Thank you tea party patriots!

Buck, thanks for proving my point about emotion. Your response was very telling. The reason I know you are in Beaverton is only because of your response just now, the hint was:

I bet you consider Beaverton a metropolis. We have areas like Oregon.

Paranoia, its a bitch.

Why would anyone who willingly joins the party that created the KKK be on a pedestal of racism? Thats right, your party created and supported the first form of voter repression in this country's history.
Buck, thanks for proving my point about emotion. Your response was very telling. The reason I know you are in Beaverton is only because of your response just now, the hint was:

Paranoia, its a bitch.

Why would anyone who willingly joins the party that created the KKK be on a pedestal of racism? Thats right, your party created and supported the first form of voter repression in this country's history.

so first you put me on ignore, like a scraed turtle retreating to its shell, now you're intimating that you know where i live like it's some kind of threat?

you're even worse than a script kiddie.
I am not making threats to you buck. I am a grower, you are a grower. Of course that's not my JOB though its just a hobby...conservative in nature just like growing veggies or anything else....we both live in med states and get to grow outdoors even yay.

All this race slandering garbage you have done to me is retarded so I have chosen the ignore option.
That's all I can do here.
I would ignore you in a bar up to about this point as well. But there's no ignore button at the bar.

I mentioned Beaverton.
I honestly intended on looking up census data for your little spot on earth to further a point.

Then you go full retard with "come get some".

So where then does the threat lie?

Your boner in my grill all the time just doesn't work for me anymore, go cry about it.

I can tell you honestly irl if you call me racist I will knock you the fuck out, and gladly pay the fine or serve my one day or whatever.
I am not making threats to you buck. I am a grower, you are a grower. Of course that's not my JOB though its just a hobby...conservative in nature just like growing veggies or anything else....we both live in med states and get to grow outdoors even yay.

All this race slandering garbage you have done to me is retarded so I have chosen the ignore option.
That's all I can do here.
I would ignore you in a bar up to about this point as well. But there's no ignore button at the bar.

I mentioned Beaverton.
I honestly intended on looking up census data for your little spot on earth to further a point.

Then you go full retard with "come get some".

So where then does the threat lie?

Your boner in my grill all the time just doesn't work for me anymore, go cry about it.

I can tell you honestly irl if you call me racist I will knock you the fuck out, and gladly pay the fine or serve my one day or whatever.

if i were sitting at a bar, having a hefeweizen, and overheard a conversation about how the president is a mulatto, my ears would prick up.

if your buddy went ahead and talked about the superiority of european culture and crude stereotypes about the backwards, baby raping ways of africans, and you responded with some type of comment saying you liked that thought, i would think you were harboring some racism in ya.

i wouldn't make it my business to get up, turn around, and explain to you why i thought you were harboring some racism and that i disapproved of it, i would go on drinking my beer and shake my head at you and your buddies.

but this is RIU politics, not a bar. the point is that we confront each other in discussion and make persuasive arguments about why that attitude is abhorrent or that policy is misguided.

you and others who threaten violence at accusations of racism or bigotry remind me of some people who i once trimmed with. the guy we were trimming for is a hardcore right christian whose speech would earn him an instant, 100% RACIST AS FUCK label from me, but his treatment of trimmers makes it clear that he doesn't act on any of his idiotic shock talk. anyhoo, me, him, and a few guys who he hired are all sitting for a long trim session and the conversation is everywhere. at some point it turns to gay stuff, and i hear these guys start saying some pretty hateful stuff. not just the "all talk" kind of trash that the main dude loves to joke about.

so i say something. a couple of them sheepishly say they are just joking, but the "alpha" of their group seems to take exception. we're still just trimming though, so no big deal. conversation goes on.

at some point though, he kinda brings it back up again. some real homophobic stuff coming from him, and some hostile stuff directed at me. very tense feeling at the table.

so i just tell him very nicely that i just thought some of the stuff he was saying was prejudiced. he asks me what the fuck is wrong with being prejudiced, and if i am gay or something. this dude wants to deck me, and everyone at that trimming table knows it.

so the totally racist christian dude who we're trimming for all of a sudden pipes up. he starts going off in his usual way, and then tells the angry dude that he probably has a ton of gay friends and doesn't even know it. angry dude denies it, and then the guy we're trimming for AND his wife both start telling him the same thing. even his friends start telling him about all these friends he has who he doesn't even know are gay (we are in portland, after all).

angry dude has epiphany right then and there. conversation calms down. we go on trimming. normal conversation resumes.

i was out having a smoke later on, and he suddenly walks out. he apologizes right away.

is there a point to my story? i don't know. i just thought i'd tell you about one memorable time i pointed out this type of shit in person and encountered a hostile idiot like you.
Your over haearing "prez is mulatto" at the bar is out of context here.

If you heard someone disagree on policy by saying "you just disagree because prez is black man" THEN overheard "he's not black he is mixed" or mulatto or what ever the POINT is countering the original race bait....which you WILLFULLY IGNORE.

