THC Bomb Mothers in Flower.


Active Member
Lookin awesome bro, im sub'd. Always good to see how the same strains go for different people, so I'll be keepin an eye on you for sure.
When do you plan on switchin those thc bombs over to flower? Or are you gonna wait for them to give you the signal?


Active Member
I normally flower at around a foot and a half. I top them at a foot so that gives them some strong growth before the switch. I started the THC Bombs way earlier than the White L.S.D so they will be significantly bigger than the rest of the room at flower time. The rest of the room will flip at a foot and a half like normal, I suspect the THC Bomb's will be a tad over 2 feet by then. I will use some LST to try to keep their canopy short. They will be beastly when they're done. Should be the largest I have grown the strain. My mothers were vegged longer but that was because of massive stress from raping of clones.

The White LSD wasted no time in that wimpy sprout stage some strains have. They are all uniformly working on a healthy 2nd set of leaves. The fans are giving them a vigorous breeze that they are fighting well against.

Everyone got watered today in the big room. With the Advanced Nutrients Sensi Line I have always gave the full recommended dose from sprout to flush. That is what they all got today to the tune of 1500ml @ 1040ppm w/ Ph @ 5.5. Everything is an A+ in my charts.



Active Member
Awesome! The moms are focusing on bud growth, starting to stink, and have thrichomes all over already. The 3 THC Bombs in veg responded well to their topping and have a few new inches of growth since the snip. The White L.S.D ladies are looking strong and growing their 2nd set of leaves now and have a hard breeze on them that they love. I would post some mid-week pictures, but the lights are off right now and the growth will show more drastically by Monday versus last Monday's update.



I don't know if you got it cloned yet but if you haven't have you tried air layering it? I use air laying on my plants when i cant get a clone to survive and i get roots within 5-7 days On my air layer


Active Member
Never have no. i say a Sticky on how to do it but it sounded more advanced than i wanted to try. On your advice, I will give it a shot with the next prune on the THC Bombs. Still, even if it works, would it be feesable to bet dozens of clones this way?



Well-Known Member
hello thread....nice work.........ive done a few thc bombs...reg and fem........mostly 12-12 from seed, only ever took 1 clone but did cross a thc bomb mother with a bubblegum....i call her bubblebomb......big bomb from bomb seeds is a real should defo give her a try.....hers a few of my bubblebombs 12-12 from seed..........:mrgreen:



Active Member
Awesome buds bro. Well done! I am curious what method you cloned the THC Bomb. I tried everything I could find. Please tell me you found the needle in the haystack I couldn't find. I will do some trimming on all these girls just before flower. I will try anything you suggest. Growing from seed sucks! I hope the White L.S.D will clone easily. I'd rather start some new mothers when the current girls flower than have to start 40 new seeds again. Again, awesome buds. I like the Pink Floyd pic the most. What kind of set-up were those under? They still look like they have a week or two in them.

Hope you're here for the ride Del.



Active Member
Lol. Thanks CockBag. It's funny to call someone that, and it not be insulting. Glad to have you. Enjoy the show.



Well-Known Member
Awesome buds bro. Well done! I am curious what method you cloned the THC Bomb. I tried everything I could find. Please tell me you found the needle in the haystack I couldn't find. I will do some trimming on all these girls just before flower. I will try anything you suggest. Growing from seed sucks! I hope the White L.S.D will clone easily. I'd rather start some new mothers when the current girls flower than have to start 40 new seeds again. Again, awesome buds. I like the Pink Floyd pic the most. What kind of set-up were those under? They still look like they have a week or two in them.

Hope you're here for the ride Del.

no secrets mate just luck............the first 5 clones i ever did all took..........the second lot only a few took............then 1 then none so i figured id go 12-12 from seed and rather than just smoke 1 or 2 types i try lots of different strains..........i think seeds are real cheap for the amount of bud they give you and you can use the room that you would have given your mothers to grow more bud...........


Active Member
Essentially that's what I am doing now. But I prefer to have a mothers closet and fill my big room from them. I lost hundreds of clones off of these girls. I have read that it is harder to clone from feminized seed than it is from regular. Not sure if that has been proven anywhere though. Did your successful clones come from reg. or fem. seeds?

I am still juggling with the idea of different strains. I really like an even canopy though. I think if i have similar cloning problems from the White L.S.D that I will have to grow from seed and will likely choose a few different ones. Seeds are cheap compared to the outcome; but, I'd rather save a few hundred bucks a grow when I can. Have you had particularly great cloning success with others you can mention. I look for THC content and g/m2 of course.



Active Member
No, all my methods have been soil-like mediums. I hear of great success with a aerocloner. I couldn't get a single root fiber to come off of a clone from THC Bomb. Maybe I should get an cloner and five that a shot. I figured if none of the other methods, than none probably would. But I could get more use out of the cloner than just the Bomb strain.



Active Member
You're right. I will throw something together before next trim. When I topped the THC Bombs in veg last Monday i through the tops in a glass of distilled water. I figured, all the science didn't work, maybe my moms old method for cloning flowers would. Of course, nothing yet, and I don't expect that to work. I like the idea of an aerocloner over my clone dome and heating mat. I will have to do a little research. I will include my attempts in this thread.
