The AK47 Project on Hempy Buckets


Well-Known Member
OK you have got me hooked on the hempty grow

Dark Star
Respect to you guys

I think this is the way to go for me
I"ve been out and got my plastic cups purlite and i am changing my grow area to suit this grow.
I am waiting to get some cash for my new 200watt cfl. Hopefully very soon.
I have two very streched out plants growing at the moment they are to big for my grow area. so they are gonna get the chop (one female) the other not to sure.
I"m gonna make ten clones off each plant and grow them hempty style.
Wish me luck
Anyway once i"ve got everything sorted and ready im gonna make a journal.
I"ll post links to you guys. Its down to you guys that i"m doing the hempty grow.
Hope you all check out my journal and give me a bit of help and advice along the way.

By the way dark star them babes of yours are looking sweeeet:blsmoke:
Thanks and good luck to everyone and happy growing :mrgreen:
make sure you post a link to your grow so we can all help each other out good luck and welcome to the brotherood lol :joint:


Well-Known Member
it is a great responsability but we are there for you, i dont mind you asking questions at all, make sure you keep a couple of the bushiest clones for mothers later on......
man i wish we could all trade clones!!!
it would be a wonderful world


Well-Known Member
OK as the nugs were growing nicely I noticed plants were getting sad, the leaves started to turn yellow....anyway
...the perlite on the botton of the 18gl rubbermaid was getting solid and it stunk like dead fish so I performed an emergency transplant/early harvest, my ak47 was almost 8 weeks of flower so I just chopped it, I also had 2 sativa clones and one indica wich were still too early to harvest so I transplanted them, we'll see what happens....
may the force of the hempy stay with me...
since I had plenty of room in the flower closet I moved some clones from the veg box, they'll all be mini hempy from now on
here's pics of the sativa sisters after the operation
Hey Dark Star them plants of yours look a bit like mine.
Only difference is mine"s got no buds lots of fem flowers lots of white hairs but no buds ? they been on 12/12 for 3 weeks now. will it still be OK to take clones ? running out of growing room this is one of the reasons why i want to try the hempty grow.
I will post a couple of pics later. gotta go to work:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Back home from work now just done a quick job made £50 thatsfor my new cfl only need about another £30 for my light reflector and nutes and then the plan will come together.

Pics of my two bitches that are getting the chop very soon.



Active Member
Hello, I am moving into a new apartment in a week and plan to start a stealth hempy bucket grow but had a few quick questions. For the setup were looking at a 315w Full spectrum 20k lumen CFL, Nutrients are general hydro flora grow/bloom, and 1 gal. hempy buckets. Bagseeds to start with since this is my 1st grow. Goal is 2oz. per cycle if possible. Now, my main questions.

1. Will I be able to grow desired yield in a HxWxL of 37"x36"x18"
- I’m thinking 2 plants max in the end, but 36" length may allow for 3 ?

2. If it is possible, I’m growing bagseed so I do not know strain info, So how long should I veg, 1 gal milk jug is about 12" tall so were lookin at about 2ft tall plants max which will be much better when I can scrog clones on 2nd grow.

3. In your opinion can I make this system work for my needs, either on 1st grow or 2nd scrog grow, or should I buy another box, it needs to be a box because of stealth and I’m buying carbon filter and all that junk.

All help appreciated thanks - NRWHISTLe


Well-Known Member
NRwhistle, use what you have right now and dont buy anything else, you have lights, nutes a box, seeds wich means you have the basics, your grow will turn in different directions as you learn and read our journals, I started growing 7 months ago and the plan now is nothing like the original, i tried soil, top, LST, 18gl hempy and now I'm on mini hempy; now yes you can grow 3 plants in there but dont veg them for too long so they dont get tall or you can try perpetual12/12 like our friend BigD,,
i harvest about 1qt per plant so if you do 3 plants at the time then you wont meet your goal unless your light is killer, another problem is that you'll have to wait for another cycle for the next harvest, I do it in my closet adding new clones from the veg box every 3 weeks so I harvest every 3 weeks, 4 plants every 3 weeks is about 1oz every 3 weeks....
I dont know if I answer all your questions but here is the hempy bible
read this and feel free to ask AZgrow anything since he is more than happy to help others but read the whole thing or at leat the first 10 pages where the hempy gets explained in detail with pics


Well-Known Member
Dave, 3 weeks with lots of white hairs is good, now the fun begins because buds are next and dont be touching them to much


Well-Known Member
Dave, 3 weeks with lots of white hairs is good, now the fun begins because buds are next and dont be touching them to much
Thanks Dark Star i am thinking theres gonna be a change of plan.
Looking at my plants yesterday and there looking pretty good the plants i"ve got have been topped but i did it to late thats why i"m running out of room.
But i was stoned yesterday when i was looking at them and now i dont wanna chop them up. I"ve took four clones of the deffo female and i"m gonna take some more soon.The plants are starting to grow like crazy so i spent about a hour yesterday tying them down. I thought they had been flowering for a lot longer until i read my work calender.
So my new plan is to get my new cfl and nutes this week put the light in and start to give them some nutes and see what happens.
This is my first grow :dunce:
I"m gonna put the hempty grow on the back boiler for a while.
The good thing is i"ve got all the stuff now for the hempty grow so thats gonna be my next mission.

Yesterday i had mixed emotions after looking at my plants and seeing lotsof white hairs i was buzzing.
Then i checked out my experiment plant and found a red spidermite i was well pissed off.
The experiment plant had four leaves that had turned yellow looked like nute burns but i aint used any nutes so i thought fuck it got a razor and cut them yellow leaves off also topped the plant.
Checked the plant today and its grown about an inch ? WTF
Any way sorry for the long post just had to get all this shit off my chest.:blsmoke:
A quick tip for anyone who wants to tie plants down no more drilling holes in pots try these.


Well-Known Member
it's all good brother, and if the plants are looking good then dont chop them until they are ready and since you have clones then do the hempy grow, just put them in party cups after they root and when they get bigger you can cut the botton of the cup and put them in bigger containers and avoid transplant shock, i am experimenting with 24oz. cups all the way, i'll be posting how it goes


Well-Known Member
My 5 ladies are looking sexy, I've gone wild with them, I cut some lower branches on the 7th day to avoid undeveloped buds...
those clones got topped more than once like bonsai so I hope they dont get too tall, I only have 10 cfls in the flower closet
They are developing 3 and 4 colas so we'll see what happens...



Well-Known Member
I just hang the whole plant upside down for a day or two then i manicure and dry for 2 more days or until the nugs feel crispy then i put it in an air tight container opening it every couple of hours to release moisture and that's it