If you overheard a tidbit of the other speak of "cultural superiority" and got all defensive that's understandable.
But if you are as smart as you claim to be, and that discussion is explained in GREAT exampled earlier....and you still pretend to be this ignorant guy that just heard this little tidbit or that little tidbit then you are just starting shit out of context on purpose to intentionally get a desired reaction.....then when it happens you present it as proof of the morality of your an old tactic and very transparent in this day and age.

Its frustrating and lame cherry picking in the lowest form.

The hostility is all you. I did not threaten stated fact. Just cause you would not be hostile to me or my buddy at a bar does not mean Iwould not break you in half if you pulled this riu politics shit to me in the trimming scenario....because if you apply THAT to THIS then YOU are mr angry dude like in your cute story there and I am the guy trying to appeal to your senses and you are the one who will not let it go...

Not an angry hate mongering racist, but a confrontational hate monger just the same......but this is riu politics right?

Which makes us you in the bullshit trimming story. Those that simply ask "why don't you knock it off" politely.

You think you flipped some script on me and now we will relate to trimmer talk....but that's not how it is is it? Your a sensible person out there, opposite here.

I resent it. You just do it here because there is no recourse for anyone.

Confront each other and further discussion is the exact opposite of what you do. Any topic in politics you feel is ok to slander a so called racist just bc this is "politics".

Its the same as me showing your catshit weed pic anytime Idisagree with any subject other than weed or catshit......except Ididnt make it up that is actually your weed and catshit .... I will do this from now on on every single fucking quote Isee of yours...because Ifeel so strongly about know riu is a medicinal place....or did you forget?

Iknow it will be ok because you are allowed to do whatever so Iwill be allowed to do that....and I will enjoy it because it brings you great embarrassment, unlike your racist allegation to me the catshit thing is actually true. Site rules say don't put your personal info out there, there ya go.

Your politics and practice are at odds, economically anyhow..... I have pointed it out from my first day here. I am only able to cause you put it up here....but I will bring it up in great detail, cause its actually true and you volunteered the info....

I am sure I will continue to for a while to come.

But that's all I will have for you for a long long time just catshit and grey area, to the extent you continue distracting with race baits which will be forever so go fuck yourself.

but this is RIU politics, not a bar. the point is that we confront each other in discussion and make persuasive arguments about why that attitude is abhorrent or that policy is misguided.

When have you ever attempted a persuasive argument?
The only thing you do is make up lies about people and troll them, why admin lets you get away with the shit you do is beyond explanation.
When have you ever attempted a persuasive argument?
The only thing you do is make up lies about people and troll them, why admin lets you get away with the shit you do is beyond explanation.

Finthere done that. With a side of pancakes.
da fuck, bucky?:lol:

Lol freak out kid I remember him. Even with ignore I see no opportunity is passed up to speak on my behalf, incorrectly.

So now I'm a racist who beleives in "european cultural superiority" cause I liked a post Keynes wrote on the subject.
Same as saying anyone who likes that post likes remotes in their butt. Its silly.

In fact I have noticed when no opportunity is present, he will simply create one. Its pretty fucked up.
Lol freak out kid I remember him. Even with ignore I see no opportunity is passed up to speak on my behalf, incorrectly.

In fact I have noticed when no opportunity is present, he will simply create one. Its pretty fucked up.
Twostroke, I can't believe you let the little twerp get you so wound up.
UncleBuck and see4 are not challenging in any way, annoying, yes but that's about it.
Twostroke, I can't believe you let the little twerp get you so wound up.

says the child who refuses to meet me for lunch because he would just have to beat me up to prove how right he is about everything.

so funny. so funny.

you have a small penis as well.
I am just "interwebz" wound up. No worries. This twerp is just profoundly "special" given this is a medicinal mmj site.

I came to california to die I thought. I won't go into detail but mmj cured me.
This bitch and his big ass mouth slamming free markets all the while pretending to be a "caregiver" is especially annoying to me.
I love free markets though so roll on but I find the hipocracy unsettling.

Especially when you advocate for "holier than thou" policies. And being a realist, Irecognize all policy as economic.

Ignore is my rehab though step 1, 11 to go.
I am just "interwebz" wound up. No worries. This twerp is just profoundly "special" given this is a medicinal mmj site.

I came to california to die I thought. I won't go into detail but mmj cured me.
This bitch and his big ass mouth slamming free markets all the while pretending to be a "caregiver" is especially annoying to me.
I love free markets though so roll on but I find the hipocracy unsettling.

Especially when you advocate for "holier than thou" policies. And being a realist, Irecognize all policy as economic.

Ignore is my rehab though step 1, 11 to go.

Just look at his post above, he's a friken unemployed kid with nothing better to do than troll people he's envious of.
Just look at his post above, he's a friken unemployed kid with nothing better to do than troll people he's envious of.

i am not envious of you, your wife who no longer excites you, your sad little neon signs, or your remarkable lack of intelligence.

you're too much of a coward to even meet for lunch, what's to envy?
Just look at his post above, he's a friken unemployed kid with nothing better to do than troll people he's envious of.

I thought he and I were the same age makes me ashamed of my generation a bit if that's true.
From this statement I get the feeling you're older than me.