!!

No slave, once again you have prematurely ejaculated all over ol' rubber tits. In order to have freedom, you HAVE freedom. In order to keep it or protect it, you don't infringe on the freedom of others or rationalize that an infringement of freedom is somehow a protection of freedom. Logic much?

Absolute freedom or any other kind of freedom would necessarily include the freedom to disengage from those trying to steal your freedom, if it doesn't there is no freedom, absolute or othertwise. Therefore the kind of "freedom" that a coercive aggressor leaves you with is not freedom, it is a privilege you've been granted. Confusing freedoms with a hall pass are common place errors among the slaves.

What freedom is by definition, is not what government is.
Your syntax there is fucked too... Should be "with command of the English language...." or if you insist on using the a... "with a command of English like that...." the a and the are incorrect when used together like that.

Anyway, the iPad kind of makes it's own rules sometimes and I just let it do it's thang...

Bucky's spell and grammar check software was a free download.
You probably don't realise that the sock puppet thingy has no real relevance to me, I just think it's stupid, I am not from your country so I don't even know what it really means. I protect my brothers man, we trying to free the world of people that think like you because you fucking it up for everybody.

i am not alone in despising racist little thieving shitbags like you.
i am not alone in despising racist little thieving shitbags like you.

You trying to intimidate me, hahahahahhahahahaha, try again. Where are your sidekicks tonight? I miss them. Why some of you think I care what you think of me is mind boggling.
No slave, once again you have prematurely ejaculated all over ol' rubber tits. In order to have freedom, you HAVE freedom. In order to keep it or protect it, you don't infringe on the freedom of others or rationalize that an infringement of freedom is somehow a protection of freedom. Logic much?

Absolute freedom or any other kind of freedom would necessarily include the freedom to disengage from those trying to steal your freedom, if it doesn't there is no freedom, absolute or othertwise. Therefore the kind of "freedom" that a coercive aggressor leaves you with is not freedom, it is a privilege you've been granted. Confusing freedoms with a hall pass are common place errors among the slaves.

What freedom is by definition, is not what government is.

Move to Somalia see how that works out for you

You Got PWNED!
You trying to intimidate me, hahahahahhahahahaha, try again. Where are your sidekicks tonight? I miss them. Why some of you think I care what you think of me is mind boggling.

if i wanted to intimidate you, i would invite you out to happy hour at jakes.

what i am doing now is making sport of you, since you are only 4 or 5 days into your stay here, and already outed as a thief, a white supremacist, and a grade A (hi, cannabineer).

if you didn't care what we thought of you, you wouldn't keep responding.
without government you would not be free. You are slaves of anyone who decides so.

Of course when both sides of your mouth stop, you will realize you just stated two opposing ideas at the same time. With government, or a coercive government, there is an entity placing limits on your freedom ALREADY. No need to wait for somebody else to enslave you, you're already owned.

Whether somebody might or a group of somebodies might decide to try to take your freedom or not in the absence of government doesn't prove that government hasn't already taken your freedom now does it?
if i wanted to intimidate you, i would invite you out to happy hour at jakes.

what i am doing now is making sport of you, since you are only 4 or 5 days into your stay here, and already outed as a thief, a white supremacist, and a grade A (hi, cannabineer).

if you didn't care what we thought of you, you wouldn't keep responding.

Strange way too look at it, but well you not very bright so I wouldn't expect anything different.
go steal stuff from walmart.

Oh well that just proves my observation then about your intellect, we don't have such things as Wallmart, we have MacDonald's and burger king, but that's about it. Oh and we have the rothchilds and company panting and drooling after our resources because they have stolen all yours, but they don't count anyway..