TGA Subcool Pennywise (selfmedicators second grow)


Well-Known Member
Checking with the lights off is the ONLY way to go! Im seeing amber. Its not 50/50 but its definetly amber. Not sure how much longer to let them go. Just gonna keep checking them daily. I actually saw a big bead of resin on one bud just ooosing out.


Well-Known Member
nice! if you would like to do some experimenting you can take buds at different stages to see what the colors really mean to the end product.


Well-Known Member
Ive read so many conflicting posts about the colors. One "expert" says only cloudy. If you see amber you went too long. Others say 50/50. others 10%. Im just going to guess at it. Probably going to harvest early this week.


Well-Known Member
that's what i was talking about. try and see, its not about what some so called expert has to say, its about what you think. my self i like to do it with mostly cloudy, but that's the way i like it. that's why i said try them at different stages to find where it works best for you.


Well-Known Member
I have a variety that is ready with about 50/50 clear and milky.
Another that was half amber before calyx began to swell.
Learn each variety and don't trust trichs alone..


Well-Known Member
I went ahead and chopped today. I really checked out some buds and i was seeing a fair amount of amber. Im having a hard time believing this but I know my scale is correct and I understand it will lose half its weight after it dries but I pulled 39 ounces of a single plant in a 3 gallon pot!!!! thats 2.4 pounds!! If I get anywhere near 12 to 16 ounces dry i will be giddy. Oh and I got 3 ounces of sugar leaf trim for honey. I left most of the sugar leaves on the buds. Trimmed just the tips off. The main colas weighed 8.9 by themselves. photo 5.JPG



Well-Known Member
Oh i forgot to mention the stems were all hollow from about 6 inches from the dirt to the tips. Is that normal? I dont remember seeing that before.


Well-Known Member
cool! :) the steams are fine. you got a nice haul, that one plant just worked out perfect. i think you found the right plant count to have. 1-2 strain depending and you sure can hold out from harvest to harvest. sometimes that k.i.s.s.(keep it simple stupid) is better than over thinking it.
i think once its dried you`ll be a little more than just i enjoyed the ride again......i was going to drop some seeds this morning but i`ve had company for the holiday and its setting me back a few days. oh! yeah happy holiday to you.


Well-Known Member
I went ahead and chopped today. I really checked out some buds and i was seeing a fair amount of amber. Im having a hard time believing this but I know my scale is correct and I understand it will lose half its weight after it dries but I pulled 39 ounces of a single plant in a 3 gallon pot!!!! thats 2.4 pounds!! If I get anywhere near 12 to 16 ounces dry i will be giddy. Oh and I got 3 ounces of sugar leaf trim for honey. I left most of the sugar leaves on the buds. Trimmed just the tips off. The main colas weighed 8.9 by themselves. View attachment 3162768
Excellent... grats!. They dry to way less than half the wet weight (more like 20%) but, that's still a great yield. Keep tokin!


Well-Known Member
the ideal way of doing it now, is to have a plant ready to go into flower when your flowering plant is done. ya know one comes out a new goes in, doing it so keeps you medicated and happy. just a little rule of thumb would be about 2 weeks to root the cut, another 2 to veg out a bit then flower. in your case you may want to veg more than that just to get the height and branching up to get it started in the screen before flowering. its all about timing for the perpetual style garden. lets say you know that this strain takes 60 days to be ready to harvest, then you also know it only takes a week to root the cut, but it takes 4 weeks to get it to the size it needs to be to get it ready for the screen. so that would mean you would need to start your cut at little more than 3 weeks after your other plant started into flower. this is just an example to give you an idea for getting started with the strategy that will fit your needs.


Well-Known Member
lol! there ya go just more and more you know what you need, i don`! you got the idea of what i`m i think your fuckin with me now, or it could be this northern lights.


Well-Known Member
looking good. want be long now and its right back at it.
did you try some early samples yet?


Well-Known Member
was actually just thinking about that but im trying to set up a new PC and Indica tends to zone me out. Maybe before I lay down tonight. Its not really dry yet. I stirred my bag of trim and its pretty green yet. RH has been hovering around 48% which should give it a nice slow dry but doesnt help with my impatience. Probably going to top the clones tomorrow. Windows 8.1 is kicking my ass. Ive had XP for over 12 years.