Thank you tea party patriots!

Repetition is the most effective form of you wish to hold his eyes open and make him watch videos as well?

i'm just making observations about others that seem to make you uncomfortable.

but then again, you did just give kynes a 'like' for his post espousing "european cultural superiority" (see: thinly veiled euphemism for white supremacy), so no wonder why it would make you uncomfortable.
i'm just making observations about others that seem to make you uncomfortable.

but then again, you did just give kynes a 'like' for his post espousing "european cultural superiority" (see: thinly veiled euphemism for white supremacy), so no wonder why it would make you uncomfortable.

Got me, hysteria tends to make me uncomfortable. I have given you likes as well. If you care to link that post on "european cultural superiority"so everyone here can see it instead of taking it out of context(as that was a thread about conservatives and their IQ vs racism) then go ahead. No, instead you don't, and like the parent of a burdensome child it falls on ME to link it, except you are not my kin, or my brother; so whatever.

To simply parrot shit out of context to create a false flag on every thread you touch, like you are doing here; is very counterproductive.

I havent been here long and have read ZERO posts by Keynes (or ginwilly)to indicate he is a white supremacist, objectivist perhaps but I know you hate that too, seems like you are hiding behind emotions.
How bout this Buck, I am sorry if the word mulatto offended you. Being "mixed" myself I don't find it offensive and never thought anything of it, but will restrain from its use simply because I have been informed by the PC police that it is offensive to some. Over and done.

But it won't be done will it? Because clinging to those emotions are too much of a high or a rush that only eases the pain in the face of the fact that at the end of the day it will come down to the producers and the takers, regardless of party lines or culture let alone race.
How bout this Buck, I am sorry if the word mulatto offended you. Being "mixed" myself I don't find it offensive and never thought anything of it, but will restrain from its use simply because I have been informed by the PC police that it is offensive to some. Over and done.

But it won't be done will it? Because clinging to those emotions are too much of a high or a rush that only eases the pain in the face of the fact that at the end of the day it will come down to the producers and the takers, regardless of party lines or culture let alone race.

i think european society and culture is superior

defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit (see: sub saharan africa, and in fact all black african cultures are simply ...failure.... ridiculous superstitions and magical thinking...tribal feuds and baby rape traditions, machinegunning preschools in France)
i think european society and culture is superior

defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit (see: sub saharan africa, and in fact all black african cultures are simply ...failure.... ridiculous superstitions and magical thinking...tribal feuds and baby rape traditions, machinegunning preschools in France)

with the exception of Russia and a couple other places I agree with ur first sentence.... Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and some others have better society and culture then us for sure..... among other things to
with the exception of Russia and a couple other places I agree with ur first sentence.... Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Germany, Italy, and some others have better society and culture then us for sure..... among other things to

some of them have better governance in that they are actually able to take care of all their citizens' health. but i wouldn't want my 4 banger to be seen as a behemoth. that's just wrong.
Keynes said:
i think european society and culture is superior

defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit (see: sub saharan africa, and in fact all black african cultures are simply ...failure.... ridiculous superstitions and magical thinking...tribal feuds and baby rape traditions, machinegunning preschools in France)

BRILLIANT BUCK put the catshit weed DOWN:fire:

Now here's the post that I LIKED.

Keynes in that dup deee durr One thread that one time durp dee durr said:
societies can die, even Rome fell. Ur is lost to history, Troy was sacked, Machu Pichu has been reclaimed by the jungle, and the entire civilization of Persia has been consumed by mohammedanism, leaving only a steaming pile of scat in the place of one of the longest lasting and most influential cultures in history.

this does NOT mean those societies were populated with inferior peoples, it means they got their asses kicked by a more aggressive, technologically superior competitor.

FAILED societies are the ones which are moribund, bringing nothing of value to the endless march of civilization, and even those societies are not made up of inferior people, just inferior cultural imperatives.

sub saharan africa, and in fact all black african cultures are simply footnotes, quaint examples of backward social structures, retrograde technology, and ultimately, failure. when black african societies embrace modern science technology and societal norms, they advance, often at an alarming rate, until some shitheel asshole who longs for the ridiculous superstitions and magical thinking of the past throws a coup d' etat and reignites the tribal feuds and baby rape traditions of the not so distant past.

this does not imply that africa is the sole proprietor of shitheels or power hungry assholes, europe has had more than a few (Edward Longshanks, Napoleon, Mussolini, pretty much every Pope ever, etc) asia has had a bunch (Mao and Pol Pot spring to mind) and so has latin america (castro, guevara, peron, chavez etc).

