Greetings from central texas. Glad to see there are some other Texas growers here.
Where you guys are at sound like a dream to me. I am actually in Austin but I guess my connections just suck. My old guy I'm pretty sure was selling mid grade shit at headstash prices. Paying $120/q sucks when you smoke a lot. I went to Cali and hooked some up from a friend of mine there who grew and even his miracle gro done 1st time grow was better than most of what I got from my guy here. I ended up bringing a substantial amount back and hoping it lasts me until my first harvest is in. I grew several years back for a couple of years but had to give it up - former Overgrow'er lost in the wilderness but glad to have found RIU (especially after a bad experience at grass city). I know what I grow will be way better than what I have now and what I was buying before. I'm sure there are people in austin with much better connections but frankly I don't swim in those circles

I'm one of those guys you would never expect is a huge pothead. I'm just happy to be back to growing because I love it almost as much as smoking -- and nice to have a few compadre's from these parts. Hopefully this should be my best grow yet as I was producing pretty good stuff when I quit and I expect to be able to dial it in pretty quick. I don't grow to sell just grow for myself and occasionally my best friend enjoys the fruits of my labor
I wish Texas had voter initiatives -- I don't think texas is ever going to pass medical, much less decriminalize/legalize growing otherwise. If you look at the places that have good medical laws, they are pretty much all places where the citizens get to vote it in over the heads of the politicians who are too big of pussies to do what they'll tell you in private is right because they're wetting their panties over being soft on drugs. I am thinking hard of moving out of state to a medical state just for the lower likelihood of getting busted.