The Airforce dumped a lot of soldiers bodies in a VA landfill.

there is no pride left in anything.

i'm proud of the things i have and the things i believe in, because they are my things. not some unknown "cause". maybe people are just sick of fighting others battles. or just sick fighting all together. what's the point of any of it?
i'm proud of the things i have and the things i believe in, because they are my things. not some unknown "cause". maybe people are just sick of fighting others battles. or just sick fighting all together. what's the point of any of it?

there isnt any point. i am sick of fighting, i dont take pride in anything anymore, pride can be a weakness.
see i dont feel that people deserve to be dumped with garbage. your probably not a vet so you may not get it.

No I am not a vet. My wife is a vet tech, and she runs her own all breed dog rescue that I help her with. I get to go into the back of the vets and the shelters and see what most people don't see. Im sure there is a lot I haven't seen. I just don't have a personal attachment to the dead. A body is a body is a body, it's not who you are.
i simply said that there are a few really dumb, ignorant, trained, scary individuals the military produces, and those are the ones that are usually causing said incidents.

you and i both learned human anatomy from the same source for completely opposite reasons. your job was to save lives, mine was not.

Yeah, you have to learn how to kill someone before you can learn to save them. I wasn't a conscientous objector though. The corpsmen in the Battalion I served in all carried M-4's. We occasionally used them as well.:wink:
No I am not a vet. My wife is a vet tech, and she runs her own all breed dog rescue that I help her with. I get to go into the back of the vets and the shelters and see what most people don't see. Im sure there is a lot I haven't seen. I just don't have a personal attachment to the dead. A body is a body is a body, it's not who you are.

veteran, not veterinarian.
ive see that episode ryan, thats what i mean, every now and again you get someone through who's not right, and thats what happens if they make it out.
From the Article the OP linked to
Hundreds of pieces of dead American soldiers were incinerated by Air Force officials
In addition to the remains that were matched up with dead soldiers, 1,762 unidentified remains were thrown into the landfill.
One military widow told the Post that a mortuary official told her that the Air Force had been throwing cremated remains in landfills since at least 1996.
The mortuary stopped the landfill dumping in 2008 and began burying unidentified soldiers remains at sea from aboard Navy ships.
Read more:

I had to read the Article Because it would Be disgusting If the USA dumped Soldiers Bodys in a Landfill
But I guess they Dont TheY cremated the Pieces they Couldnt Identify and probably the Histology lab Samples
Someone Blamed Obama. The Practice stopped in 2008
And this Happens Every day in the USA to American Citizens
When some one loses a Limb OR has an Organ taken Out
Those Remains are taken to the Local Funeral Home after they Go to Histology They Get Cremated Put in Bio Waste bags and thrown in the Landfill
From the Article the OP linked to

I had to read the Article Because it would Be disgusting If the USA dumped Soldiers Bodys in a Landfill
But I guess they Dont TheY cremated the Pieces they Couldnt Identify and probably the Histology lab Samples
Someone Blamed Obama. The Practice stopped in 2008
And this Happens Every day in the USA to American Citizens
When some one loses a Limb OR has an Organ taken Out
Those Remains are taken to the Local Funeral Home after they Go to Histology They Get Cremated Put in Bio Waste bags and thrown in the Landfill

Is there an Eco in here?
apparently the obama campaign? i mean, he is the "decider" after all, right?
well he did promise change i guess :\

thats fuckign disturbing to know that may have been some of my or my brothers friends they threw away like garbage....jus plain fuckin disturbing a man/woman will pay with thier lives to serve thier country...only to have this done. Im very pissed off about this
well he did promise change i guess :\

thats fuckign disturbing to know that may have been some of my or my brothers friends they threw away like garbage....jus plain fuckin disturbing a man/woman will pay with thier lives to serve thier country...only to have this done. Im very pissed off about this

They Didnt Throw Bodys They Threw out the Cremated Remains (think ashes) OF Body parts they Couldnt repatriot with the original Body or couldnt Identify which Body they came from
Think about What a explosive does to a body. The Body Gets buried the Unidentified parts get Cremated and Disposed us

Aint no different than what they did with the Unidentified 9/11 victims Body parts. BTW they do this every day all across the USA
When you amputate a Leg or Remove a tumor
It gets Cremated and Thrown out
wow, glad to see that americans are just fucked up worthless people who dont give a fuck about anything other than themselves.