the difference between success and failure in every society clearly lies with the reaction to technological change and progress at the heart of the society. new ideas, new technologies and even new religions were embraced by the persian empire, rome, the greeks, ancient china, and every other society that has ever actually left a positive influence on civilization, while failed societies are the ones which resist new ideas, technologies and advancement based solely on their mistaken belief that they are already the ideal, and thus any change will naturally be for the worse.

it is chauvinism, and a faulty assumption of perfection within a society that leads to stagnation and eventual ruin.

in these retrograde societies, every new idea is relentlessly repressed, all dissent is beaten down in favour of blind traditionalism and dogmatic religious beliefs, and yes this does include a number of american "conservative" groups.

real conservatism asks the proponent of a new idea "Show me how this is better, and convince me i should change", while moribund unthinking fools insist "Our shit is perfect already, by the grace of god, and anything new is an abomination!"

when a society becomes dominated by fools who believe they already has acheived the pinnacle of civilization and technology, thats when they stop advancing and start declining.

the only quicker road to disaster is embracing bullshit ideas that are proved to be failures, and insisting that it only failed because The Right People werent involved last time (which again demonstrates Chauvinism)

thus we can clearly see, i hold NO common ground with your racist ideals, since i KNOW a black man can be every bit as smart, successful and ethical as any european, asian or chicano, but instead find the flaw in african societies' tribalism, and chauvinism, the belief in one's own innate superiority, and the blind faith that this superiority will result in success, no matter how carelessly you play the game.

chauvinism is the flip-side of bigotry, since if one is simply superior, all those outside your group of presumably superior beings must necessarily be inferior, likewise if everyone else is inferior (the core of bigotry), this naturally leads to the assumption that you must be superior.

your bigotry is obvious, while your chauvinism is poorly concealed, and it all rides on the well worn rails of race, rather than the undeniable facts of culture and social imperative.

i got a little chauvinism myself, in that i believe european cultures and social norms are superior, but i am always out to PROVE it, not simply asserting it's superiority, and trusting in european culture to succeed without any help from it's constituent members.

thats how shit gets done, while you rest on the dubious laurels of your "genetic intellectual superiority", and assert that you are simply better than people of african heritage, because you had the good fortune to be born into a society that isnt tearing itself apart, and wallowing in it's own crapulence.

TLDR Version:

no, because im not a racist.
i think european society and culture is superior, not european people. anyone can embrace european culture, in whole or in part, regardless of their race or skin colour.
i am a cultural chauvinist, you are just a bigot.

NOW what are we but gossiping girls at the hair salon talking about people behind their backs?
BRILLIANT BUCK put the catshit weed DOWN:fire:

Now here's the post that I LIKED.

NOW what are we but gossiping girls at the hair salon talking about people behind their backs?

can you not read? that's the same post where he crudely stereotypes africans as baby racists and declares the superiority of "european culture and society".

are you dumb?
can you not read? that's the same post where he crudely stereotypes africans as baby racists and declares the superiority of "european culture and society".

are you dumb?

I read fine. So fine in fact I can see that the baby rapist were singled out as "shitheels".

I will now place you in this category. A shitheel. Who has been completely pwnt in discussion.

BTW the salon totally fucked up your hair I can't wait till I go tell Jennifer.

I read fine. So fine in fact I can see that the baby rapist were singled out as "shitheels".

I will now place you in this category. A shitheel. Who has been completely pwnt in discussion.

BTW the salon totally fucked up your hair I can't wait till I go tell Jennifer.


yeah, you totally PWNT me by proving that you are unable to read and validating my exact claim AFTER you disputed it.

jesus fucking christ, low IQ and conservatism/racism are clearly linked.
yeah, you totally PWNT me by proving that you are unable to read and validating my exact claim AFTER you disputed it.

jesus fucking christ, low IQ and conservatism/racism are clearly linked.

Keynes pwnt you DUMBASS, you reading comprehension has COMPLETELY failed you, in favor of a childish tantrum, I expected no more so don't worry its not disappointing.
some of them have better governance in that they are actually able to take care of all their citizens' health. but i wouldn't want my 4 banger to be seen as a behemoth. that's just wrong.

Norway is def one of those countries... they have a much higher standerd of living and quality of life then us
Keynes pwnt you DUMBASS, you reading comprehension has COMPLETELY failed you, in favor of a childish tantrum, I expected no more so don't worry its not disappointing.

yeah, kynes totally PWNT me by articulating his view of white supremacy. woops, i meant "european cultural superiority", because that doesn't sound quite as bad.
Dude like TOTALLY

why leave out the part about "european cultural superiority"? does it make you uncomfortable? you 'liked' the post, but now seem to feel uncomfortable when i outline exactly what he means by "european cultural superiority".


"Now I say to myself, why aren't we letting people in from Europe?"